
Configurable Visual Elements (igDataChart)

Topic Overview


This topic lists all configurable visual elements of the igDataChart™ control and the properties that manage them.

Required Background

The following topics are prerequisite to understanding this topic:

This topic provides conceptual information about the igDataChart control including its main features, minimum requirements for using charts and user functionality.

Configurable Visual Elements of the igDataChart Control and Related Properties

Configurable visual elements summary

The following picture demonstrates the configurable visual elements of the igDataChart control. A listing of the properties that manage them is available in the Configurable visual elements and related properties block below.

Configurable Visual Elements:

​1) Data series

​2) Legend

​3) Axis label

​4) Axis line

​5) Axis major line

​6) Axis minor line

​7) Axis strip

​8) Overview plus detail panel

​9) Cross-hairs and cross-hair point

​10) Tooltip

Configurable visual elements and related properties

The following table maps the visual elements of the igDataChart control and the properties that configure them.


This sample configures several of the elements, available in the igDataChart control. Chart elements such as axis, labels, grid lines, grid stripes, zoom bars, series, trend lines, indicators and crosshairs are all available to enhance the control's presentation.

In addition to the settings above, the sample below demonstrates both enabling the default tooltip for the Chart’s series and configuring a custom tooltip template for the "United States" series.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

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