
Supported Versions of Microsoft Excel

The Infragistics JavaScript Excel Library™ is capable of saving and reading Microsoft® Excel® files using the below formats.

File Formats Enumeration Notes
Excel 97-2003 Workbook (*.xls) $.ig.excel.WorkbookFormat.excel97To2003 Uses BIFF8 format.
Excel 97-2003 Template (*.xlt) $.ig.excel.WorkbookFormat.excel97To2003Template Uses BIFF8 format.
Excel Workbook (*.xlsx) $.ig.excel.WorkbookFormat.excel2007
Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) $.ig.excel.WorkbookFormat.excel2007MacroEnabled The Infragistics Excel engine does not support creating, parsing nor executing macros. If there are modules in a file that is loaded those will be included in the output when it is saved.
Excel Template (*.xltx) $.ig.excel.WorkbookFormat.excel2007Template
Excel Macro-Enabled Template (*.xltm) $.ig.excel.WorkbookFormat.excel2007MacroEnabledTemplate The Infragistics Excel engine does not support creating, parsing nor executing macros. If there are modules in a file that is loaded those will be included in the output when it is saved.
Strict Open XML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx) $.ig.excel.WorkbookFormat.strictOpenXml The Strict Open XML file format (ISO/IEC 29500 Strict).

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