
Click here for more information on how to get started using this API. For details on how to reference the required scripts and themes for the igTreeGrid control read, Using JavaScript Resources in Ignite UI and Styling and Theming Ignite UI.
Code Sample
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Infragistics Combined CSS --> <link href="css/themes/infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="css/structure/infragistics.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- jQuery Core --> <script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- jQuery UI --> <script src="js/jquery-ui.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- Infragistics Combined Scripts --> <script src="js/infragistics.core.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/infragistics.lob.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var employees = [ { "employeeId": 0, "supervisorId": -1, "firstName": "Andrew", "lastName": "Fuller" }, { "employeeId": 1, "supervisorId": -1, "firstName": "Jonathan", "lastName": "Smith" }, { "employeeId": 2, "supervisorId": -1, "firstName": "Nancy", "lastName": "Davolio" }, { "employeeId": 3, "supervisorId": -1, "firstName": "Steven", "lastName": "Buchanan" }, // Andrew Fuller's direct reports { "employeeId": 4, "supervisorId": 0, "firstName": "Janet", "lastName": "Leverling" }, { "employeeId": 5, "supervisorId": 0, "firstName": "Laura", "lastName": "Callahan" }, { "employeeId": 6, "supervisorId": 0, "firstName": "Margaret", "lastName": "Peacock" }, { "employeeId": 7, "supervisorId": 0, "firstName": "Michael", "lastName": "Suyama" }, // Janet Leverling's direct reports { "employeeId": 8, "supervisorId": 4, "firstName": "Anne", "lastName": "Dodsworth" }, { "employeeId": 9, "supervisorId": 4, "firstName": "Danielle", "lastName": "Davis" }, { "employeeId": 10, "supervisorId": 4, "firstName": "Robert", "lastName": "King" }, // Nancy Davolio's direct reports { "employeeId": 11, "supervisorId": 2, "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Lewis" }, { "employeeId": 12, "supervisorId": 2, "firstName": "Ryder", "lastName": "Zenaida" }, { "employeeId": 13, "supervisorId": 2, "firstName": "Wang", "lastName": "Mercedes" }, // Steve Buchanan's direct reports { "employeeId": 14, "supervisorId": 3, "firstName": "Theodore", "lastName": "Zia" }, { "employeeId": 15, "supervisorId": 3, "firstName": "Lacota", "lastName": "Mufutau" }, // Lacota Mufutau's direct reports { "employeeId": 16, "supervisorId": 15, "firstName": "Jin", "lastName": "Elliott" }, { "employeeId": 17, "supervisorId": 15, "firstName": "Armand", "lastName": "Ross" }, { "employeeId": 18, "supervisorId": 15, "firstName": "Dane", "lastName": "Rodriquez" }, // Dane Rodriquez's direct reports { "employeeId": 19, "supervisorId": 18, "firstName": "Declan", "lastName": "Lester" }, { "employeeId": 20, "supervisorId": 18, "firstName": "Bernard", "lastName": "Jarvis" }, // Bernard Jarvis' direct report { "employeeId": 21, "supervisorId": 20, "firstName": "Jeremy", "lastName": "Donaldson" } ]; $(function () { $("#treegrid").igTreeGrid({ dataSource: employees, primaryKey: "employeeId", foreignKey: "supervisorId", autoGenerateColumns: false, columns: [ { headerText: "ID", key: "employeeId", width: "150px", dataType: "number" }, { headerText: "First", key: "firstName", width: "150px", dataType: "string" }, { headerText: "Last", key: "lastName", width: "150px", dataType: "string" } ], features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "row", multipleSelection: true, activation: true } ] }); }); </script> </head> <body> <table id="treegrid"></table> </body> </html>
Related Topics
Inherited- Type:
- bool
- Default:
- true
Enables / disables activation of rows and cells. Activation implies ability to perform navigating through cells and rows via the keyboard, and selecting rows and cells using CTRL / SHIFT - in the way cells/rows are selected in Ms Excel.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", activation : false } ] }); //Get var activation = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "activation"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "activation", true);
Inherited- Type:
- bool
- Default:
- true
Enables / disables the ability to ctrl drag multiple selection windows when selection mode is 'cell'.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", allowMultipleRangeSelection : value } ] }); //Get var allowMultipleRangeSelection = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "multipleSelection"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "allowMultipleRangeSelection", value);
Inherited- Type:
- enumeration
- Default:
- row
Defines type of the selection.
- row
- Type:string
- Defines row selection mode.
