
Infragistics.Web.Mvc Namespace

ClassAbsoluteVolumeOscillatorIndicator<T> wrapper around AbsoluteVolumeOscillatorIndicatorModel class
ClassAbsoluteVolumeOscillatorIndicatorModel class describing absolute volume oscillator indicator object.
ClassAccumulationDistributionIndicator<T> wrapper around AccumulationDistributionIndicatorModel class
ClassAccumulationDistributionIndicatorModel class describing accumulation distribution indicator object.
ClassAdditionalDataField Similar to Tuple objects - used for getting information - sent from client to server side
ClassAnchoredCategorySeries<T,M,A> wrapper around AnchoredCategorySeriesModel class A wrapper to configure an anchored category series with a fluent interface.
ClassAnchoredCategorySeriesModel class describing anchored category series object.
ClassAnchoredRadialSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around AnchoredRadialSeriesModel class A wrapper for configuring an anchored radial series with a fluent interface.
ClassAnchoredRadialSeriesModel class describing anchored radial series object.
ClassAnnotationLayer<T,M,A> wrapper around AnnotationLayerModel class
ClassAnnotationLayerModel class describing annotation layer object.
ClassArc<T> wrapper around ArcModel class
ClassArcModel class describing arc object.
ClassAreaFragment<T> wrapper around AreaFragmentModel class
ClassAreaFragmentModel class describing area fragment object.
ClassAreaSeries<T> wrapper around AreaSeriesModel class
ClassAreaSeriesModel class describing area series object.
ClassAssemblyVersion Specifies the version of the assembly being attributed.
ClassAverageDirectionalIndexIndicator<T> wrapper around AverageDirectionalIndexIndicatorModel class
ClassAverageDirectionalIndexIndicatorModel class describing average directional index indicator object.
ClassAverageTrueRangeIndicator<T> wrapper around AverageTrueRangeIndicatorModel class
ClassAverageTrueRangeIndicatorModel class describing average true range indicator object.
ClassAxesBuilder<T> Provides a fluent interface for adding various axes to a chart.
ClassAxis<T,M,A> wrapper around AxisModel class wrapper around the Axis class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names
ClassAxisBase<T> A wrapper for configuring an axis with a fluent interface.
ClassAxisModel class describing axis object. Model containing the options for the igDataChart widget
ClassBackgroundContent<T> wrapper around the BackgroundContent class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names
ClassBackgroundContentBuilder Provides a fluent interface for adding various Background Content to a chart.
ClassBackgroundContentModel Stores configuration information for a map BackgroundContent.
ClassBarcodeClientEvents Names of client events exposed by the barcode
ClassBarFragment<T> wrapper around BarFragmentModel class
ClassBarFragmentModel class describing bar fragment object.
ClassBarSeries<T> wrapper around BarSeriesModel class
ClassBarSeriesModel class describing bar series object.
ClassBaseDropEditorClientEvents Names of base client events exposed by all editor controls with drop down functionality.
ClassBaseEditorClientEvents Names of base client events exposed by all editor controls.
ClassBaseEditorModel Class describing base options available for the igEditors.
ClassBaseEditorWrapper<T,TOut> Base class for Editor MVC Chaining helpers.
ClassBaseGridColumnMovingWrapper<T,TOut> wrapper around the grid ColumnMoving object
ClassBaseGridFeatureFactory Base Grid feature factory class - exposes a method which instantiates grid feature by feature name(like "filtering", "sorting", "paging", etc.)
ClassBaseGridFilteringWrapper<T,TOut> wrapper around the grid Filtering object
ClassBaseGridPagingWrapper<T,TOut> wrapper around the grid Paging object
ClassBaseGridResizingWrapper<T,TOut> wrapper around the grid Resizing object
ClassBaseGridRowSelectorsWrapper<T,TOut> wrapper around the grid RowSelectors object
ClassBaseGridSelectionWrapper<T,TOut> wrapper around the grid Selection object
ClassBaseGridSortingWrapper<T,TOut> wrapper around the grid Sorting object
ClassBaseGridUpdatingWrapper<T,TOut> wrapper around the grid Updating object
ClassBaseGridWrapper<T,TOut> Grid definition containing methods that can be chained. Implementation of the Fluent design pattern which allows the control to be configured directly in the view
ClassBaseTextEditorClientEvents Names of base client events exposed by all editor controls with text input.
ClassBingMaps A wrapper to configure a bing maps background content with a fluent interface.
ClassBingMapsModel Model containing the options for the Bing Maps background content.
ClassBollingerBandsOverlay<T> wrapper around BollingerBandsOverlayModel class
ClassBollingerBandsOverlayModel class describing bollingerbands overlay object.
ClassBollingerBandWidthIndicator<T> wrapper around BollingerBandWidthIndicatorModel class
ClassBollingerBandWidthIndicatorModel class describing bollingerband width indicator object.
ClassBorderLayoutModel Model describing the border layout mode of the igLayoutManager
ClassBorderLayoutWrapper Wrapper for BorderLayoutModel
ClassBrush wrapper around the Brush class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names
ClassBrushModel Stores configuration information for a chart Brush.
ClassBubbleSeries<T> wrapper around BubbleSeriesModel class
ClassBubbleSeriesModel class describing bubble series object.
ClassBulletGraph<T> wrapper around BulletGraphModel class wrapper around BulletGraphModel class
ClassBulletGraphClientEvents Names of client events exposed by BulletGraph (igBulletGraph widget)
ClassBulletGraphModel class describing bullet graph object.
ClassBulletGraphRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassCanvasRectModel Represents a rectangle in a canvas.
ClassCategoryAngleAxis<T> wrapper around CategoryAngleAxisModel class
ClassCategoryAngleAxisModel class describing category angle axis object.
ClassCategoryAxisBase<T,M,A> wrapper around CategoryAxisBaseModel class
ClassCategoryAxisBaseModel class describing category axis base object.
ClassCategoryChart<T> Wrapper for CategoryChartModel model wrapper around CategoryChartModel class
ClassCategoryChartModel Model containing the options for the igCategoryChart widget class describing categorychart object.
ClassCategoryChartRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassCategoryDateTimeXAxis<T> wrapper around CategoryDateTimeXAxisModel class
ClassCategoryDateTimeXAxisModel class describing category date time x axis object.
ClassCategoryHighlightLayer<T> wrapper around CategoryHighlightLayerModel class
ClassCategoryHighlightLayerModel class describing category highlight layer object.
ClassCategoryItemHighlightLayer<T> wrapper around CategoryItemHighlightLayerModel class
ClassCategoryItemHighlightLayerModel class describing category item highlight layer object.
ClassCategorySeries<T,M,A> wrapper around CategorySeriesModel class
ClassCategorySeriesModel class describing category series object.
ClassCategoryToolTipLayer<T> wrapper around CategoryToolTipLayerModel class
ClassCategoryToolTipLayerModel class describing category tool tip layer object.
ClassCategoryXAxis<T> wrapper around CategoryXAxisModel class
ClassCategoryXAxisModel class describing category x axis object. Stores configuration information for a category x axis.
ClassCategoryYAxis<T> wrapper around CategoryYAxisModel class
ClassCategoryYAxisModel class describing category y axis object.
ClassCellMergingColumnSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Cell Merging)
ClassCellMergingColumnSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the CellMergingColumnSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassCellMergingColumnSettingWrapper class used to wrap the CellMergingColumnSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassChaikinOscillatorIndicator<T> wrapper around ChaikinOscillatorIndicatorModel class
ClassChaikinOscillatorIndicatorModel class describing chaikin oscillator indicator object.
ClassChaikinVolatilityIndicator<T> wrapper around ChaikinVolatilityIndicatorModel class
ClassChaikinVolatilityIndicatorModel class describing chaikin volatility indicator object.
ClassChartModelBase Model containing the options for the igFunnelChart widget
ClassCheckBoxEditorClientEvents Names of client events exposed by the CheckBoxEditor.
ClassCheckBoxEditorModel Model containing the options for the igCheckBoxEditor widget
ClassCheckBoxEditorWrapper Wrapper for CheckBoxEditorModel model.
ClassCheckBoxEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal generic wrapper for CurrencyEditorModel model.
ClassCloudMadeMaps A wrapper to configure a could made maps background content with a fluent interface.
ClassCloudMadeMapsModel Model containing the options for the Cloud Made Maps background content.
ClassColorPickerClientEvents Names of client events exposed by ColorPicker (igColorPicker widget)
ClassColorPickerModel Class describing options available for the ColorPicker.
ClassColorPickerWrapper Wrapper for ColorPickerModel model.
ClassColorScale<T> Wrapper for ColorScaleBaseModel class
ClassColorScaleBaseModel Model containing the options for the ColorScale property
ClassColorScaleBuilder Provides a fluent interface for adding various ColorScale.
ClassColorStop wrapper around the ColorStop class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names
ClassColorStopModel Stores configuration information for a ColorStop.
ClassColorStopsBuilder Provides a fluent interface for adding various color stops to a gradient brush.
ClassColumnEditingSettingBase base class for custom settings per column
ClassColumnEditingSettingWrapperBase<T,TOut> class used to wrap the ColumnEditingSettingBase, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassColumnFilteringCheckBoxEditorOptionsWrapper Checkbox editor options for column filtering.
ClassColumnFilteringComboEditorOptionsWrapper Combo editor options for column filtering.
ClassColumnFilteringDateEditorOptionsWrapper Date-time editor and date-picker options for column filtering.
ClassColumnFilteringMaskEditorOptionsWrapper Mask editor options for column filtering.
ClassColumnFilteringNumericEditorOptionsWrapper Numeric, currency and percent editor options for column filtering.
ClassColumnFilteringSetting class describing a column filtering settingo bject
ClassColumnFilteringSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnFilterSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassColumnFilteringSettingWrapper class used to wrap the ColumnFilteringSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassColumnFilteringTextEditorOptionsWrapper Text editor options for column filtering.
ClassColumnFilteringTimePickerOptionsWrapper Time-picker options for column filtering.
ClassColumnFixingClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Column Fixing (igGridColumnFixing widget)
ClassColumnFixingSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Column Fixing)
ClassColumnFixingSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnFixingSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassColumnFixingSettingWrapper class used to wrap the ColumnFixingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassColumnFragment<T,M,A> wrapper around ColumnFragmentModel class
ClassColumnFragmentModel class describing column fragment object.
ClassColumnHidingSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Hiding)
ClassColumnHidingSettingBuilder helper class to build the ColumnHidingSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassColumnHidingSettingWrapper class used to wrap the ColumnHidingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed
ClassColumnMovingSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Column Moving)
ClassColumnMovingSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnMovingSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassColumnMovingSettingWrapper class used to wrap the ColumnMovingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassColumnResizingSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Resizing)
ClassColumnResizingSettingBuilder helper class to build the ColumnResizingSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassColumnResizingSettingWrapper class used to wrap the ColumnResizingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed
ClassColumnSeries<T> wrapper around ColumnSeriesModel class
ClassColumnSeriesModel class describing column series object.
