
Selecting and Deselecting Rows and Cells Programmatically (igHierarchicalGrid)


This topic explains how to use the API for selecting and deselecting rows and cells in igHierarchicalGrid™.

Required background

The following topics are required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Control Configuration Summary

Control configuration overview

The following table lists the configurable aspects of the igHierarchicalGrid control.

Configurable aspects Methods
Cell selection
Row selection
Clear selection

Code Examples

Code Example: Selecting a Cell in a Child Grid

This example shows how to select a cell in a child grid by foreign key relation.

The productId parameter denotes the foreign key relation. It is assumed that Product Id column is the second column in the top level of the hierarchy. The rowIndex and colIndex parameters define the cell in the sub grid which will be selected. The function expands the child grid so that the selection is visible.

In Javascript:

function selectCellByProductId(productId, rowIndex, colIndex) {
    // get the parent grid
    var parentGrid = $("#grid1").igHierarchicalGrid("rootWidget");
    // get all rows of the parent grid
    var parentGridAllRows = parentGrid.allRows();
    $(parentGridAllRows).each(function (index, row) {
        // get the value of the product id column
        // it is assumed that product id column is the second column
        productIdCellVal = $(row.cells[1]).html();
        // check to see if this is the searched product id
        if (productIdCellVal === productId.toString())
            // ... and expand it if it is
            $("#grid1").igHierarchicalGrid("expand", row);
    // get all expanded child grids
    var childGrids = $("#grid1").igHierarchicalGrid("allChildren");
    // select the cell by row and column indexes
    $(childGrids).each(function(index, grid) {
        $(grid).igGridSelection("selectCell", parseInt(rowIndex), parseInt(colIndex));

Code Example: Deselecting a Cell in a Child Grid

This example shows how to deselect cell in child grid by foreign key relation.

Note: A multiple selection must be enabled.

The productId parameter denotes the foreign key relation. It is assumed that Product Id column is the second column in the top level of the hierarchy. The rowIndex and colIndex parameters define the cell in the sub grid which will be selected. Top level grid rows are searched for productId. If there is a match then the data-id attribute is extracted from the row. The child grid ID attribute is assembled and deselectCell method is executed on the grid with the assembled ID.

In Javascript:

function deselectCellByProductId(productId, rowIndex, colIndex) {
    var data_id;
    // get the parent grid
    var parentGrid = $("#grid1").igHierarchicalGrid("rootWidget");
    // get all rows of the parent grid
    var parentGridAllRows = parentGrid.allRows();
    $(parentGridAllRows).each(function (index, row) {
        // get the value of the product id column
        // it is assumed that product id column is the second column
        productIdCellVal = $(row.cells[1]).html();
        // check to see if this is the searched product id
        if (productIdCellVal === productId.toString()) {
            data_id = $(row).attr("data-id");
    // get the child layout key
    var childLayoutKey = $("#grid1").igHierarchicalGrid("option", "columnLayouts")[0].key;
    // define the search id of the child grid
    var childGridId = "#grid1_" + data_id + "_" + childLayoutKey + "_child";
    // deselecting the cell
    $(childGridId).igGridSelection("deselectCell", parseInt(rowIndex), parseInt(colIndex));

Code Example: Clearing Selection of All Children Grids

This example shows how to clear the selection of second level child grids.

The example below iterates all the rows of the top level grid and checks if the row is expanded. On the expanded rows it calls clearSelectionAllChildren method. Top level grid selection and first level expanded grid selection is not affected.

In Javascript:

function clearSelectionOfSecondLevelChildrenRecursively() {
    var expanded;
    // get the parent grid
    var parentGrid = $("#grid1").igHierarchicalGrid("rootWidget");
    // get all rows of the parent grid
    var parentGridAllRows = parentGrid.allRows();
    $(parentGridAllRows).each(function (index, row) {
        expanded = $("#grid1").igHierarchicalGrid("expanded", row);
        // check to see if the row is expanded
        if (expanded)
            // ... and clear its child grids selection recursively
            $(row).igGridSelection("clearSelectionAllChildren", false, true);

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Selection: This sample demonstrates configuration of selection feature in igHierarchicalGrid.

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