- cell
- Type:string
- Defines cell selection mode.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", mode : "cell" } ] }); //Get var selectionMode = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "mode"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "mode", "cell");
Inherited- Type:
- bool
- Default:
- true
Enables / disables selection via dragging with the mouse - only applicable for cell selection.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", mouseDragSelect : false } ] }); //Get var dragSelect = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "mouseDragSelect"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "mouseDragSelect", false);
Inherited- Type:
- bool
- Default:
- false
If true multiple selection of cells is done as if CTRL is being held. the option is disregarded if mode is set to row. this option is useful for enabling multiple discountinued selection on touch environments.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", multipleCellSelectOnClick : true } ] }); //Get var dragSelect = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "multipleCellSelectOnClick"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "multipleCellSelectOnClick", true);
Inherited- Type:
- bool
- Default:
- false
Enables / Disables multiple selection of cells and rows - depending on the mode.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", multipleSelection : value } ] }); //Get var multiSelect = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "multipleSelection"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "multipleSelection", value);
Inherited- Type:
- bool
- Default:
- true
Enables / disables selection persistance between states.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", persist : false } ] }); //Get var persist = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "persist"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "persist", false);
Inherited- Type:
- bool
- Default:
- true
If true will basically skip going into child grids with down / up / right / left arrow keys, when in the context of hierarchical grid.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", skipChildren : false } ] }); //Get var skipChildren = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "skipChildren"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "skipChildren", false);
Inherited- Type:
- bool
- Default:
- true
Deprecated="true" Enables / disables selection via continuous touch event - only applicable for cell selection and touch-supported environments.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", touchDragSelect : false } ] }); //Get var dragSelect = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "touchDragSelect"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "touchDragSelect", false);
Inherited- Type:
- bool
- Default:
- true
If wrapAround is enabled and selection is on the first or last row or cell, then when the end user tries to go beyond that, the first/last row or cell will be selected.
Code Sample
//Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features : [ { name : "Selection", wrapAround : false } ] }); //Get var wrap = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "wrapAround"); //Set $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("option", "wrapAround", false);
For more information on how to interact with the Ignite UI controls' events, refer to
Using Events in Ignite UI.
Inherited- Cancellable:
- false
Event fired after a cell becomes active (focus style applied).
evtType: Event
JQuery event object.
uiType: Object
ownerType: Object
Gets reference to GridSelection.
owner.gridType: Object
Gets a reference to the grid.
cellType: Object
Gets reference to the cell object.
cell.elementType: jQuery
Gets reference to cell DOM element.
cell.columnKeyType: String
Gets the column key.
cell.rowIdType: Object
Gets the row id if primary key is defined or persistence is enabled.
cell.indexType: Number
Gets the column index.
cell.rowType: jQuery
Gets reference to row DOM element.
cell.rowIndexType: Number
Gets the row index.
Code Sample
//Bind after initialization $(document).on("igtreegridselectionactivecellchanged", ".selector", function (evt, ui) { //return reference to igTreeGridSelection object ui.owner; //return reference to cell object ui.cell; }); //Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "cell", activeCellChanged: function (evt, ui) {...} } ] });
Inherited- Cancellable:
- true
Event fired before a cell becomes active (focus style applied) (cancellable).
Return false in order to cancel active cell changing.-
evtType: Event
JQuery event object.
uiType: Object
ownerType: Object
Gets reference to GridSelection.
owner.gridType: Object
Gets a reference to the grid.
cellType: Object
Gets reference to the cell object.
cell.elementType: jQuery
Gets reference to cell DOM element.
cell.columnKeyType: String
Gets the column key.
cell.rowIdType: Object
Gets the row id if primary key is defined or persistence is enabled.
cell.indexType: Number
Gets the column index.
cell.rowType: jQuery
Gets reference to row DOM element.
cell.rowIndexType: Number
Gets the row index.
Code Sample
//Bind after initialization $(document).on("igtreegridselectionactivecellchanging", ".selector", function (evt, ui) { //return reference to igTreeGridSelection object ui.owner; //return reference to cell object ui.cell; }); //Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "cell", activeCellChanging: function (evt, ui) {...} } ] });
Inherited- Cancellable:
- false
Event fired after a row becomes active (focus style applied).
evtType: Event
JQuery event object.
uiType: Object
ownerType: Object
Gets reference to GridSelection.
owner.gridType: Object
Gets a reference to the grid.
rowType: Object
Gets a reference to the row object.
row.elementType: jQuery
Gets a reference to active row DOM element.
row.indexType: Number
Gets the active row index.
row.idType: Object
Gets the active row id if primary key is defined or persistence is enabled.
Code Sample
//Bind after initialization $(document).on("igtreegridselectionactiverowchanged", ".selector", function (evt, ui) { //return reference to igTreeGridSelection object ui.owner; //return reference to row object ui.row; }); //Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "row", activeRowChanged: function (evt, ui) {...} } ] });
Inherited- Cancellable:
- true
Event fired before a row becomes active (focus style applied) (cancellable).