ClassColumnSetting Base class for colmn settings
ClassColumnSortingSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Sorting)
ClassColumnSortingSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnSortingSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassColumnSortingSettingWrapper class used to wrap the ColumnSortingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassColumnSummariesSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Summaries)
ClassColumnSummariesSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnSummariesSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassColumnSummariesSettingWrapper class used to wrap the ColumnSummariesSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassColumnTooltipsSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Tooltips)
ClassColumnTooltipsSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnTooltipsSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassColumnTooltipsSettingWrapper class used to wrap the ColumnTooltipsSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassColumnUpdatingCheckBoxEditorOptionsWrapper Checkbox editor options for column updating.
ClassColumnUpdatingComboEditorOptions Combo editor options for column updating.
ClassColumnUpdatingComboEditorOptionsWrapper Combo editor options for column updating.
ClassColumnUpdatingDateEditorOptionsWrapper Date-time editor and date-picker options for column updating.
ClassColumnUpdatingMaskEditorOptionsWrapper Mask editor options for column updating.
ClassColumnUpdatingNumericEditorOptionsWrapper Numeric, currency and percent editor options for column updating.
ClassColumnUpdatingRatingEditorOptions Rating editor options for column updating.
ClassColumnUpdatingRatingEditorOptionsWrapper Rating editor options for column updating.
ClassColumnUpdatingSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Updating)
ClassColumnUpdatingSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ColumnUpdatingSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassColumnUpdatingSettingWrapper class used to wrap the ColumnUpdatingSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassColumnUpdatingTextEditorOptionsWrapper Text editor options for column updating.
ClassColumnUpdatingTimePickerOptionsWrapper Time-picker options for column updating.
ClassColumnWidths Class defining column widths per column type
ClassColumnWidthsWrapper Wrapper around the column widths object
ClassComboClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Combo (igCombo widget)
ClassComboDataSourceActionAttribute this is an attribute class which extends the mvc FilterAttribute. It should be put on top of the controller method that should return JSON (even though in the user code it will return Action Result). The idea of this filter is to transform the ActionResult into a JsonResult instance, taking into account filtering Request params. Since MVC doesn't have ViewState, we will need to infer all the features from the request itself, that's the only information we have regarding any previous state.
ClassComboGrouping ComboGrouping model
ClassComboGroupingWrapper Wrapper for ComboGrouping model.
ClassComboInitialSelectedItemsSettings Initial selected items settings
ClassComboInitialSelectedItemsSettingsBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ComboInitialSelectedItemsSettings collection in the MVC View
ClassComboInitialSelectedItemsSettingsWrapper<T> class used to wrap the InitialSelectedItemsSettings, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igCombo via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassComboJsonResult Custom extension of LargeJsonResult to handle total count or items in data used by async LoadOnDemand
ClassComboLoadOnDemandSettings Validator action and appearance options.
ClassComboLoadOnDemandSettingsWrapper Wrapper for ComboLoadOnDemandSettings model.
ClassComboLocaleOptions Model for the strings used for combo button titles and placeholders. Note: Locale properties take priority over those defined in $.ig.Combo.locale in localization script files.
ClassComboLocaleOptionsWrapper Wrapper for ComboLocaleOptions model.
ClassComboModel Class describing options available for the Combo.
ClassComboMultiSelectionSettings Multi selection action and options.
ClassComboMultiSelectionSettingsBuilder helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ComboMultiSelectionSettings in the MVC View
ClassComboMultiSelectionSettingsWrapper Wrapper for ComboMultiSelectionSettings model.
ClassComboWrapper Wrapper for ComboModel model.
ClassCommodityChannelIndexIndicator<T> wrapper around CommodityChannelIndexIndicatorModel class
ClassCommodityChannelIndexIndicatorModel class describing commoditychannel index indicator object.
ClassContourLineSeries<T> wrapper around ContourLineSeriesModel class
ClassContourLineSeriesModel class describing contour line series object.
ClassContourValueResolver<T> Wrapper for ContourValueResolverModel model
ClassContourValueResolverBuilder Provides a fluent interface for adding various FillScale to a bubble series.
ClassContourValueResolverModel Model containing the options for the ValueResolver property
ClassCrosshairLayer<T> wrapper around CrosshairLayerModel class
ClassCrosshairLayerModel class describing crosshair layer object.
ClassCubeMetadata Model containing the cube metadata for FlatDataSource.
ClassCubeMetadataWrapper Wrapper for CubeMetadata model.
ClassCurrencyEditorClientEvents Names of client events exposed by the CurrencyEditor.
ClassCurrencyEditorModel Model used by CurrencyEditor
ClassCurrencyEditorWrapper Wrapper for CurrencyEditorModel model.
ClassCurrencyEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal generic wrapper for CurrencyEditorModel model.
ClassCustomIndicator<T> wrapper around CustomIndicatorModel class
ClassCustomIndicatorModel class describing custom indicator object.
ClassCustomPalette A wrapper to configure custom palette content with a fluent interface.
ClassCustomPaletteBrushScale A wrapper to configure a custom palette brush scale content with a fluent interface.
ClassCustomPaletteBrushScaleModel Model containing the options for the CustomPaletteBrushScale property
ClassCustomPaletteModel Model containing the options for the CustomPalette property
ClassCustomToolbarModel Model containing the options for the Formatting toolbar.
ClassCustomToolbarWrapper Wrapper for CustomToolbarModel model.
ClassCustomValidatorRule Specifies settings for the custom function rule.
ClassDataChart<T> wrapper around DataChartModel class Wrapper for DataChartModel model
ClassDataChartModel class describing data chart object. Model containing the options for the igDataChart widget
ClassDataChartRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassDataSelectorPanelSettings Model containing the settings for the panel containing the igPivotDataSelector inside the igPivotView.
ClassDataSelectorPanelSettingsWrapper Wrapper for DataSelectorPanelSettings model.
ClassDataSourceActionAttribute This is an attribute class, which extends the mvc FilterAttribute. It should be put on top of a controller's method, which should return JSON (even though in the user code it will return Action Result). If that attribute is used for FunnelChart or Sparkline, then only fields used by those charts are passed to client. Otherwise, all data are passed to client: similar to Controller.Json(data)
ClassDataSourceOptions Model containing the options for OLAP data source.
ClassDataSourceOptionsWrapper Wrapper for DataSourceOptions model.
ClassDataUtils utilities for converting various objects to JSON
ClassDateEditorClientEvents Names of client events exposed by the DateEditor.
ClassDateEditorModel Model used by Date Editor.
ClassDateEditorWrapper Wrapper for DateEditorModel model.
ClassDateEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal generic wrapper for the DateEditorModel model.
ClassDatePickerClientEvents Names of client events exposed by the DatePicker.
ClassDatePickerModel Model used by DatePicker.
ClassDatePickerOptions Options applied to the date editor calendar, using jQuery datepicker API.
ClassDatePickerOptionsWrapper Wrapper for DatePickerOptions model.
ClassDatePickerWrapper Wrapper for DatePickerModel model.
ClassDatePickerWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal generic wrapper for the DatePickerModel model.
ClassDefaultFilterExpression class that describes a default filtering expression applied on a specific column
ClassDefaultFilterExpressionBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the DefaultFilterExpression collection in the MVC View
ClassDefaultFilterExpressionWrapper class used to wrap the DefaultFilterExpression, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassDetrendedPriceOscillatorIndicator<T> wrapper around DetrendedPriceOscillatorIndicatorModel class
ClassDetrendedPriceOscillatorIndicatorModel class describing detrended price oscillator indicator object.
ClassDialogClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Dialog (igDialog widget)
ClassDialogModel Class describing options available for the Dialog.
ClassDialogWrapper Wrapper for DialogModel model.
ClassDimensionMetadata Model containing a dimension metadata for FlatDataSource.
ClassDimensionMetadataBuilder Builder for DimensionMetadata model.
ClassDimensionMetadataWrapper Wrapper for DimensionMetadata model.
ClassDomainChart<T,M,A> wrapper around DomainChartModel class
ClassDomainChartModel class describing domain chart object.
ClassDoughnutChart<T> wrapper around DoughnutChartModel class wrapper around DoughnutChartModel class
ClassDoughnutChartClientEvents Names of client events exposed by DoughnutChart (igDoughnutChart widget)
ClassDoughnutChartModel class describing doughnut chart object. class describing doughnut chart object.
ClassDoughnutChartRenderer Renders a pie chart model into the representative JavaScript and JSON.
ClassEaseOfMovementIndicator<T> wrapper around EaseOfMovementIndicatorModel class
ClassEaseOfMovementIndicatorModel class describing ease of movement indicator object.
ClassEditorClientEvents Names of client events exposed by editor such as TextEditor, PercentEditor, NumericEditor, CurrencyEditor, MaskEditor, DateEditor and DatePicker

Note: Not all events are applicable for every editor. Please reffer to the events API documentation of the specific control.

ClassEditorLocaleOptions Model for the strings used for button titles. Note: Locale properties take priority over those defined in $.ig.Editor.locale in localization script files.
ClassEditorLocaleOptionsWrapper Wrapper for EditorLocaleOptions model.
ClassEditorValidatorOptions Class describing the options available for the Validator when cofigured through another widget.
ClassEditorValidatorOptionsWrapper Options wrapper for EditorValidatorOptions used to intialize validator in other controls.
ClassEqualToValidatorRule Specifies settings for range rule for value.
ClassFastStochasticOscillatorIndicator<T> wrapper around FastStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel class
ClassFastStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel class describing fast stochastic oscillator indicator object.
ClassFileUploadingEventArgs EventArguments class initialized when the whole request of the file is processed and it should be saved from temporary file to original file Cancellable event argument
ClassFillScale<T> Wrapper for FillScaleBaseModel model
ClassFillScaleBaseModel Model containing the options for the FillScale property
ClassFillScaleBuilder Provides a fluent interface for adding various FillScale to a bubble series.
ClassFilterExpression class that describes a filtering expression applied on a sepcific column
ClassFilteringCustomCondition Class defining custom condition properties
ClassFilteringCustomConditions Class defining custom condition properties
ClassFilteringCustomConditionsWrapper Wrapper around the filtering custom conditions object
ClassFilteringCustomConditionWrapper Wrapper around the filtering custom condition object
ClassFilteringExtensions filtering extensions
ClassFinancialIndicator<T,M,A> wrapper around FinancialIndicatorModel class
ClassFinancialIndicatorModel class describing financial indicator object.
ClassFinancialOverlay<T,M,A> wrapper around FinancialOverlayModel class
ClassFinancialOverlayModel class describing financial overlay object.
ClassFinancialPriceSeries<T> wrapper around FinancialPriceSeriesModel class
ClassFinancialPriceSeriesModel class describing financial price series object.
ClassFinancialSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around FinancialSeriesModel class A wrapper for creating a Financial Series with a fluent interface.
ClassFinancialSeriesModel class describing financial series object.
