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Configuring the Scale (igBulletGraph)

Topic Overview


This topic explains, with examples, how to customize the scale of the igBulletGraph™ control. This includes positioning the scale inside the control and configuring the scale tick marks and labels. (For the default settings, see the igBulletGraph Overview topic.)

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

  • igBulletGraph Overview: This topic provides conceptual information about the igBulletGraph control including its main features, minimum requirements, and user functionality.

  • Adding igBulletGraph: This is a group of topics explaining how to add the igBulletGraph control to an HTML page and an ASP.NET MVC application.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Scale configuration summary

The scale of the igBulletGraph control is a logical entity formed by the tick marks and the (numbering) labels. The size and position of the tick marks is configured relative to the Graph area and the position of the numbering labels – relative to the inner edge of the control (the bottom edge at horizontal orientation).

The tick marks of the igBulletGraph control identify equal intervals of measure along the graph. Two types of tick marks are supported – major and minor. Both can be positioned along the scale by adjusting the values of the respective extent-related properties which are measured against the Graph area. The tick marks’ exact count, position, look, and frequency of occurrence can be customized by property settings.

As far as the labels are concerned, various aspects of them can be configured such as position, text, format, etc..

Scale configuration summary chart

The following table explains briefly the configurable aspects of igBulletGraph control’s scale and maps them to properties that configure them.

Configurable aspects Property Default value
Position scaleStartExtent 0.05
scaleEndExtent 0.95
Range and Values Max value minimumValue 0
Min value maximumValue 100
Tick marks Major tick marks Position (within the scale), spacing, and length interval Not set
ticksPostInitial 0
ticksPreTerminal 0
tickStartExtent 0.02
tickEndExtent 0.2
Look-and-feel Color tickBrush Defined in the default theme
Width tickStrokeThickness 2.0
Minor tick marks Number (between two adjacent major tick marks) minorTickCount 3.0
Position minorTickStartExtent 0.06
minorTickEndExtent 0.2
Look-and-feel Color minorTickBrush Defined in the default theme
Width minorTickStrokeThickness 1.0
Labels Position and spacing labelExtent 0
labelInterval Not set
labelsPostInitial 0
labelsPreTerminal 0
Look-and-feel Color fontBrush Defined in the default theme
Font font Defined in the default theme

Configuring the Scale’s Size and Position


The scale’s size and position within the igBulletGraph control in the along-the scale-dimension is determined relative the Graph area. This is done through a pair of properties (scaleStartExtent and scaleEndExtent).

The positioning of the scale in the other (across-the-scale) dimension of the Graph area is not configurable by itself; instead, all elements comprising the scale are configured individually.

Note: The value of the LabelExtent property, which controls the positioning of the numbering labels, is measured relative to the height of the control when its orientation is horizontal and to its width otherwise. (For details, see Configuring the Orientation and Direction (igBulletGraph).)

Property settings

The following table maps the desired behavior to its respective property settings. For an illustration of the configurable aspects, see the Example.

In order to configure: Use this property: And set it to:
Aspect Details
Dimension along the scale – size and position Starting position The starting position of the scale relative to the left edge of the Graph area at horizontal orientation or to the bottom edge at vertical orientation. (When the direction of the scale is inverted, these become, respectively, the right edge at horizontal orientation and top edge at vertical orientation. For details, see Configuring the Orientation and Direction (igBulletGraph).) scaleStartExtent The desired value as a relative part the width/height of the control (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2)
Ending position The ending position of the scale relative to the left edge of the Graph area relative to the left edge of the control in horizontal orientation or to the bottom edge in vertical orientation. (When the direction of the scale is inverted, these become, respectively, the right edge at horizontal orientation and top edge at vertical orientation. For details, see Configuring the Orientation and Direction (igBulletGraph).) scaleEndExtent The desired value as a relative part the width/height of the control width/height (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.8)


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igBulletGraph would look as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
scaleStartExtent 0.2
scaleEndExtent 0.9

Following is the code that implements this example.