Return false in order to cancel active row changing.-
evtType: Event
JQuery event object.
uiType: Object
ownerType: Object
Gets reference to GridSelection.
owner.gridType: Object
Gets a reference to the grid.
rowType: Object
Gets a reference to the row object.
row.elementType: jQuery
Gets a reference to active row DOM element.
row.indexType: Number
Gets the active row index.
row.idType: Object
Gets the active row id if primary key is defined or persistence is enabled.
Code Sample
//Bind after initialization $(document).on("igtreegridselectionactiverowchanging", ".selector", function (evt, ui) { //return reference to igTreeGridSelection object ui.owner; //return reference to row object ui.row; }); //Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "row", activeRowChanging: function (evt, ui) {...} } ] });
Inherited- Cancellable:
- true
Event fired after cell(s) are selected.
evtType: Event
JQuery event object.
uiType: Object
ownerType: Object
Gets reference to GridSelection.
owner.gridType: Object
Gets a reference to the grid.
cellType: Object
Gets reference to the cell object.
cell.elementType: jQuery
Gets reference to cell DOM element.
cell.columnKeyType: String
Gets reference to column key.
cell.rowIdType: Object
Gets the row id if primary key is defined or persistence is enabled.
cell.indexType: Number
Gets column index.
cell.rowType: jQuery
Gets reference to row DOM element.
cell.rowIndexType: Number
Gets the row index.
selectedCellsType: Array
Gets reference to selected cells object array.
Code Sample
//Bind after initialization $(document).on("igtreegridselectioncellselectionchanged", ".selector", function (evt, ui) { //return reference to igTreeGridSelection object ui.owner; //return reference to cell object ui.cell; //return reference to selected cells object array ui.selectedCells; }); //Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "cell", cellSelectionChanged: function (evt, ui) {...} } ] });
Inherited- Cancellable:
- true
Event fired before cell(s) are about to be selected (cancellable).
Return false in order to cancel cell selection changing.-
evtType: Event
JQuery event object.
uiType: Object
ownerType: Object
Gets reference to GridSelection.
owner.gridType: Object
Gets a reference to the grid.
cellType: Object
Gets reference to the cell object.
cell.elementType: jQuery
Gets reference to cell DOM element.
cell.columnKeyType: String
Gets reference to column key.
cell.rowIdType: Object
Gets the row id if primary key is defined or persistence is enabled.
cell.indexType: Number
Gets column index.
cell.rowType: jQuery
Gets reference to row DOM element.
cell.rowIndexType: Number
Gets the row index.
selectedCellsType: Array
Gets reference to selected cells object array.
firstColumnIndexType: Number
Gets the column index for the first cell in a range selection.
firstRowIndexType: Number
Gets the row index for the first cell in a range selection.
lastColumnIndexType: Number
Gets the column index for the last cell in a range selection.
lastRowIndexType: Number
Gets the row index for the last cell in a range selection.
Code Sample
//Bind after initialization $(document).on("igtreegridselectioncellselectionchanging", ".selector", function (evt, ui) { //return reference to igTreeGridSelection object ui.owner; //return reference to cell object ui.cell; //return reference to selected cells object array ui.selectedCells; }); //Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "cell", cellSelectionChanging: function (evt, ui) {...} } ] });
Inherited- Cancellable:
- false
Event fired after row(s) are selected.
evtType: Event
JQuery event object.
uiType: Object
ownerType: Object
Gets reference to GridSelection.
owner.gridType: Object
Gets a reference to the grid.
rowType: Object
Gets reference to the row object.
row.elementType: jQuery
Gets a reference to row DOM element.
row.indexType: Number
Gets the row index.
row.idType: Number
Gets the row id if primary key is defined or persistence is enabled.
selectedRowsType: Array
Gets reference to rows object array.
Code Sample
//Bind after initialization $(document).on("igtreegridselectionrowselectionchanged", ".selector", function (evt, ui) { //return reference to igTreeGridSelection object ui.owner; //return reference to igTreeGrid object ui.owner.grid //return reference to row object in format {index, element} ui.row; //return row index ui.row.index //return reference to row DOM element ui.row.element //return reference to selected cells object array ui.selectedRows; }); //Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "row", rowSelectionChanged: function (evt, ui) {...} } ] });
Inherited- Cancellable:
- true
Event fired before row(s) are about to be selected (cancellable).