ClassFlatDataOptions Model containing the options for FlatDataSource.
ClassFlatDataOptionsWrapper Wrapper for FlatDataOptions model.
ClassFlatDataSourceMetadata Model containing the metadata for FlatDataSource.
ClassFlatDataSourceMetadataWrapper Wrapper for FlatDataSourceMetadata model.
ClassForceIndexIndicator<T> wrapper around ForceIndexIndicatorModel class
ClassForceIndexIndicatorModel class describing force index indicator object.
ClassFragmentBase<T,M,A> wrapper around FragmentBaseModel class
ClassFragmentBaseModel class describing fragment base object.
ClassFullStochasticOscillatorIndicator<T> wrapper around FullStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel class
ClassFullStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel class describing full stochastic oscillator indicator object.
ClassFunnelChart<T> Wrapper for FunnelChartModel model wrapper around FunnelChartModel class
ClassFunnelChartClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Combo (igCombo widget)
ClassFunnelChartModel Model containing the options for the igFunnelChart widget class describing funnel chart object.
ClassFunnelChartRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassGeographicContourLineSeries<T> wrapper around GeographicContourLineSeriesModel class wrapper around GeographicContourLineSeriesModel class
ClassGeographicContourLineSeriesModel class describing geographic contour line series object. Model containing the options for the ValueResolver property
ClassGeographicHighDensityScatterSeries<T> wrapper around GeographicHighDensityScatterSeriesModel class
ClassGeographicHighDensityScatterSeriesModel class describing geographic high density scatter series object.
ClassGeographicMapSeriesHost<T,M,A> wrapper around GeographicMapSeriesHostModel class
ClassGeographicMapSeriesHostModel class describing geographic map series host object.
ClassGeographicPolylineSeries<T> wrapper around GeographicPolylineSeriesModel class
ClassGeographicPolylineSeriesModel class describing geographic polyline series object.
ClassGeographicProportionalSymbolSeries<T> wrapper around GeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesModel class
ClassGeographicProportionalSymbolSeriesModel class describing geographic proportional symbol series object.
ClassGeographicScatterAreaSeries<T> wrapper around GeographicScatterAreaSeriesModel class
ClassGeographicScatterAreaSeriesModel class describing geographic scatter area series object.
ClassGeographicShapeSeries<T> wrapper around GeographicShapeSeriesModel class
ClassGeographicShapeSeriesBase<T,M,A> wrapper around GeographicShapeSeriesBaseModel class
ClassGeographicShapeSeriesBaseModel class describing geographic shape series base object.
ClassGeographicShapeSeriesModel class describing geographic shape series object.
ClassGeographicSymbolSeries<T> wrapper around GeographicSymbolSeriesModel class
ClassGeographicSymbolSeriesModel class describing geographic symbol series object.
ClassGeographicTileSeries<T> wrapper around GeographicTileSeriesModel class
ClassGeographicTileSeriesModel class describing geographic tile series object.
ClassGeographicXYTriangulatingSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around GeographicXYTriangulatingSeriesModel class
ClassGeographicXYTriangulatingSeriesModel class describing geographic x y triangulating series object.
ClassGridAppendRowsOnDemand class defining grid load on demand options
ClassGridAppendRowsOnDemandClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid AppendRowsOnDemand (igGridAppendRowsOnDemand widget)
ClassGridAppendRowsOnDemandWrapper wrapper around the GridAppendRowsOnDemand class
ClassGridCellMerging class defining grid cellmerging options
ClassGridCellMergingClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Cell Merging (igGridCellMerging widget)
ClassGridCellMergingWrapper wrapper around the grid row selectors object
ClassGridClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Framework (igGrid widget)
ClassGridColumnBuilder<T> builder for columns - implements Fluent pattern and incorporates typed column lookup through lambda expressions
ClassGridColumnExpression Base class for filtering and sorting expressions
ClassGridColumnFixing class defining grid column fixing options
ClassGridColumnFixingWrapper wrapper around the grid ColumnFixing object
ClassGridColumnLayout<T> ColumnLayout wrapper
ClassGridColumnLayoutModel the GridColumnLayoutModel class extends the GridModel, by adding properties such as Key and ForeignKey
ClassGridColumnMoving class defining grid column moving options
ClassGridColumnMovingClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Column Moving (igGridColumnMoving widget)
ClassGridColumnMovingWrapper wrapper around the grid ColumnMoving object
ClassGridColumnWrapper<T> wrapper around the GridColumn class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names
ClassGridDataSourceActionAttribute this is an attribute class which extends the mvc FilterAttribute. It should be put on top of the controller method that should return JSON (even though in the user code it will return Action Result). The idea of this filter is to transform the ActionResult into a JsonResult instance, taking into account all Request params such as paging, sorting, and filtering. Since MVC doesn't have ViewState, we will need to infer all the features from the request itself, that's the only information we have regarding any previous state.
ClassGridFeature base class for all grid features
ClassGridFeatureBuilder<T> builder class allowing fluent syntax for grid features such as paging, sorting, filtering, etc.
ClassGridFeatureFactory The Grid factory is used to create specific(for the grid) feature instance. Usually instance of this class is used in GridDataSourceActionAttribute for creating feature instances according to the query string parameters (Example: For Grid - it instantiates GridFiltering, GridPaging, GridSummaries, etc.)
ClassGridFiltering Describes the grid filtering feature
ClassGridFilteringClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Filtering (igGridFiltering widget)
ClassGridFilteringWrapper wrapper around GridFiltering, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax
ClassGridGroupBy GroupBy Feature
ClassGridGroupByClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid GroupBy (igGridGroupBy widget)
ClassGridGroupByWrapper wrapper around the GridGroupBy class
ClassGridHiding class defining grid hiding options
ClassGridHidingClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Hiding (igGridHiding widget)
ClassGridHidingWrapper wrapper around the grid hiding object
ClassGridInheritableFeature Inheritable features (for example selection is not inheritable, it's always on for all child grids)
ClassGridLayoutModel Model describing the grid layout mode of the igLayoutManager
ClassGridLayoutWrapper Wrapper for the GridLayoutModel
ClassGridModel model class describing all options of the grid, including data binding logic, etc.
ClassGridMultiColumnHeaders class defining grid multicolumn headers options
ClassGridMultiColumnHeadersClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Multi-column Headers (igGridMultiColumnHeaders widget)
ClassGridMultiColumnHeadersWrapper wrapper around the grid Multi Column Headers object
ClassGridOptions Model containing the options of the igGrid inside the igPivotGrid.
ClassGridOptionsFeatureBuilder Builder for GridFeature model.
ClassGridOptionsWrapper Wrapper for GridOptions model.
ClassGridPaging defines options for the GridPaging feature
ClassGridPagingClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Paging (igGridPaging widget)
ClassGridPagingWrapper wrapper around the GridPaging class
ClassGridRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassGridResizing class defining grid resizing options
ClassGridResizingClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Resizing (igGridResizing widget)
ClassGridResizingWrapper wrapper around the grid resizing object
ClassGridResponsive Class defining grid responsive ui options
ClassGridResponsiveClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Responsive (igGridResponsive widget)
ClassGridResponsiveWrapper Wrapper around the grid responsive object
ClassGridRowSelectors class defining grid rowselectors options
ClassGridRowSelectorsClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Row Selectors (igGridRowSelectors widget)
ClassGridRowSelectorsWrapper wrapper around the grid row selectors object
ClassGridSelection grid selection feature
ClassGridSelectionClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Selection (igGridSelection widget)
ClassGridSelectionWrapper wrapper around the grid sorting object. exposes all properties as methods which return the same object in order to preserve chaining and implement the Fluent pattern
ClassGridSorting class defining grid sorting options
ClassGridSortingClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Sorting (igGridSorting widget)
ClassGridSortingWrapper wrapper around the grid sorting object
ClassGridSummaries class defining grid Summaries options
ClassGridSummariesClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Summaries (igGridSummaries widget)
ClassGridSummariesWrapper wrapper around the grid Summaries object
ClassGridTooltips class defining grid tooltips options
ClassGridTooltipsClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Tooltips (igGridTooltips widget)
ClassGridTooltipsWrapper wrapper around the grid tooltips object
ClassGridUpdating defines options for the Updating feature
ClassGridUpdatingClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Grid Updating (igGridUpdating widget)
ClassGridUpdatingWrapper wrapper for the Updating feature
ClassGridWrapper<T> Grid definition containing methods that can be chained. Implementation of the Fluent design pattern which allows the control to be configured directly in the view
ClassGroupByColumnSettingWrapper class used to wrap the GroupByColumnSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassGroupByGroupSummaries Configures groupSummaries
ClassGroupByGroupSummariesBuilder<T> expression builder for groupby groupSummaries
ClassGroupByGroupSummary configures a group by group summary
ClassGroupByGroupSummaryWrapper class wrapping the group summary object
ClassGroupBySummariesBuilder<T> expression builder for groupby summaries
ClassGroupBySummary configures a group by summary
ClassGroupBySummarySettings GroupBySummarySettings
ClassGroupBySummaryWrapper class wrapping the summary object
ClassGroupOptionsBuilder<T> Allows usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the GroupOptionsModel collection in the MVC View
ClassGroupOptionsModel Group options model
ClassGroupOptionsWrapper Wrap the SummaryGroupModel, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassHeaderTemplateWrapper Wrapper around the header template object
ClassHierarchicalGridClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Hierarchical Grid Framework (igHierarchicalGrid widget)
ClassHierarchicalRingSeries<T> wrapper around HierarchicalRingSeriesModel class wrapper around HierarchicalRingSeriesModel class
ClassHierarchicalRingSeriesModel class describing hierarchical ring series object. class describing hierarchical ring series object.
ClassHierarchyMetadata Model containing a hierarchy metadata for FlatDataSource.
ClassHierarchyMetadataBuilder Builder for HierarchyMetadata model.
ClassHierarchyMetadataWrapper Wrapper for HierarchyMetadata model.
ClassHighDensityScatterSeries<T> wrapper around HighDensityScatterSeriesModel class
ClassHighDensityScatterSeriesModel class describing high density scatter series object.
ClassHorizontalAnchoredCategorySeries<T,M,A> wrapper around HorizontalAnchoredCategorySeriesModel class
ClassHorizontalAnchoredCategorySeriesModel class describing horizontal anchored category series object.
ClassHorizontalRangeCategorySeries<T,M,A> wrapper around HorizontalRangeCategorySeriesModel class
ClassHorizontalRangeCategorySeriesModel class describing horizontal range category series object.
ClassHorizontalStackedSeriesBase<T,M,A> wrapper around HorizontalStackedSeriesBaseModel class
ClassHorizontalStackedSeriesBaseModel class describing horizontal stacked series base object.
ClassHtmlEditorClientEvents Client events exposed by the igHtmlEditor widget
ClassHtmlEditorFontFormats Model containing the options for HtmlEditor's FontFormats feature.
ClassHtmlEditorFontNames Model containing the options for HtmlEditor's FontNames feature.