In JavaScript:

    width: 300,
    height: 70,
    scaleStartExtent: 0.2,
    scaleEndExtent: 0.9});

Configuring the Scale’s Range


The values of the scale are defined by specifying its value range, that is, its minimum and maximum values. This is done with the minimumValue and scaleEndExtent properties.

Setting the minimum and maximum values implicitly defines all values within the scale; all values are meant as evenly distributed between the minimum and maximum values. However, only those values are displayed for which there is a numbering label, placed on the scale. (The scale’s values can be displayed only through the numbering labels. The labels display the respective values based on the label’s position on the scale, i.e. the labels’ values are configured through the positioning of the labels along the scale and not set explicitly.) There is no requirement to have labels at the positions of the minimum and maximum values which means that the minimum and maximum values may not be indicated visually on the scale and the scale can look something like this:

Having the scales’ range defined also enables the positioning of the other value-based visual elements on the scale, namely the performance bar, comparative ranges, comparative marker, and the performance bar. Note that because these elements are value-based, when the scale’s range changes (i.e. when either its minimum or maximum value (or both) changes), these visual elements are re-positioned spatially together with the scale’s values keeping their position on the scale. (To see this effect in action, refer to the Range Settings sample.)

Property settings

The following table maps the desired behavior to its respective property settings. For an illustration of the configurable aspects, see the Example.

In order to configure: Use this property: And set it to:
Aspect Details
The minimum value of the scale The value at which the scale starts. minimumValue The desired value in the measures of the scale
The maximum value of the scale The value at which the scale ends. maximumValue The desired value in the measures of the scale


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igBulletGraph would look as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
minimumValue 60
maximumValue 70

Following is the code that implements this example.

In JavaScript:

    width: 300,
    height: 70,
    minimumValue: 60,
    maximumValue: 70});

Configuring the Scale’s Major Tick Marks


The major tick marks of the igBulletGraph control can be customized in terms of position and interval at which they occur. The height, thickness, and color of the line segments that forms the major tick marks are configurable as well.

Configuring the position along the scale, count, and spacing

The major tick marks are defined in terms of starting and ending points (the positions of the first and the last tick marks relative to the edges of the Graph area and the interval (the distance from each other) at which they occur. (This is done through the ticksPostInitial, ticksPreTerminal, and interval properties.) This way, defining the starting and ending points of the major tick marks essentially defines the position and length of the scale.

Configuring the position across the scale and the length of the segments

In the across-the-scale dimension, the length and position of the line segments that form the major tick marks is configured relative to the edges of the Graph area. (This is done through the tickStartExtent and tickEndExtent properties.)

Property settings

The following table maps the desired behavior to its respective property settings. For an illustration of the configurable aspects, see the Example.

In order to configure: Use this property: And set it to:
Aspect Details
Position along the scale, count, and spacing Starting point The distance at which the major tick marks begin relative to the starting position of the scale ticksPostInitial The desired distance (in the measures of the scale) from scale start position
Ending point The distance at which the major tick marks end relative to the ending position of the scale ticksPreTerminal The desired distance (in the measures of the scale) from the scale end position
Interval The interval at which to place the major tick marks (Interval is the distance – in the measures of the scale – between two adjacent major tick marks.) interval The desired value in measures of the scale
Position across the scale and length of the segments Starting point The starting point of the line segments that form the major tick marks. (The starting point is defined relative to the bottom of the Graph area in horizontal orientation or to the left edge of the Graph area in vertical orientation.) Negative values are supported as well, indicating positions beneath/ on the left of the Graph area. tickStartExtent The desired value (in the measures of the scale) as a relative part the height/width of the Graph area (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2)
Ending point The ending point of the line segments that form major tick marks relative to the bottom of the Graph area in horizontal orientation or to the left border of the Graph area in vertical orientation. Negative values are supported as well, indicating positions beneath/ on the left of the Graph area. (The difference between the starting and the ending points forms the length of the marks’ line segments.) tickEndExtent The desired value as a relative part the height/width of the Graph area (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.8)
Look-and-feel Thickness The thickness of the major tick marks’ line segments. tickStrokeThickness The desired value in pixels
Color The color of the major tick marks tickBrush The desired color


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igBulletGraph looks as a result of the following settings:

Following is the code that implements this example.