Return false in order to cancel selection changing.-
evtType: Event
JQuery event object.
uiType: Object
ownerType: Object
Gets reference to GridSelection.
owner.gridType: Object
Gets a reference to the grid.
rowType: Object
Gets reference to the row object.
row.elementType: jQuery
Gets a reference to row DOM element.
row.indexType: Number
Gets the row index.
row.idType: Number
Gets the row id if primary key is defined or persistence is enabled.
selectedRowsType: Array
Gets reference to rows object array.
startIndexType: Number
Gets the start index for a range row selection.
endIndexType: Number
Gets the end index for a range row selection.
Code Sample
//Bind after initialization $(document).on("igtreegridselectionrowselectionchanging", ".selector", function (evt, ui) { //return reference to igTreeGridSelection object ui.owner; //return reference to igTreeGrid object ui.owner.grid //return reference to row object in format {index, element} ui.row; //return row index ui.row.index //return reference to row DOM element ui.row.element //return reference to selected cells object array ui.selectedRows; }); //Initialize $(".selector").igTreeGrid({ features: [ { name: "Selection", mode: "row", rowSelectionChanging: function (evt, ui) {...} } ] });
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "activeCell" );
- Return Type:
- object
Returns the currently active (focused) cell that has the format { element: , row: , index: , rowIndex: , columnKey: }, if any.
Code Sample
var cell = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("activeCell");
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "activeRow" );
- Return Type:
- object
Returns the currently active (focused) row that has the format { element: , index: }, if any.
Code Sample
var row = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("activeRow");
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "clearSelection" );
Clears all selected cells, selected rows, active cell and active row. Also updates the UI accordingly.
Code Sample
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "deselectCell", row:number, col:number, [isFixed:bool] );
Deselects a cell by row/col.
- row
- Type:number
- Row index.
- col
- Type:number
- Column index.
- isFixed
- Type:bool
- Optional
- If the cell is part of the fixed or unfixed area of the grid.
Code Sample
$(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("deselectCell", 1, 2);
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "deselectCellById", id:object, colKey:string );
Deselects a cell by row id/column key.
- id
- Type:object
- Row Id.
- colKey
- Type:string
- Column key.
Code Sample
$(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("deselectCellById", 1, "Name");
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "deselectRow", index:number );
Deselects a row by index.
- index
- Type:number
- Row index.
Code Sample
$(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("deselectRow", 5);
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "deselectRowById", id:object );
Deselects a row by row id.
- id
- Type:object
- Row Id.
Code Sample
$(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("deselectRowById", 0);
- .igTreeGridSelection( "destroy" );
Code Sample
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "selectCell", row:number, col:number, [isFixed:bool] );
Selects a cell by row/col.
- row
- Type:number
- Row index.
- col
- Type:number
- Column index.
- isFixed
- Type:bool
- Optional
- If the cell is part of the fixed or unfixed area of the grid.
Code Sample
$(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("selectCell", 1, 5);
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "selectCellById", id:object, colKey:string );
Selects a cell by row id/column key.
- id
- Type:object
- Row Id.
- colKey
- Type:string
- Column key.
Code Sample
$(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("selectCellById", "DF-5678-FG", "ProductNumber");
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "selectedCell" );
- Return Type:
- object
Returns the currently selected cell that has the format { element: , row: , index: , rowIndex: , columnKey: }, if any.
If multiple selection is enabled the function will return null.Code Sample
var cells = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("selectedCell");
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "selectedCells" );
- Return Type:
- array
Returns an array of selected cells in arbitrary order where every objects has the format { element: , row: , index: , rowIndex: , columnKey: } .
If multiple selection is disabled the function will return null.Code Sample
var cell = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("selectedCells");
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "selectedRow" );
- Return Type:
- object
Returns the currently selected row that has the format { element: , index: }, if any.
If multiple selection is enabled the function will return null.Code Sample
var row = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("selectedRow");
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "selectedRows" );
- Return Type:
- array
Returns an array of selected rows in arbitrary order where every object has the format { element: , index: } .
If multiple selection is disabled the function will return null.Code Sample
var row = $(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("selectedRows");
Inherited- .igTreeGridSelection( "selectRow", index:number );
Selects a row by index.
- index
- Type:number
- Row index.
Code Sample
$(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("selectRow", 10);
- .igTreeGridSelection( "selectRowById", id:object );
Selects a row by row id.
- id
- Type:object
- Row Id.
Code Sample
$(".selector").igTreeGridSelection("selectRow", "AG6756GT");
ui-iggrid-activecell ui-state-focus
- Classes applied to the currently active cell, if any (mode = "cell").
ui-iggrid-activerow ui-state-focus
- Classes applied to the currently active row, if any (mode = "row").
ui-iggrid-selectedcell ui-state-active
- Classes applied to a cell once it's selected.
ui-iggrid-selectedrow ui-state-active
- Classes applied to a row once it's selected.