ClassHtmlEditorFontSizes Model containing the options for HtmlEditor's FontSizes feature.
ClassHtmlEditorModel Model containing the options for the HtmlEditor widget.
ClassHtmlEditorWrapper Wrapper for HtmlEditorModel
ClassHtmlHelperExtensions extensions class to access all MVC wrappers
ClassInfragisticsSuite<TModel> HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igColorPicker control Container of Combo. HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods Helpers to create igDialog. HTML Helper extension methods Container of TextEditor HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igLayoutManager control Container of Loader. HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igNotifier control Container of OlapDataSourceWidget. Container of PivotDataSelector. Container of PivotGrid. Container of PivotView. HTML Helper extension methods for the igPopover control Container of Rating. Container of Scheduler. HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igSplitter control Container of Spreadsheet. HTML Helper extension methods for the igTileManager control HTML Helper extension methods HTML Helper extension methods for the igTree control Extensions for data annotations Container of Validator HTML Helper extension methods for the igZoombar control
ClassItemLegend<T> wrapper around ItemLegendModel class
ClassItemLegendModel class describing item legend object.
ClassItemToolTipLayer<T> wrapper around ItemToolTipLayerModel class
ClassItemToolTipLayerModel class describing item tool tip layer object.
ClassItemwiseStrategyBasedIndicator<T,M,A> wrapper around ItemwiseStrategyBasedIndicatorModel class
ClassItemwiseStrategyBasedIndicatorModel class describing itemwise strategy basedindicator object.
ClassLargeJsonResult implementation of a custom extension of JsonResult to handle the issues with large JSON results
ClassLayoutConfiguration Model describing igTileManager's layout configuration option
ClassLayoutConfigurationItem Model describing igLayoutManager's layout configuration item option
ClassLayoutConfigurationItemBuilder Builder for the LayoutConfigurationItem
ClassLayoutConfigurationItemWrapper Wrapper for the LayoutConfigurationItem widget
ClassLayoutConfigurationWrapper Wrapper for LayoutConfiguration
ClassLayoutManagerClientEvents Client events exposed by the igLayoutManager widget
ClassLayoutManagerModel Model describing the igLayoutManager widget
ClassLayoutManagerRenderer Javascript definition renderer for the igLayoutManager control
ClassLayoutManagerWrapper Wrapper for the LayoutManagerModel widget
ClassLegend<T> wrapper around LegendModel class wrapper around the Legend class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names
ClassLegendBase<T,M,A> wrapper around LegendBaseModel class wrapper around LegendBaseModel class
ClassLegendBaseModel class describing legend base object. class describing legend base object.
ClassLegendClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Legend
ClassLegendModel class describing legend object. Stores configuration information for a chart legend.
ClassLengthRangeValidatorRule Specifies settings for range rule for value.
ClassLevelMetadata Model containing a hierarchy level metadata for FlatDataSource.
ClassLevelMetadataBuilder Builder for LevelMetadata model.
ClassLevelMetadataWrapper Wrapper for LevelMetadata model.
ClassLevelSortDirection Model containing a level sort direction.
ClassLevelSortDirectionBuilder Builder for LevelSortDirection model.
ClassLevelSortDirectionWrapper Wrapper for LevelSortDirection model.
ClassLinearContourValueResolver A wrapper to configure a bing maps LinearContourValueResolver content with a fluent interface.
ClassLinearContourValueResolverModel Model containing the options for the ValueResolver property
ClassLinearGauge<T> wrapper around LinearGauge class wrapper around LinearGaugeModel class
ClassLinearGaugeClientEvents Names of client events exposed by LinearGauge (igLinearGauge widget)
ClassLinearGaugeModel class describing linear gauge object.
ClassLinearGaugeRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassLinearGraphRange<T> wrapper around BulletGraphRangeModel class wrapper around LinearGraphRangeModel class
ClassLinearGraphRangeModel class describing linear graph range object.
ClassLinearGraphRangesBuilder<T> Provides a fluent interface for adding various ranges to a bullet graph.
ClassLineFragment<T> wrapper around LineFragmentModel class
ClassLineFragmentModel class describing line fragment object.
ClassLineSeries<T> wrapper around LineSeriesModel class
ClassLineSeriesModel class describing line series object.
ClassLoaderModel Class describing options available for the Loader.
ClassLoaderWrapper Wrapper for LoaderModel model.
ClassMap<T> wrapper around MapModel class Wrapper for MapModel model
ClassMapModel class describing map object. Model containing the options for the igMap widget
ClassMapRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassMapSeriesBuilder<T> Provides a fluent interface for adding various series to a map.
ClassMarkerSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around MarkerSeriesModel class wrapper around MarkerSeriesModel class
ClassMarkerSeriesModel class describing marker series object. class describing marker series object.
ClassMarketFacilitationIndexIndicator<T> wrapper around MarketFacilitationIndexIndicatorModel class
ClassMarketFacilitationIndexIndicatorModel class describing market facilitation index indicator object.
ClassMaskEditorClientEvents Names of client events exposed by the MaskEditor.
ClassMaskEditorModel Model used by MaskEditor.
ClassMaskEditorWrapper Wrapper for MaskEditorModel model.
ClassMaskEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal generic wrapper for MaskEditorModel model.
ClassMassIndexIndicator<T> wrapper around MassIndexIndicatorModel class
ClassMassIndexIndicatorModel class describing mass index indicator object.
ClassMdxSettings Model containing the options for XmlaDataSource's MDX settings.
ClassMdxSettingsWrapper Wrapper for MdxSettings model.
ClassMeasureMetadata Model containing a measure metadata for FlatDataSource.
ClassMeasureMetadataBuilder Builder for MeasureMetadata model.
ClassMeasureMetadataWrapper Wrapper for MeasureMetadata model.
ClassMeasuresDimensionMetadata Model containing the measures dimension metadata for FlatDataSource.
ClassMeasuresDimensionMetadataWrapper Wrapper for MeasuresDimensionMetadata model.
ClassMedianPriceIndicator<T> wrapper around MedianPriceIndicatorModel class
ClassMedianPriceIndicatorModel class describing median price indicator object.
ClassModelBase A base class for all options models that provides easy serialization to JSON. The supported property types are string, int, bool, double, ModelBase(other models) or an IEnumerable of those.
ClassModelWidgetBase A base class for all options models, which need to expose ClientEvents raised by a widget.
ClassMoneyFlowIndexIndicator<T> wrapper around MoneyFlowIndexIndicatorModel class
ClassMoneyFlowIndexIndicatorModel class describing money flow index indicator object.
ClassMovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicator<T> wrapper around MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicatorModel class
ClassMovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicatorModel class describing moving average convergence divergence indicator object.
ClassNegativeVolumeIndexIndicator<T> wrapper around NegativeVolumeIndexIndicatorModel class
ClassNegativeVolumeIndexIndicatorModel class describing negative volume index indicator object.
ClassNotifierClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Notifier (igNotifier widget)
ClassNotifierMessages Messages model for the igNotifier
ClassNotifierModel Model containing the options for the igNotifier widget
ClassNotifierOptionsWrapper Options wrapper for NotifierModel
ClassNotifierRenderer Class used to render notifier control
ClassNotifierWrapper Wrapper for NotifierModel
ClassNotifierWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal implementation of the wrapper for NotifierModel
ClassNumberValidatorRule Specifies settings for the number rule.
ClassNumericAngleAxis<T> wrapper around NumericAngleAxisModel class
ClassNumericAngleAxisModel class describing numeric angle axis object.
ClassNumericAxisBase<T,M,A> wrapper around NumericAxisBaseModel class
ClassNumericAxisBaseModel class describing numeric axis base object.
ClassNumericEditorClientEvents Names of client events exposed by the NumericEditor.
ClassNumericEditorModel Model used by NumericEditor.
ClassNumericEditorWrapper Wrapper for NumericEditorModel model.
ClassNumericEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal generic wrapper for TextEditorModel model.
ClassNumericRadiusAxis<T> wrapper around NumericRadiusAxisModel class
ClassNumericRadiusAxisModel class describing numeric radius axis object.
ClassNumericXAxis<T> wrapper around NumericXAxisModel class
ClassNumericXAxisModel class describing numeric x axis object.
ClassNumericYAxis<T> wrapper around NumericYAxisModel class
ClassNumericYAxisModel class describing numeric y axis object. Stores configuration information for a numeric y axis.
ClassOlapDataSourceModel Class describing options available for the OlapDataSourceWidget.
ClassOlapDataSourceWrapper Wrapper for OlapDataSourceModel model.
ClassOnBalanceVolumeIndicator<T> wrapper around OnBalanceVolumeIndicatorModel class
ClassOnBalanceVolumeIndicatorModel class describing on balance volume indicator object.
ClassOpenStreetMaps A wrapper to configure a open street maps background content with a fluent interface.
ClassOpenStreetMapsModel Model containing the options for the Open Street Maps background content.
ClassPagingExtensions LINQ extensions for Skip, Take and Count
ClassPatternValidatorRule Specifies settings for the pattern rule for.
ClassPercentagePriceOscillatorIndicator<T> wrapper around PercentagePriceOscillatorIndicatorModel class
ClassPercentagePriceOscillatorIndicatorModel class describing percentageprice oscillator indicator object.
ClassPercentageVolumeOscillatorIndicator<T> wrapper around PercentageVolumeOscillatorIndicatorModel class
ClassPercentageVolumeOscillatorIndicatorModel class describing percentage volume oscillator indicator object.
ClassPercentEditorClientEvents Names of client events exposed by the PercentEditor.
ClassPercentEditorModel Model used by PercentEditor.
ClassPercentEditorWrapper Wrapper for CurrencyEditorModel model.
ClassPercentEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal generic wrapper for PercentEditorModel model.
ClassPieChart<T> wrapper around PieChartModel class A wrapper for configuring a pie chart with a fluent interface.
ClassPieChartBase<T,M,A> wrapper around PieChartBaseModel class A wrapper for configuring a PieChartBase with a fluent interface.
ClassPieChartBaseModel class describing pie chart base object. Stores configuration information for a PieChartBase.
ClassPieChartModel class describing pie chart object.
ClassPieChartRenderer Renders a pie chart model into the representative JavaScript and JSON.
ClassPivotDataSelectorClientEvents Names of client events exposed by PivotDataSelector (igPivotDataSelector widget)
ClassPivotDataSelectorModel Class describing options available for the PivotDataSelector.
ClassPivotDataSelectorWrapper Wrapper for PivotDataSelectorModel model.
ClassPivotDragAndDropSettings Model containing the settings for the Drag and Drop functionality.
ClassPivotDragAndDropSettingsWrapper Wrapper for PivotDragAndDropSettings model.
ClassPivotGridClientEvents Names of client events exposed by PivotGrid (igPivotGrid widget)
ClassPivotGridModel Class describing options available for the PivotGrid.
ClassPivotGridPanelSettings Model containing the settings for the panel containing the igPivotGrid inside the igPivotView.