In JavaScript:

    width: 300,
    height: 70,
    interval: 30,
    tickBrush: 'lime',
    tickStartExtent: 0.5,
    tickEndExtent: 0.9,
    ticksPostInitial: 30,
    ticksPreTerminal: 10,
    tickStrokeThickness: 3 });

Configuring the Scale’s Minor Tick Marks


The minor tick marks of the igBulletGraph control can be explicitly disabled or customized in terms of number (between two major tick marks), positioning, size, and color.

Configuring the position along the scale, count, and spacing

The minor tick marks are defined as a count (the number of minor tick marks between two adjacent major tick marks). (This is done through the minorTickCount property; setting this property to 0 disables (hides) the minor tick marks.) When the count is set, the specified number of minor tick marks is placed evenly between every two adjacent major tick marks, from the first one, to the last.

Configuring the position across the scale and the length of the segments

In the across-the-scale dimension, the minor tick marks length and position is configured relative to the edges of the Graph area.

Property settings

The following table maps the desired behavior to its respective property settings. For an illustration of the configurable aspects, see the Example.

In order to configure: Use this property: And set it to:
Aspect Details
Number and spacing The number of minor tick marks between two adjacent major tick marks. minorTickCount The desired number; setting of 0 hides the minor tick marks
Line segments Length and position Starting point The starting point of the line segments that form the minor tick marks. (The starting point is defined relative to the bottom of the Graph area in horizontal orientation or to the left edge of the Graph area in vertical orientation.) Negative values are supported as well, indicating positions beneath/ on the left of the Graph area. minorTickStartExtent The desired value as a relative part the height/width of the control height/width (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2)
Ending point The ending point of the line segments that form minor tick marks relative to the bottom of the Graph area in horizontal orientation or to the left border of the Graph area in vertical orientation. Negative values are supported as well, indicating positions beneath/ on the left of the Graph area. (The difference between the starting and the ending points forms the length of the marks’ line segments.) minorTickEndExtent The desired value as a relative part the height/width of the control height/width (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2**5)
Look-and-feel Thickness The thickness of the minor tick marks minorTickStrokeThickness The desired value in pixels
Color The color of the minor tick marks minorTickBrush The desired color


The screenshot below demonstrates how the igBulletGraph looks as a result of the following settings:

In order to configure: Use this property: And set it to:
Aspect Details
Number and spacing The number of minor tick marks between two adjacent major tick marks. minorTickCount The desired number; setting of 0 hides the minor tick marks
Line segments Length and position Starting point The starting point of the line segments that form the minor tick marks. (The starting point is defined relative to the bottom of the Graph area in horizontal orientation or to the left edge of the Graph area in vertical orientation.) Negative values are supported as well, indicating positions beneath/ on the left of the Graph area. minorTickStartExtent The desired value as a relative part the height/width of the control height/width (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2)
Ending point The ending point of the line segments that form minor tick marks relative to the bottom of the Graph area in horizontal orientation or to the left border of the Graph area in vertical orientation. Negative values are supported as well, indicating positions beneath/ on the left of the Graph area. (The difference between the starting and the ending points forms the length of the marks’ line segments.) minorTickEndExtent The desired value as a relative part the height/width of the control height/width (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2**5)
Look-and-feel Thickness The thickness of the minor tick marks minorTickStrokeThickness The desired value in pixels
Color The color of the minor tick marks minorTickBrush The desired color

Following is the code that implements this example.

