
Configure Checkboxes and Selection with igTree

Topic Overview


This topic discusses some common ways to configure selections in the igTree™ control.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Required background

The table below lists the required background you need for fully understanding the information in this topic.

Background type Content
Topics You need to first read the Getting Started with igTree topic.
External Resources You need to first read the following articles: jQuery bind() API
jQuery live() API

igTree Configuration Overview

Control configuration chart

The table below lists the configurable behaviors of the igTree control.

Configurable behavior Configuration details Configuration properties
Configure checkboxes The igTree control supports bi-state and tri-state checkboxes. When tri-state checkboxes are enabled, the parent nodes update dynamically to reflect whether their children are all selected, all unselected, or partially selected.
  • checkboxMode
Get checked nodes The igTree control has an API to get all checked nodes, all unchecked nodes, and all partially selected nodes.
  • checkedNodes
  • uncheckedNodes
  • partiallyCheckedNodes
Handle selection and checkbox events Capture selection events to perform logic in response to a selection operation occurring.
  • selectionChanging
  • selectionChanged
  • nodeCheckstateChanging
  • nodeCheckstateChanged
Select/Deselect Nodes Use these methods to select and deselect modes through code.
  • select(node)
  • deselect(node)

Configuring checkboxes

Checkboxes configuration overview

The igTree control supports bi-state and tri-state checkboxes. When tri-state checkboxes are enabled, the parent nodes reflect whether their children are all selected, all unselected, or partially selected.

Checkboxes property settings

The table below maps the desired behaviors to property settings. The properties are accessed through the igTree’s options.

In order to… Use this property: And set it to…
Enable bi-state checkboxes checkboxMode biState
Enable tri-state checkboxes checkboxMode triState

Example: configuring tri-state checkboxes

The image below demonstrates tri-state checkboxes as a result of the following settings:

Property Setting Preview
checkboxMode triState

Example: configuring bi-state checkboxes

The image below demonstrates tri-state checkboxes as a result of the following settings:

Property Setting Preview
checkboxMode biState

Configuring checkoxes’ property reference

For detailed information about these properties, refer to their listing in the property reference section:

Getting checked nodes

Checked nodes overview

The igTree has an API to get all checked nodes, all unchecked nodes, and all partially selected nodes.

Getting checked nodes property settings

The table below maps the desired behaviors to property settings. The properties are accessed through the igTree methods.

In order to… Use this method: Returns…
Get all checked nodes checkedNodes array of Nodes
Get all unchecked nodes uncheckedNodes array of Nodes
Get all partially checked nodes partiallyCheckedNodes array of Nodes

Getting all checked nodes

The code below demonstrates how to get all checked nodes as a result of the following:

Method Returns…
checkedNodes array of Nodes

In JavaScript:

var nodes = $("#tree").igTree("checkedNodes");

Handling selection and checkbox events

Selection and checkbox event overview

By handling the selection and checkbox events, you can perform custom logic in response to these operations. These events can be configured when a widget is initialized in jQuery or on the client using the bind or live jQuery functions.

Selection and checkbox events property settings

The table below maps the desired behaviors to property settings. The properties are accessed through the igTree events.

In order to… Use this property: And set it to…
Handle an event before a selection operation selectionChanging function()
Handle an event after a selection operation selectionChanged function()
Handle an event before a checkbox operation nodeCheckstateChanging function()
Handle an event before a checkbox operation nodeCheckstateChanged function()

Example: configuring a selection event during instantiation

The code below demonstrates configuring a selection during instantiation of the igTree using the following:

Property Setting
selectionChanged function(evt, ui){ }
nodeCheckstateChanged function(evt, ui){ }


    dataSource: data,
    checkboxMode: "triState",
    bindings: {
        textKey: 'Text',
        childDataProperty: 'Nodes'
    selectionChanged: function (evt, ui) {

    nodeCheckstateChanged: function (evt, ui) {


Example: configuring selection and checkbox events with live and bind

The code below demonstrates handling selection and checkbox events using jQuery bind and live functions. The type of the events are lower case strings constructed by appending igTree to the beginning of the event name.


$("#tree").bind("igtreeselectionchanging", function (evt, ui) {


$("#tree").live("igtreenodecheckstatechanged", function (evt, ui) {


Canceling selection

The code below demonstrates how to cancel the selection operation by returning false from the event handler function. The same approach can be used for an –ing function for the igTree. In this code example, cancel represents the Boolean result of application logic that determines whether selection should occur or not.


$("#tree").live("igtreenodecheckstatechanging", function (evt, ui) {
    if (cancel == true)
        return false;         

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