ClassPivotGridPanelSettingsWrapper Wrapper for PivotGridPanelSettings model.
ClassPivotGridWrapper Wrapper for PivotGridModel model.
ClassPivotPanelSettingsBase Model containing the settings for the pivot panels inside the PivotView.
ClassPivotPanelSettingsBaseWrapper<T> Wrapper for PivotPanelSettingsBase model.
ClassPivotViewModel Class describing options available for the PivotView.
ClassPivotViewWrapper Wrapper for PivotViewModel model.
ClassPointModel Represents a point in a canvas.
ClassPointSeries<T> wrapper around PointSeriesModel class
ClassPointSeriesModel class describing point series object.
ClassPolarAreaSeries<T> wrapper around PolarAreaSeriesModel class
ClassPolarAreaSeriesModel class describing polar area series object.
ClassPolarBase<T,M,A> wrapper around PolarBaseModel class A wrapper for configuring a polar base series with a fluent interface.
ClassPolarBaseModel class describing polar base object.
ClassPolarLineSeries<T> wrapper around PolarLineSeriesModel class
ClassPolarLineSeriesBase<T,M,A> wrapper around PolarLineSeriesBaseModel class
ClassPolarLineSeriesBaseModel class describing polar line series base object.
ClassPolarLineSeriesModel class describing polar line series object.
ClassPolarScatterSeries<T> wrapper around PolarScatterSeriesModel class
ClassPolarScatterSeriesModel class describing polar scatter series object.
ClassPolarSplineAreaSeries<T> wrapper around PolarSplineAreaSeriesModel class
ClassPolarSplineAreaSeriesModel class describing polar spline area series object.
ClassPolarSplineSeries<T> wrapper around PolarSplineSeriesModel class
ClassPolarSplineSeriesModel class describing polar spline series object.
ClassPolylineSeries<T> wrapper around PolylineSeriesModel class
ClassPolylineSeriesModel class describing polyline series object.
ClassPopoverClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Popover (igPopover widget)
ClassPopoverModel Model containing the options for the igPopover widget
ClassPopoverRenderer Class used to render popover control
ClassPopoverWrapper Wrapper for PopoverModel
ClassPopoverWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal implementation of the wrapper for PopoverModel
ClassPositiveVolumeIndexIndicator<T> wrapper around PositiveVolumeIndexIndicatorModel class
ClassPositiveVolumeIndexIndicatorModel class describing positive volume index indicator object.
ClassPriceChannelOverlay<T> wrapper around PriceChannelOverlayModel class
ClassPriceChannelOverlayModel class describing price channel overlay object.
ClassPriceVolumeTrendIndicator<T> wrapper around PriceVolumeTrendIndicatorModel class
ClassPriceVolumeTrendIndicatorModel class describing price volume trend indicator object.
ClassQRCodeBarcode<T> wrapper around QRCodeBarcodeModel class wrapper around QRCodeBarcodeModel class
ClassQRCodeBarcodeModel class describing q r code barcode object.
ClassQRCodeBarcodeRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassRadialAreaSeries<T> wrapper around RadialAreaSeriesModel class
ClassRadialAreaSeriesModel class describing radial area series object.
ClassRadialBase<T,M,A> wrapper around RadialBaseModel class
ClassRadialBaseModel class describing radial base object.
ClassRadialColumnSeries<T> wrapper around RadialColumnSeriesModel class
ClassRadialColumnSeriesModel class describing radial column series object.
ClassRadialGauge<T> wrapper around RadialGaugeModel class wrapper around RadialGaugeModel class
ClassRadialGaugeClientEvents Names of client events exposed by RadialGauge (igRadialGauge widget)
ClassRadialGaugeModel class describing radial gauge object.
ClassRadialGaugeRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassRadialLineSeries<T> wrapper around RadialLineSeriesModel class
ClassRadialLineSeriesModel class describing radial line series object.
ClassRadialMenu<T> wrapper around RadialMenuModel class Wrapper around the RadialMenuModel class
ClassRadialMenuClientEvents Names of client events exposed by RadialMenu (igRadialMenu widget)
ClassRadialMenuColorItem<T> wrapper around RadialMenuColorItemModel class
ClassRadialMenuColorItemBase<T,M,A> wrapper around RadialMenuColorItemBaseModel class
ClassRadialMenuColorItemBaseClientEvents Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuColorItemBase
ClassRadialMenuColorItemBaseModel class describing radial menu color item base object.
ClassRadialMenuColorItemClientEvents Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuColorItem
ClassRadialMenuColorItemModel class describing radial menu color item object.
ClassRadialMenuColorWell<T> wrapper around RadialMenuColorWellModel class
ClassRadialMenuColorWellClientEvents Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuColorWell
ClassRadialMenuColorWellModel class describing radial menu color well object.
ClassRadialMenuItem<T> Wrapper for the RadialMenuItemModel
ClassRadialMenuItem<T,M,A> wrapper around RadialMenuItemModel class
ClassRadialMenuItemBase<T,M,A> wrapper around RadialMenuItemBaseModel class A wrapper for configuring an item for the igRadialMenu
ClassRadialMenuItemBaseClientEvents Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuItemBase
ClassRadialMenuItemBaseModel class describing radial menu item base object. Model class for the options for an item in an igRadialMenu
ClassRadialMenuItemBaseRoot<T> Base class for a wrapper for configuring a radial menu item with a fluent interface.
ClassRadialMenuItemBuilder<T> Class that provides a fluent interface for defining the items of an igRadialMenu
ClassRadialMenuItemClientEvents Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuItem
ClassRadialMenuItemModel class describing radial menu item object.
ClassRadialMenuModel class describing radial menu object.
ClassRadialMenuNumericGauge<T> wrapper around RadialMenuNumericGaugeModel class
ClassRadialMenuNumericGaugeClientEvents Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuNumericGauge
ClassRadialMenuNumericGaugeModel class describing radial menu numeric gauge object.
ClassRadialMenuNumericItem<T> wrapper around RadialMenuNumericItemModel class
ClassRadialMenuNumericItemClientEvents Names of client events exposed by RadialMenuNumericItem
ClassRadialMenuNumericItemModel class describing radial menu numeric item object.
ClassRadialMenuRenderer Renders a radial menu model into the representative JavaScript and JSON.
ClassRadialPieSeries<T> wrapper around RadialPieSeriesModel class
ClassRadialPieSeriesModel class describing radial pie series object.
ClassRange<T> wrapper around RangeModel class wrapper around RangeModel class
ClassRangeAreaSeries<T> wrapper around RangeAreaSeriesModel class
ClassRangeAreaSeriesModel class describing range area series object.
ClassRangeCategorySeries<T,M,A> wrapper around RangeCategorySeriesModel class A wrapper to configure a range category series with a fluent interface.
ClassRangeCategorySeriesModel class describing range category series object.
ClassRangeColumnSeries<T> wrapper around RangeColumnSeriesModel class
ClassRangeColumnSeriesModel class describing range column series object.
ClassRangeModel class describing range object.
ClassRangesBuilder<T> Provides a fluent interface for adding various ranges to a gauge.
ClassRateOfChangeAndMomentumIndicator<T> wrapper around RateOfChangeAndMomentumIndicatorModel class
ClassRateOfChangeAndMomentumIndicatorModel class describing rate of change and momentum indicator object.
ClassRatingClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Rating (igRating widget)
ClassRatingModel Class describing options available for the Rating.
ClassRatingVoteCSS Adds custom css classes for vote-item at particular index.
ClassRatingVoteCSSBuilder Builder for RatingVoteCSS model.
ClassRatingVoteCSSWrapper Wrapper for RatingVoteCSS model.
ClassRatingWrapper Wrapper for RatingModel model.
ClassRelativeStrengthIndexIndicator<T> wrapper around RelativeStrengthIndexIndicatorModel class
ClassRelativeStrengthIndexIndicatorModel class describing relative strength index indicator object.
ClassRendererBase Contains common rendering functionality for all widgets.
ClassRequestProcessor Class which manages processing http request - analyze header, analyzing and processing file chunks from http request
ClassResponsiveColumnConfiguration Class defining basic column responsive configuration
ClassResponsiveColumnConfigurationWrapper Wrapper around the responsive column configuration object
ClassResponsiveColumnSetting custom settings per column (igGrid Responsive)
ClassResponsiveColumnSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the ResponsiveColumnSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassResponsiveColumnSettingWrapper ResponsiveColumnSetting
ClassResponsiveMode Class defining basic responsive mode configuration
ClassResponsiveModeWrapper Wrapper around the responsive mode object
ClassResponsiveSetting Represents a responsive configuration with mode keys and their settings
ClassResponsiveSettingWrapper Wrapper around the responsive setting object
ClassRestSetting Base class for rest setting
ClassRestSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the RestSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassRestSettingWrapper class used to wrap the RestSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassRestVerbSetting Base class for rest verb setting
ClassRestVerbSettingBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the RestVerbSetting collection in the MVC View
ClassRestVerbSettingWrapper class used to wrap the RestVerbSetting, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassRingSeries<T> wrapper around RingSeriesModel class wrapper around RingSeriesModel class
ClassRingSeriesBase<T,M,A> wrapper around RingSeriesBaseModel class wrapper around RingSeriesBaseModel class
ClassRingSeriesBaseBase<T> A wrapper for configuring a series with a fluent interface.
ClassRingSeriesBaseModel class describing ring series base object. class describing ring series base object.
ClassRingSeriesBuilder<T> Provides a fluent interface for adding various series to a chart.
ClassRingSeriesModel class describing ring series object. class describing ring series object.
ClassRowEditDialogOptions Class defining row edit dialog options
ClassRowEditDialogOptionsWrapper wrapper for the RowEditDialogOptions class
ClassSafeDictionary<TKey,TValue> Thread safe dictionary
ClassScaleLegend<T> wrapper around ScaleLegendModel class
ClassScaleLegendModel class describing scale legend object.
ClassScatterAreaSeries<T> wrapper around ScatterAreaSeriesModel class
ClassScatterAreaSeriesModel class describing scatter areaseries object.
ClassScatterBase<T,M,A> wrapper around ScatterBaseModel class A wrapper for constructing a ScatterBase with a fluent interface.
ClassScatterBaseModel class describing scatter base object.
ClassScatterLineSeries<T> wrapper around ScatterLineSeriesModel class
ClassScatterLineSeriesModel class describing scatter lineseries object.
ClassScatterSeries<T> wrapper around ScatterSeriesModel class
ClassScatterSeriesModel class describing scatterseries object.
ClassScatterSplineSeries<T> wrapper around ScatterSplineSeriesModel class
ClassScatterSplineSeriesModel class describing scattersplineseries object.
ClassSchedulerAgendaViewSettings SchedulerAgendaViewSettings model
ClassSchedulerAgendaViewSettingsWrapper Wrapper for SchedulerAgendaViewSettings model.
ClassSchedulerClientEvents Client events exposed by the Scheduler (igScheduler widget)
ClassSchedulerModel Class describing options available for the Scheduler.