In JavaScript:

    width: 300,
    height: 70,
    minorTickCount: 4,
    minorTickBrush: 'purple',
    minorTickStartExtent: 0.05,
    minorTickEndExtent: 0.1,
    minorTickStrokeThickness: 2,
    interval: 20});

Configuring the Scale’s Labeling


By default, the labels indicating the scale’s measures are enabled. The labels are defined in terms of the following factors:

  • Starting and ending points – the positions of the first and the last label relative to the edges of the scale
  • Breadth of the label row – relative to the height/width of the control, depending on the orientation (vertical/horizontal). The breadth can be controlled only indirectly by the font settings in the applied style template.
  • The interval (the distance from each other) at which they occur. (This is done through the labelsPostInitial, labelsPreTerminal and labelInterval properties.)
  • The position of the label row in the across-the-scale dimension – the default is at the bottom / on the left of the control (for horizontal or vertical orientation, respectively); the entire row can be shifted vertically at horizontal scale orientation or the horizontally at vertical scale orientation. (This is done through the labelExtent property.)

The value that each label displays is defined by the value represented by its position on the scale (This requires configuring the scale’s value range.) A string format can be applied to the labels so that their look is additionally customized. By default, a numeric label is displayed for each of the major tick marks and the labels are positioned beneath / on the left of the scale depending on the scale’s orientation (horizontal/vertical, respectively).

If you customize the labels and the major tick marks, you will more likely need to make sure they align to each other; to achieve alignment, set the same value for the tick marks interval (interval property) and the label interval (labelInterval property). (By default, they are aligned because the labelInterval property is not set and uses the value set for interval.)

Event handling

The labels of igBulletGraph can be additionally formatted and aligned on handling the corresponding events.

The following table maps the desired behavior to its respective event.

In order to: Handle this event:
Format the labels formatLabel
Align the labels alignLabel

Property settings

The following table maps the desired behavior to its respective property settings. For an illustration of the configurable aspects, see Example – horizontal orientation.

In order to configure: Use this property: And set it to:
Aspect Details
Label row Position The positioning of the label row relative to bottom/left edge of the control (depending on the orientation – vertical/horizontal). labelExtent The desired value presented as a relative part the height/width of the control (depending on the orientation – vertical/horizontal) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.**8).
Number and spacing Starting point Position (in the measures of the scale) of the first label along the scale labelsPostInitial The value (in the measures of the scale) at which the first label of the scale is to be displayed
Ending point Position (in the measures of the scale) of the last label along the scale labelsPreTerminal The value (in the measures of the scale) at which the last label of the scale is to be displayed
Interval The interval at which to place the labels (Interval is the distance between two adjacent labels in the measures of the scale.) labelInterval The desired value in the measure of the scale
Look-and-feel Font color Font color of the labels fontBrush The desired color

Note: You can set the font-related properties in CSS through the .ui-bulletgraph-label and .ui-bulletgraph CSS classes.

Example – horizontal orientation

The screenshot below demonstrates how the igBulletGraph looks as a result of the following settings with the default horizontal scale orientation:

Following is the code that implements this example.

In JavaScript:

    width: 300,
    height: 70,
    labelExtent: 0.5,
    labelInterval: 30,
    labelsPostInitial: 20,
    labelsPreTerminal: 20,
    fontBrush: 'green'});

Example – vertical orientation

The screenshot below demonstrates how the igBulletGraph looks as a result of the following property settings (same as in Example – horizontal orientation) and vertical orientation:

Property Value
orientation Vertical
labelExtent 0.5
labelInterval 30
labelsPostInitial 20
labelsPreTerminal 20
fontBrush 'green'

Following is the code that implements this example.

In JavaScript:

    height: 300,
    width: 70,
    orientation: 'vertical',
    labelExtent: 0.5,
    labelInterval: 30,
    labelsPostInitial: 20,
    labelsPreTerminal: 20,
    fontBrush: 'green'});

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Tick Marks Settings This sample demonstrates the supported tickmarks configuration of the igBulletGraph control.

  • Scale Labeling Settings: This sample demonstrates the supported scale labeling configurations of the igBulletGraph control.

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