
Infragistics.Documents.Reports.Graphics Namespace

ClassBrush Represents an abstract base class for different types of brushes.
ClassBrushes Implements a set of predefined brushes.
ClassBWImageConverter Represents an implementation of Black and White converter.
ClassColor Represents a color.
ClassColorBlend Represents a color blend.
ClassColorBlendEntry Represents an entry in a ColorBlend.
ClassColors Implements a set of predefined colors.
ClassDirectBrush Represents an abstract base class for direct or absolute types of brushes.
ClassFlateCompressor Represents an implementation of a Flate compressor.
ClassFont Represents a font.
ClassFontHashKey Represents a full font hash key.
ClassFontMetrics Represents the metrics used to calculate font sizing.
ClassFontPreferences Represents font preferences.
ClassFonts Implements a set of predefined fonts.
ClassGraphics Implements the IGraphics interface as a wrapper for the System.Drawing.Graphics object.
ClassGreyImageConverter Represents an implementation of Grey converter.
ClassHatchBrush Represents a hatched brush.
ClassImage Represents an image.
ClassImageCompressor Represents a base compressor class.
ClassImageCompressors Represents different types of image compressors.
ClassImageConverter Represents a base converter class.
ClassImageConverters Represents a static collection of different types of image converters.
ClassImagePreferences Represents preferences for a Image object.
ClassIndirectBrush Represents an abstract base class for indirect or floating types of brushes.
ClassJPEGCompressor Represents an implementation of a JPEG compressor.
ClassLinearGradientBrush Represents a linear gradient brush.
ClassLinearGradientDirectBrush Represents a direct linear gradient brush.
ClassMatrix Encapsulates a 3-by-3 affine matrix that represents a geometric transform.
ClassMetafile Represents a metafile.
ClassMetafilePreferences Defines metafile preferences.
ClassPath Represents a graphics path.
ClassPen Represents a pen.
ClassPens Implements a set of predefined pens.
ClassPoint Represents a point.
ClassPointCollection Represents a collection of points.
ClassRadialGradientBrush Represents a radial gradient brush.
ClassRadialGradientDirectBrush Represents a direct radial gradient brush.
ClassRectangle Represents a rectangle.
ClassRGBImageConverter Represents an implementation of RGB converter.
ClassSize Stores an ordered pair of float values, typically the width and height of a rectangle.
ClassSolidColorBrush Represents a solid color brush.
ClassTextureBrush Represents a texture brush.
ClassTextureDirectBrush Represents a direct texture brush.
InterfaceIFontMapper Defines a font mapping interface.
InterfaceIGraphics Defines methods to unify various drawing operations.
EnumerationBrushType Represents valid types of brushes.
EnumerationCompressorType Defines a type of an image compressor.
EnumerationConverterType Defines a type of an image converter.
EnumerationDashStyle Specifies the style of dashed lines.
EnumerationFillMode Specifies how the interior of a closed path is filled.
EnumerationFontStyle Specifies style information applied to text.
EnumerationGlassGradientStyle Specifies different types of glass gradients to be used for drawing.
EnumerationHatchStyle Defines hatched styles.
EnumerationLineCap Specifies cap styles.
EnumerationLineJoin Specifies how to join consecutive lines.
EnumerationMatrixOrder Specifies the order for matrix transform operations.
EnumerationPaintMode Specifies the painting mode for the current drawing operation.
EnumerationQuality Specifies the painting quality.
See Also

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