ClassSchedulerMonthViewSettings SchedulerMonthViewSettings model
ClassSchedulerMonthViewSettingsWrapper Wrapper for SchedulerMonthViewSettings model.
ClassSchedulerWrapper Wrapper for SchedulerModel model.
ClassSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around SeriesModel class A wrapper for configuring a series with a fluent interface.
ClassSeriesBase<T> A wrapper for configuring a series with a fluent interface.
ClassSeriesBuilder<T> Provides a fluent interface for adding various series to a chart.
ClassSeriesModel class describing series object. Model containing the options for the igDataChart widget
ClassSeriesViewer<T,M,A> wrapper around SeriesViewerModel class A wrapper to provide a fluent interface for a SeriesViewer.
ClassSeriesViewerModel class describing series viewer object. Stores configuration information for a SeriesViewer.
ClassShapeSeries<T> wrapper around ShapeSeriesModel class
ClassShapeSeriesBase<T,M,A> wrapper around ShapeSeriesBaseModel class
ClassShapeSeriesBaseModel class describing shapeseries base object.
ClassShapeSeriesModel class describing shapeseries object.
ClassShapeStyle wrapper around the ShapeStyleModel class. Allows for the same methods to be defined as the property names
ClassShapeStyleModel Stores configuration information for shape style.
ClassSizeScale A wrapper to configure a bing maps SizeScale content with a fluent interface.
ClassSizeScaleModel Model containing the options for the SizeScale property
ClassSlowStochasticOscillatorIndicator<T> wrapper around SlowStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel class
ClassSlowStochasticOscillatorIndicatorModel class describing slowstochastic oscillator indicator object.
ClassSortExpression definition for a sorting expression
ClassSortingExtensions LINQ sorting extensions - OrderBy
ClassSparkline<T> wrapper around SparklineModel class Wrapper for SparklineModel model
ClassSparklineClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Sparkline (igSparkline widget)
ClassSparklineModel class describing sparkline object. Model containing the options for the igSparkline widget
ClassSparklineRenderer renders initial javascript for the control
ClassSplineAreaFragment<T> wrapper around SplineAreaFragmentModel class
ClassSplineAreaFragmentModel class describing spline area fragment object.
ClassSplineAreaSeries<T> wrapper around SplineAreaSeriesModel class
ClassSplineAreaSeriesModel class describing spline areaseries object.
ClassSplineFragment<T> wrapper around SplineFragmentModel class
ClassSplineFragmentBase<T,M,A> wrapper around SplineFragmentBaseModel class
ClassSplineFragmentBaseModel class describing spline fragment base object.
ClassSplineFragmentModel class describing spline fragment object.
ClassSplineSeries<T> wrapper around SplineSeriesModel class
ClassSplineSeriesBase<T,M,A> wrapper around SplineSeriesBaseModel class
ClassSplineSeriesBaseModel class describing splineseries base object.
ClassSplineSeriesModel class describing splineseries object.
ClassSplitterClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Splitter (igSplitter widget)
ClassSplitterModel Model containing the options for the igTree widget
ClassSplitterPanelSettings Model for the panel settings for the igSplitter.
ClassSplitterPanelSettingsBuilder Builder for SplitterPanelSettings model.
ClassSplitterPanelSettingsWrapper Wrapper for SplitterPanelSettings model.
ClassSplitterRenderer Javascript definition renderer for the igSplitter control
ClassSplitterWrapper Wrapper for SplitterModel model
ClassSpreadsheetClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Spreadsheet (igSpreadsheet widget)
ClassSpreadsheetModel Class describing options available for the Spreadsheet.
ClassSpreadsheetRenderer Renderer class for spreadsheet control
ClassSpreadsheetWrapper Wrapper for Spreadsheet.
ClassStacked100AreaSeries<T> wrapper around Stacked100AreaSeriesModel class
ClassStacked100AreaSeriesModel class describing stacked100 areaseries object. class describing stacked 100 area series object.
ClassStacked100BarSeries<T> wrapper around Stacked100BarSeriesModel class
ClassStacked100BarSeriesModel class describing stacked100 barseries object. class describing stacked 100 bar series object.
ClassStacked100ColumnSeries<T> wrapper around Stacked100ColumnSeriesModel class
ClassStacked100ColumnSeriesModel class describing stacked100 columnseries object. class describing stacked 100 column series object.
ClassStacked100LineSeries<T> wrapper around Stacked100LineSeriesModel class
ClassStacked100LineSeriesModel class describing stacked100 lineseries object. class describing stacked 100 line series object.
ClassStacked100SplineAreaSeries<T> wrapper around Stacked100SplineAreaSeriesModel class
ClassStacked100SplineAreaSeriesModel class describing stacked100spline areaseries object. class describing stacked 100 spline area series object.
ClassStacked100SplineSeries<T> wrapper around Stacked100SplineSeriesModel class
ClassStacked100SplineSeriesModel class describing stacked100splineseries object. class describing stacked 100 spline series object.
ClassStackedAreaSeries<T> wrapper around StackedAreaSeriesModel class
ClassStackedAreaSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around StackedAreaSeriesModel class
ClassStackedAreaSeriesModel class describing stacked areaseries object.
ClassStackedBarSeries<T> wrapper around StackedBarSeriesModel class
ClassStackedBarSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around StackedBarSeriesModel class
ClassStackedBarSeriesModel class describing stacked barseries object.
ClassStackedColumnSeries<T> wrapper around StackedColumnSeriesModel class
ClassStackedColumnSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around StackedColumnSeriesModel class
ClassStackedColumnSeriesModel class describing stacked columnseries object.
ClassStackedFragmentSeries<T> wrapper around StackedFragmentSeriesModel class wrapper around StackedFragmentSeriesModel class
ClassStackedFragmentSeriesBase<T> A wrapper for configuring a series with a fluent interface.
ClassStackedFragmentSeriesBuilder<T> Helper for stacked series.
ClassStackedFragmentSeriesModel class describing stacked fragmentseries object. class describing stacked fragmentseries object.
ClassStackedLineSeries<T> wrapper around StackedLineSeriesModel class
ClassStackedLineSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around StackedLineSeriesModel class
ClassStackedLineSeriesModel class describing stacked lineseries object.
ClassStackedSeriesBase<T,M,A> wrapper around StackedSeriesBaseModel class wrapper around StackedSeriesBaseModel class
ClassStackedSeriesBaseModel class describing stackedseries base object. class describing stackedseries base object.
ClassStackedSplineAreaSeries<T> wrapper around StackedSplineAreaSeriesModel class
ClassStackedSplineAreaSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around StackedSplineAreaSeriesModel class
ClassStackedSplineAreaSeriesModel class describing stackedspline areaseries object.
ClassStackedSplineSeries<T> wrapper around StackedSplineSeriesModel class
ClassStackedSplineSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around StackedSplineSeriesModel class
ClassStackedSplineSeriesModel class describing stackedsplineseries object.
ClassStandardDeviationIndicator<T> wrapper around StandardDeviationIndicatorModel class
ClassStandardDeviationIndicatorModel class describing standard deviation indicator object.
ClassStepAreaSeries<T> wrapper around StepAreaSeriesModel class
ClassStepAreaSeriesModel class describing step areaseries object.
ClassStepLineSeries<T> wrapper around StepLineSeriesModel class
ClassStepLineSeriesModel class describing step lineseries object.
ClassStochRSIIndicator<T> wrapper around StochRSIIndicatorModel class
ClassStochRSIIndicatorModel class describing stoch rs i indicator object.
ClassStraightNumericAxisBase<T,M,A> wrapper around StraightNumericAxisBaseModel class
ClassStraightNumericAxisBaseModel class describing straight numeric axis base object.
ClassStrategyBasedIndicator<T,M,A> wrapper around StrategyBasedIndicatorModel class
ClassStrategyBasedIndicatorModel class describing strategy based indicator object.
ClassStringExtensions A class containing extensions for strings
ClassSummaryOperand class defining summary operand options
ClassSummaryOperandBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the summary operands collection in the MVC View
ClassSummaryOperandWrapper class used to wrap the SummaryOperand, so that methods with the same names as props can be exposed and we can configure the MVC igGrid via Lambda expressions in the View
ClassSummaryUtils summary utils
ClassTextEditorClientEvents Names of client events exposed by the TextEditor.
ClassTextEditorModel Model used by TextEditor.
ClassTextEditorWrapper Wrapper for TextEditorModel model.
ClassTextEditorWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal generic wrapper for TextEditorModel model.
ClassTileManagerClientEvents Client events exposed by the igTileManager widget
ClassTileManagerModel Model describing the igTileManager widget
ClassTileManagerRenderer Javascript definition renderer for the igTileManager control
ClassTileManagerSplitterOptions Tile Manager Splitter Options model
ClassTileManagerSplitterOptionsEvents Tile Manager Splitter Options Events model
ClassTileManagerSplitterOptionsWrapper Wrapper for TileManagerSplitterOptions model.
ClassTileManagerWrapper Wrapper for the TileManagerModel widget
ClassTileSeries<T> wrapper around TileSeriesModel class
ClassTileSeriesModel class describing tile series object.
ClassTimeAxisBase<T,M,A> wrapper around TimeAxisBaseModel class
ClassTimeAxisBaseModel class describing time axis base object.
ClassTimePickerModel Model used by Time Picker.
ClassTimePickerWrapper Wrapper for TimePickerModel model.
ClassTimePickerWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal generic wrapper for the TimePickerModel model.
ClassTimeXAxis<T> wrapper around TimeXAxisModel class
ClassTimeXAxisModel class describing time x axis object.
ClassToolbarBuilder Builder for ToolbarFormattingModel model.
ClassToolbarCopyPasteWrapper Wrapper for ToolbarCopyPasteModel model.
ClassToolbarCustomItemBuilder Builder for models which implement the IToolbarItem interface.
ClassToolbarCustomItemModel Model containing the options for the custom toolbar.
ClassToolbarCustomItemPropertiesWrapper Wrapper for ToolbarCustomItemPropertyModel model.
ClassToolbarCustomItemWrapper Wrapper for ToolbarCustomItemModel model.
ClassToolbarFormattingModel Model containing the options for the Formatting toolbar.
ClassToolbarFormattingWrapper Wrapper for ToolbarFormattingModel model.
ClassToolbarInsertObjectWrapper Wrapper for ToolbarInsertObjectModel model.
ClassToolbarTextWrapper Wrapper for ToolbarTextModel model.
ClassTransaction<T> Transaction wrapper
ClassTreeBindings Model for the bindings used for data binding by the igTree
ClassTreeBindingsWrapper Wrapper for TreeBindings model.
ClassTreeClientEvents Client events exposed by the igTree widget.
ClassTreeDragAndDropSettings Model for the drag and drop settings for the igTree.
ClassTreeDragAndDropSettingsWrapper Wrapper for TreeDragAndDropSettings model.
ClassTreeDragCursorPosition Model for the igTree dragCursorAt option of the dragAndDropSettings.
