
Column Hiding Grid Events (igGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to attach events in jQuery and MVC and provides a reference about the events that are specific to column management.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Events Overview

There are a couple of events related to column management. (See the Events Reference Chart below).

Also, all events with the -ing suffix are cancelable and the action can be terminated when in the handler is set to return false.

In Javascript:

   features: [
        name: 'Hiding',
        columnHiding: function (ui, args) {
            return  false;

Most of the argument methods and properties contain row-specific data and an identification of the grid they belong to.

Attaching to Events in jQuery and MVC

To attach to an event, the only thing you need to define is a handler for it, just like you define a property. Then when the event is triggered, the handler will be called.

In Javascript:

    features: [{
        name: 'Hiding',
        columnHiding: function (e, args) {
            // Handle event

When attaching a handler in MVC, you need to use the jQuery User Interface (UI) pattern, which mandates concatenating the name of the control and event in lower-case letters.

In Javascript:

$("#grid1").on("iggridhidingcolumnhiding ", function (e, args) {
     // Handle event

Note: The jQuery’s on function is used in case some DOM elements are added after attaching to the handler.

Events Reference Chart

Note: In the following table, the events specific to the Hiding Column Chooser are listed. They are available also in the Hiding Column Chooser topic.

Event Description Cancelable
columnHiding Event fired before a hiding operation is executed True
columnHidden Event fired after the hiding has been executed and results are rendered False
columnShowing Event fired before a showing operation is executed True
columnShown Event fired after the showing has been executed and results are rendered False
columnChooserOpening Event fired before the column chooser is opened True
columnChooserOpened Event fired after the column chooser is already opened False
columnChooserMoving Event fired every time the column chooser changes its position False
columnChooserClosing Event fired before the column chooser is closed True
columnChooserClosed Event fired after the column chooser has been closed False
columnChooserContentsRendering Event fired before the contents of the column chooser are rendered True
columnChooserContentsRendered Event fired after the contents of the column chooser are rendered False
columnChooserButtonApplyClick Event fired when button Reset in column chooser is clicked False
columnChooserButtonResetClick Event fired when button Reset in column chooser is clicked False

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