
Configuring Vertical Column Rendering (igGrid, RWD Mode)

Topic Overview


This topic provides an overview of the vertical column rendering in igGrid™; explaining its configuration and listing its limitations integrating with the other features.

Required background

The following table lists the concepts, topics, and articles required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Vertical column rendering Overview

By default, enabling the Responsive feature renders the igGrid using vertical columns. This means that when the width of the browser is less than the width of the grid it renders the grid as a key/value pair list, similar to the screenshot below.

The windowWidthToRenderVertically option controls this behavior. The default value for the option is determined at runtime, calculating the grid’s width needed to accommodate columns of a certain size. By default, the width calculations occur in real-time.

Use the allowedColumnWidthPerType property members to configure column widths. For string columns the minimum setting size is 120 pixels, for number columns the minimal width is 50 pixels before forcing the vertical rendering. If the window is shrunk to a size less than the minimum column width, then the grid renders vertically. The user may configure these setting to a width that better suited to the user’s needs.

Set the enableVerticalRendering option to false in order to disable the vertical column rendering.

When rendering the grid vertically, the ui-iggrid-responsive-vertical class is added to the grid’s container. This allows you to determine the grid’s orientation, vertical or horizontal, simply by checking for the existence of this class.

There are no new events or parameters added to existing events for this feature.

The rows render as key/value pair lists, have the alternating row/record styles applied, if and only if, the alternateRowStyles option is set to true.

You can control the width of the headers and values columns with the propertiesColumnWidth and valuesColumnWidth properties.

The sample below demonstrates the igGrid’s Responsive Web Design feature in vertical mode. Responsive vertical rendering mode renders the grid data in two columns. The left column holds the columns captions and the right column holds the data.

Configuring vertical column rendering summary

Enabling the Responsive feature causes, by default the igGrid™ control to use the vertical rendering mode if this setting is not wanted; explicitly configure the windowWidthToRenderVertically to prevent this behavior.

This is done differently in JavaScript and ASP.NET MVC.

Configuring vertical column rendering chart

The following table briefly explains how to configure the igGrid control’s vertical rendering mode. For details, refer to the code examples following the table.

To configure the vertical rendering mode in… Do this…
JavaScript Configure the RWD mode (the feature name is Responsive) in the igGrid’s features array.
Set the windowWidthToRenderVertically option value in pixels.
ASP.NET MVC Instantiate the Responsive feature in the delegate passed to the Features method of the grid.
Set the WindowWidthToRenderVertically method’s parameter value in pixels.

Disabling Responsive Web Design Mode – Code Examples

The following lists the code examples included in this topic.

Code Example: Disabling vertical column rendering in JavaScript

This example creates an igGrid instance bound to the Products table data from the AdventureWorks sample database.

  • Enable the responsive mode in the igGrid’s features array
  • Disable vertical column rendering by setting the enableVerticalRendering option to false


Following is the code that implements this example.

In JavaScript:

    height: "100%",
    width: "100%",
    columns: [
        { headerText: "Product ID", key: "ProductID", dataType: "number"},
        { headerText: "Product Name", key: "Name", dataType: "string" },
        { headerText: "Product Number", key: "ProductNumber", dataType: "string" }
    autoGenerateColumns: false,
    dataSource: adventureWorks,
    responseDataKey: "Records",
    features: [
            name: "Responsive",
            enableVerticalRendering: false

Code Example: Disabling vertical column rendering in ASP.NET MVC

This example creates an igGrid instance bound to a custom Product object collection defined as a View model.

  • Instantiate the Responsive feature in the delegate passed to the grid’s Features method
  • Disabled the vertical column rendering by passing false to the EnableVerticalRendering method


Following is the code that implements this example.

In C#:

@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@model IQueryable<GridDataBinding.Models.Product>
    .Columns(col =>
        col.For(c => c.ProductID).HeaderText("Product ID");
        col.For(c => c.Name).HeaderText("Product Name");
        col.For(c => c.ProductNumber).HeaderText("Product Number");
    .Features(feature =>

Integration with hiding, paging and responsive configuration templates

Although, no feature integration was planned for this mode: some features are supported.

  • Paging feature works out of the box
  • Hiding (configuration and API) works in the way that the hidden columns are not displayed for vertical rendering, i.e., it should hide the rows showing the said column data

Note: It is not advisable to combine column hiding and vertical rendering because they achieve the same goal in different ways.

  • Templating, including the templates specified in the Responsive configuration; however, you can only template data cells (in the right column) in this mode

Limitations when using the grid’s features

When the vertical column rendering mode is turned on, the responsive grid supports the following API features (, but no UI is currently implemented to support them)

Vertical Rendering Property Reference

This section describes the various properties related to the Vertical Rendering when using the Responsive feature in the igGrid control.

The following table summarizes the purpose and functionality of the unbound columns’ properties.

Property Type Description Default Value
enableVerticalRendering bool Toggles responsive vertical rendering for the grid on or off. true
windowWidthToRenderVertically "string|number|null" The width of the window within which the grid renders its content vertically. The default value is null leaving the grid to automatically determine when to render this mode based on the allowedColumnWidthPerType settings. null
propertiesColumnWidth "string | number" The width of the left properties column with vertical rendering enabled. “50%”
valuesColumnWidth "string | number" The width of the right values column with vertical rendering enabled. “50%”
allowedColumnWidthPerType "object" The members of the property determine the minimal widths the columns can take, when windowWidthToRenderVertically is null, before forcing the grid to render vertically. For example, the minimal width in pixels that the bool columns can take, before forcing vertical rendering, is 50. string: 120,
number: 50,
bool: 50,
date: 80,
object: 150

CSS Classes Reference

This section describes the various CSS classes related to the Vertical Rendering when using the Responsive feature in the igGrid control.

The following explains the CSS class applied when Vertical Rendering is enabled.

  • ui-iggrid-responsive-vertical

    Enabling vertical rendering applies classes to the grid table. When this class is added to the grid’s container then the grid renders vertically.

    Checking for the existence of the class allows you to determine if the grid renders vertically or horizontally.

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