ClassTreeDragCursorPositionWrapper Wrapper for TreeDragCursorPosition model.
ClassTreeGridClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Tree Grid Framework (igTreeGrid widget)
ClassTreeGridColumnMoving Describes the tree grid ColumnMoving feature
ClassTreeGridColumnMovingWrapper wrapper around TreeGridColumnMoving, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax
ClassTreeGridDataSourceActionAttribute this is an attribute class which extends the MVC FilterAttribute. It should be put on top of the controller method that should return JSON (even though in the user code it will return Action Result). It inherits GridDataSourceActionAttribute as adding specific for the TreeGrid functionality
ClassTreeGridDataSourceSettingsBuilder<T> helper class to allow usage of Lambda expressions in order to build the TreeGridDataSourceSettings collection in the MVC View
ClassTreeGridDataSourceSettingsWrapper wrapper around TreeGridDataSourceSettings, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax
ClassTreeGridFeatureBuilder<T> builder class allowing fluent syntax for grid features such as paging, sorting, filtering, etc.
ClassTreeGridFeatureFactory The TreeGrid factory class is used to create specific(for the TreeGrid) feature instances. It is used for creating TreeGrid feature instances - like TreeGridPaging, TreeGridFiltering, etc.(mainly used in TreeGridDataSourceActionAttribute) (Example: For TreeGrid - it instantiates TreeGridFiltering, TreeGridPaging, etc.)
ClassTreeGridFiltering Describes the tree grid filtering feature
ClassTreeGridFilteringWrapper wrapper around GridFiltering, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax
ClassTreeGridModel Model containing the options for the igTreeGrid widget
ClassTreeGridPaging Describes the tree grid sorting feature
ClassTreeGridPagingWrapper wrapper around TreeGridPaging, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax
ClassTreeGridRenderer JavaScript definition renderer for the igTreeGrid control
ClassTreeGridResizing Describes the tree grid resizing feature
ClassTreeGridResizingWrapper wrapper around TreeGridResizing, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax
ClassTreeGridRowSelectors Describes the tree grid row selectors feature
ClassTreeGridRowSelectorsWrapper wrapper around TreeGridRowSelectors, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax
ClassTreeGridSelection Describes the treegrid selection feature
ClassTreeGridSelectionWrapper wrapper around TreeGridSelection, allows chained calls and fluent syntax
ClassTreeGridSorting Describes the tree grid sorting feature
ClassTreeGridSortingWrapper wrapper around TreeGridSorting, allows for chained calls and fluent syntax
ClassTreeGridUpdating GridUpdating
ClassTreeGridUpdatingWrapper wrapper for the Updating feature
ClassTreeGridWrapper<T> TreeGrid definition containing methods that can be chained. Implementation of the Fluent design pattern which allows the control to be configured directly in the view
ClassTreeModel Model containing the options for the igTree widget
ClassTreeRenderer Javascript definition renderer for the igTree control
ClassTreeWrapper Wrapper for TreeModel model
ClassTRIXIndicator<T> wrapper around TRIXIndicatorModel class
ClassTRIXIndicatorModel class describing t r i x indicator object.
ClassTypicalPriceIndicator<T> wrapper around TypicalPriceIndicatorModel class
ClassTypicalPriceIndicatorModel class describing typical price indicator object.
ClassUltimateOscillatorIndicator<T> wrapper around UltimateOscillatorIndicatorModel class
ClassUltimateOscillatorIndicatorModel class describing ultimate oscillator indicator object.
ClassUploadBaseEventArgs Represents Base Class for EventArgs All non cancellable EventArgs classes should extend it
ClassUploadCancellableBaseEventArgs Base class for file upload cancellable event arguments
ClassUploadClientEvents Names of client events exposed by File Upload (igUpload widget)
ClassUploadExtensionIcon Contains the icon classes for a set of extensions.
ClassUploadExtensionIconBuilder Builder for UploadExtensionIcon model.
ClassUploadExtensionIconWrapper Wrapper for UploadExtensionIcon model.
ClassUploadFinishedEventArgs EventArguments class initialized when file is finished
ClassUploadFinishingEventArgs EventArguments class initialized when the whole request of the file is processed and it should be saved from temporary file to original file Cancellable event argument
ClassUploadInfo Represents file which is uploading - its file size, uploaded bytes, filename, etc.
ClassUploadModel Model containing the options for the Upload widget.
ClassUploadModule Module which process Http Request and manages files uploading
ClassUploadProgressManager Singleton class Proxy class which is used as instance in HTTPModule and HttpHandler - get commands from httphandler and send it to module Get information for each of the file from HTTPModule and send it to httphandler
ClassUploadStartingEventArgs Class for file upload starting event arguments
ClassUploadStatusHandler Handler which process the client commands for file upload
ClassUploadWrapper Wrapper for UploadModel model.
ClassValidationInputMessagePosition Returns or sets the position of the screen tip used to display the input message for the data validation rule associated with the active cell.
ClassValidationInputMessagePositionWrapper Returns or sets the position of the screen tip used to display the input message for the data validation rule associated with the active cell.
ClassValidatorField Class describing the field options for the Validator widget.
ClassValidatorFieldBuilder Builder for ValidatorField model.
ClassValidatorFieldWrapper Wrapper for ValidatorField model.
ClassValidatorModel Class describing the options available for the Validator widget.
ClassValidatorOptionsBase Base options available for the Validator when cofigured through another widget.
ClassValidatorOptionsBaseWrapper<T,TOut> Internal options wrapper for EditorValidatorOptions
ClassValidatorRule Base rule options with error message
ClassValidatorWrapper Wrapper for ValidatorModel model.
ClassValidatorWrapperBase<T,TOut> Internal implementation of the wrapper for ValidatorModel model.
ClassValueBrushScale A wrapper to configure a bing maps ValueBrushScale content with a fluent interface.
ClassValueBrushScaleModel Model containing the options for the ValueBrushScale property
ClassValueRangeValidatorRule Specifies settings for range rule for value.
ClassVerticalAnchoredCategorySeries<T,M,A> wrapper around VerticalAnchoredCategorySeriesModel class
ClassVerticalAnchoredCategorySeriesModel class describing vertical anchored category series object.
ClassVerticalStackedSeriesBase<T,M,A> wrapper around VerticalStackedSeriesBaseModel class
ClassVerticalStackedSeriesBaseModel class describing vertical stacked series base object.
ClassVideoPlayerAdMessageOptions Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's AdMessage feature.
ClassVideoPlayerAdMessageOptionsWrapper Wrapper for VideoPlayerAdMessageOptions model.
ClassVideoPlayerBanner Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's Banner feature.
ClassVideoPlayerBannerBuilder Builder for VideoPlayerBanner model.
ClassVideoPlayerBannerWrapper Wrapper for VideoPlayerBanner model.
ClassVideoPlayerBookmark Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's Bookmark feature.
ClassVideoPlayerBookmarkBuilder Builder for VideoPlayerBookmark model.
ClassVideoPlayerBookmarkWrapper Wrapper for VideoPlayerBookmark model.
ClassVideoPlayerClientEvents Names of client events exposed by Video Player (igVideoPlayer widget)
ClassVideoPlayerCommercialOptions Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's Commercial feature.
ClassVideoPlayerCommercialOptionsWrapper Wrapper for VideoPlayerCommercialOptions model.
ClassVideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercial Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's EmbeddedCommercial feature.
ClassVideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercialBuilder Builder for VideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercial model.
ClassVideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercialWrapper Wrapper for VideoPlayerEmbeddedCommercial model.
ClassVideoPlayerLinkedCommercial Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's LinkedCommercial feature.
ClassVideoPlayerLinkedCommercialBuilder Builder for VideoPlayerLinkedCommercial model.
ClassVideoPlayerLinkedCommercialWrapper Wrapper for VideoPlayerLinkedCommercial model.
ClassVideoPlayerModel Model containing the options for the VideoPlayer widget.
ClassVideoPlayerRelatedVideo Model containing the options for VideoPlayer's RelatedVideo feature
ClassVideoPlayerRelatedVideoBuilder Builder for VideoPlayerRelatedVideo model.
ClassVideoPlayerRelatedVideoWrapper Wrapper for VideoPlayerRelatedVideo model.
ClassVideoPlayerWrapper Wrapper for VideoPlayerModel model.
ClassWaterfallSeries<T> wrapper around WaterfallSeriesModel class
ClassWaterfallSeriesModel class describing waterfall series object.
ClassWeightedCloseIndicator<T> wrapper around WeightedCloseIndicatorModel class
ClassWeightedCloseIndicatorModel class describing weighted close indicator object.
ClassWilliamsPercentRIndicator<T> wrapper around WilliamsPercentRIndicatorModel class
ClassWilliamsPercentRIndicatorModel class describing williams percent r indicator object.
ClassXamBarcode<T,M,A> wrapper around XamBarcodeModel class wrapper around XamBarcodeModel class
ClassXamBarcodeModel class describing xam barcode object. class describing xam barcode object.
ClassXamGridBarcode<T,M,A> wrapper around XamGridBarcodeModel class
ClassXamGridBarcodeModel class describing xam grid barcode object.
ClassXmlaDataSourceActionAttribute An attribute for an action which has to handle requests for a XMLA service.
ClassXmlaDataSourceModel A model class provided to the action result of the controllers' action decorated with XmlaDataSourceActionAttribute.
ClassXmlaOptions Model containing the options for XmlaDataSource.
ClassXmlaOptionsWrapper Wrapper for XmlaOptions model.
ClassXmlaRequestOptions Model containing the options for XmlaDataSource's RequestOptions.
ClassXmlaRequestOptionsWrapper Wrapper for XmlaRequestOptions model.
ClassXYChart<T,M,A> wrapper around XYChartModel class
ClassXYChartModel class describing x y chart object.
ClassXYTriangulatingSeries<T,M,A> wrapper around XYTriangulatingSeriesModel class
ClassXYTriangulatingSeriesModel class describing x y triangulating series object.
ClassZoombarClientEvents Names of client events exposed by igZoombar widget
ClassZoombarModel Model containing the options for the igZoombar widget
ClassZoombarRenderer Javascript definition renderer for the igZoombar control
ClassZoombarWrapper Wrapper for ZoombarModel
ClassZoomWindow Class representing a zoom window by position left and width
ClassZoomWindowWrapper Wrapper around the zoom window object
InterfaceIGridColumnLayoutModel columnlayout model interface
InterfaceIGridModel Grid Model Interface
InterfaceIModel Interface for all helper models
InterfaceISafeDictionary<TKey,TValue> Usually used when you want to extend functionality of shared dictionary which holds information about uploaded files. Used in web garden/web farm scenario
InterfaceITreeGridModel Tree Grid Model Interface
EnumerationAnimationEffect jQuery UI animation effects
EnumerationAxisLabelsLocation Specifies the position of the Axis Labels in the chart.
EnumerationBarsFillMode BarsFillMode specifies how the grid fills within the barcode control dimensions.
EnumerationBrushSelectionMode Defines the behavior of selecting a brush from a brush collection.
EnumerationCategoryItemHighlightType Represent the available shapes for a category item highlight.
EnumerationCategoryTransitionInMode Describes how the transition in effect gets applied for a series
EnumerationCellMergingMergeOn option for when merging should be applied
EnumerationCellMergingMergeStrategy Predefined merging strategies
EnumerationCellMergingMergeType option for type of merging applied
EnumerationCheckBoxEditorSize Specifies the data mode of the CheckBoxEditor widget.
EnumerationCheckboxMode Enum for the checkbox modes of the igTree
EnumerationClientDataSourceType type of the data source
EnumerationCollapsibleGroupHidden When the group should be hidden
EnumerationCollisionAvoidanceType Defines the type of the collision avoidance
EnumerationColumnEditorType Type of column editor
EnumerationColumnFixingDirection Column fixing direction - where to be set fixing area
EnumerationComboDropDownOrientation Specifies the drop down list orientation
EnumerationComboFilteringCondition Specifies condition which is used for filtering
EnumerationComboFilteringLogic Specifies filtering logic
EnumerationComboFilteringType Specifies type of filtering used by Combo.
EnumerationComboGroupingDirection Specifies the grouping direction
EnumerationComboHighlightMatchesMode Specifies the condition used for highlighting of matching parts in items of drop-down list
EnumerationComboMode Specifies the functionality mode Combo.
EnumerationComboResponseDataType Specifies the Response type when a URL is set as the data source.
EnumerationConsolidatedItemHitTestBehavior Determines the item returned in hit-testing when mousing over an object which represents several consolidated items.
EnumerationConsolidatedItemsPosition Enum used to determine positioning logic for data items which have been consolidated into a single visual element.
EnumerationDateDisplayType Represents possible display type options for date columns in igGrid.
EnumerationDateEditorDataMode Specifies the data mode of DateEditor and DatePicker widgets.
EnumerationDialogState Specifies state of dialog.
EnumerationDragAndDropMode Enum for the drag and drop modes of the igTree
EnumerationEditorDropDownOrientation Specifies the drop down list orientation
EnumerationEncodingMode Specifies the encoding mode for compacting the data for the QR Code symbol. The modes are based on the character values and assignments associated with the default ECI (ECI 000003 representing the ISO/IEC 8859-1 character set).
EnumerationFeatureChooserIconDisplayMode Configures how the feature chooser icon should display on header cells - e.g. to display as gear icon or to not show gear icon but on click/tap the header cell to show the feature chooser
EnumerationFileError FileError thrown while uploading - e.g. MIME type validation, inner exceptions, etc.
EnumerationFileSaveType How the file will be saved
EnumerationFilterCondition The type of the filter condition
EnumerationFilterLogic Filter logic
EnumerationFirstWeekDay Defines first day of the week.
EnumerationFnc1Mode Fnc1Mode indicator is used for messages containing specific data formats. Fnc1Mode applies to the entire symbol and is not affected by subsequent mode indicators.
EnumerationFunnelSliceDisplay Defines how the heights of the funnel slices should be determined.
EnumerationGridAutoFormat auto format options of cell values in grid for numeric and date columns
EnumerationGridEditMode Edit mode of grid
EnumerationGridMode Enum containing modes of displaying elements in the chart grid, such as gridlines.
EnumerationGridStartEditTriggers Events which trigger start edit mode in grid
EnumerationGridTemplatingEngine Templating engines supported by igGrid
EnumerationGroupAreaVisibility changes the position / state of the group area UI
EnumerationGroupByPagingMode The type of group-by paging mode. This option is taken into account only when there is at least one grouped column and paging is applied.
EnumerationGroupSummariesPositionMode changes the position of the group summaries
EnumerationHeaderDisplayMode Enumerated type that represents a header display mode.
EnumerationHorizontalAlignment Represents the available horizontal alignment
EnumerationImagerySet The type of imagery.
EnumerationIndicatorDisplayType Defines how financial indicators are displayed.
EnumerationInteractionState Enumerates the available interaction states of the chart.
EnumerationInterpolationMode The mode for color interpolation.
EnumerationLabelsPosition Specifies the location of labels.
EnumerationLeaderLineType Specifies the callout line type for the labels.
EnumerationLegendType Specifies the legend type to use for a chart.
EnumerationListSortDirection Specifies the direction of a sort operation.
EnumerationLoadTrigger The method used to load data on demand
EnumerationMarkerType Defines marker types.
EnumerationMaskEditorDataMode Specifies the data mode of the MaskEditor widget.
EnumerationModifierKeys Specifies the possible modifier keys to bind to interactions.
EnumerationMovingMode Drag and Drop styles for Column Moving
EnumerationMovingType Way columns will be rearranged
EnumerationNotifierMode Controls the positioning mode of messages. Note: Inline element uses a block container as is always placed after the target
EnumerationNotifierState Used to provide currecnt state and notify level restriction.
EnumerationNumericEditorDataMode Specifies the data mode of NumericEditor, CurrencyEditor and PercentEditor widgets.
EnumerationNumericEditorScientificFormat Specifies the ScientificFormat option's posible values.
EnumerationNumericScaleMode Specifies the type of scale mode to use for an axis.
EnumerationOthersCategoryType Specifies how the grouping into the Others slice is calculated.
EnumerationOuterLabelAlignment Specifies the positioning of the outer labels for the funnel chart.
EnumerationPivotPanelLocation Specifies the igPivotDataSelector location inside the igPivotView.
EnumerationPopoverDirection Controls the direction in which the control shows relative to the target element.
EnumerationPopoverDirectionPriority All possible directions to be added in the specified order to the priority list.
EnumerationPopoverPosition Controls the position of the tooltip according to the target element.
EnumerationPriceDisplayType Defines how financial chart prices are displayed.
EnumerationQRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel QRCodeErrorCorrectionLevel defines the four level of Reed-Solomon error correction for the QR Code symbol.
EnumerationRadialMenuCheckBehavior Enumeration used to define whether how the item's IsChecked state may be changed.
EnumerationRadialMenuChildItemPlacement Enumeration used to define where the child items of a radial menu item are positioned relative to the parent.
EnumerationRatingPrecision Specifies the precision of the Rating widget.
EnumerationSchedulerAgendaVisibilityType Specifies the scope of appointments that are displayed in a MonthView's AgendaView.
EnumerationSchedulerAppointmentMode Specifies the type of content displayed in a MonthView day.
EnumerationSchedulerResourceColorScheme Color scheme. It is used to highlight the activities associated with this resource.
EnumerationSchedulerTimeSlotInterval Time slot duration. Configure the time slots' duration.
EnumerationSchedulerViewMode Specifies the current view mode in the Scheduler. If this options is not defined, then the first defined view in the views property is taken.
EnumerationSchedulerViewSplitOrientation Specifies the orientation, which determines whether the MonthView and AgendaView views are split vertically or horizontally. This option can be used when the AgendaView is displayed in the MonthView.
EnumerationSchedulerWeekViewDisplayMode Display mode. The week view can be configured to show all 7 week days or only the days configured as working days.
EnumerationSchedulerWorkingHoursDisplayMode Working days and hours. You can configure this view to display only working hours or all 24 hours.
EnumerationSelectionMode selection mode
EnumerationShowOn Sets the event on which the popover will be shown.
EnumerationSizeVersion Size of the symblol represented in terms of its position in the sequence of permissible sizes from 21x21 modules (Version 1) to 177x177 modules (Version 40) for the QR Code symbols.
EnumerationSliceSelectionMode Describes available modes for selecting slices.
EnumerationSortingMode single or multiple sorting
EnumerationSortMode sorting mode
EnumerationSparklineDisplayType Represents the type of sparkline
EnumerationSplineType Specifies the type of Spline calculation to be performed.
EnumerationSplitterOrientation Specifies orientation of splitter.
EnumerationSpreadsheetEnterKeyNavigationDirection Specifies direction of the cell adjacent to the activeCell that should be activated when the enter key is pressed.
EnumerationSpreadsheetSelectionMode Specifies the selection is updated when interacting with the cells via the mouse or keyboard.
EnumerationStretch Gets or sets a value that describes how an Image should be stretched to fill the destination rectangle.
EnumerationSummaryCalculateRenderMode render mode for summaries dropdown
EnumerationSummaryCompactRenderingMode compact render mode for summaries
EnumerationSummaryExecutionMode Determines when the summary values are calculated
EnumerationSummaryFunction the summary function
EnumerationSweepDirection Specifies the sweep direction to use for radial primitives.
EnumerationTextEditorButtonType Specifies the type of the buttons rendered by the Editor widgets. Note: Not all button types are supported by each widget.
EnumerationTextEditorSelectionOnFocus Set the action when the editor gets focused. The default value is selectAll.
EnumerationTextEditorTextAlignment Specifies the text alignment in the TextEditor widget.
EnumerationTextEditorTextMode Specifies the text mode of the TextEditor widget.
EnumerationTimeAxisDisplayType Defines how gridlines, tickmarks and labels are displayed on a time axis.
EnumerationToolbarItemType Supported from custom toolbars item types.
EnumerationTooltipsStyle style options for tooltips
EnumerationTooltipsVisibility visibility options for tooltips
EnumerationTransitionInSpeedType The speed to use when transitioning in a series.
EnumerationTreeGridCheckBoxMode Defines the mode of the checboxes for the row selectors
EnumerationTreeGridFilteringDisplayMode display mode of tree grid filtering
EnumerationTreeGridPagingContextRowMode When data flows to the next page there are a couple of different modes that can help communicate the context of a leaf level row.
EnumerationTreeGridPagingMode mode of tree grid paging
EnumerationTreeGridRowSelectorNumberingMode Determines row numbering format of the row selectors
EnumerationTrendLineType Enumerates the possible types of trendlines supported by the chart.
EnumerationUnboundValuesUpdateMode Specify updating behavior of the unbound column value when formula is set. When mode is auto or is not set - update unbound column value when the record is updated and option formula is set
EnumerationUnknownValuePlotting Enum for methods of plotting data with unknown values in a series. Double.NaN and null are examples of unknown values.
EnumerationUploadMode Enum containing the upload modes.
EnumerationUploadSizeMetric Enum containing the units to be used for the file size metric.
EnumerationUploadStatus Possible File Modes when file is Uploaded - e.g. Not Started, Started, Finished, etc.
EnumerationValidatorErrorLabelTextAlignment Specifies the alignment of the error label relative to the editor.
EnumerationVerticalAlignment Represents the available vertical alignment
EnumerationVirtualizationMode virtualization mode of the grid
EnumerationVisibility Specifies whether or not a component is visible.
EnumerationWindowResponse Specifies the type of window response for zooming and panning operations.
EnumerationZoomableWidgetType Widget types accepted by Zoombar
EnumerationZoomActionType Zoom actions supported by the Zoombar
EnumerationZoombarCloneConfig Automatic configuration types for the cloned widget
See Also

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