
GroupBy Summaries Feature Overview (igGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic introduces the GroupBy Summaries functionality of the igGrid™.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

GroupBy Summmaries Feature Overview

The GroupBy Summaries feature allows an additional summary row to be displayed below, on top or both for each group data island that displays summary information for the data columns in that island. The summary row is visible only when the related group is expanded. The image below demonstrates a grid with grouped columns where below each group the total sum of the "Price" column is displayed in a summary row:

This feature allows the user to display the result for either a default summary function (Sum, Min, Max, Avg etc.) or a custom one in order to provide a meaningful summary of the data group.

This feature can also be combined with the igGrid Summaries feature in order to display summary information for the whole data in the grid footer.

Enabling GroupBy Summmaries

Basic settings

In order to enable the group summaries feature the groupSummaries option should be enabled:

     features: [
           name: 'GroupBy',
           groupSummaries: true
    dataSource: data

When enabled the grid will render the default summaries for the related column type. The default column summaries per column type are:

Summary Applicable for column of type
Count All column types
Min number, date
Max number, date
Sum number
Avg number

Below you can see an example result with the default settings:

The applicabe column types as well as other default summaries related options can be modified via the $.ig.util.defaultSummaryMethods array.

The summary method object in the $.ig.util.defaultSummaryMethods array has the following options:

Name Description Type
label Label that will be applied to the result of the summary function. string
name Name of the summary function. Ex: {summaryFunction: "count"} string
summaryFunction Speficies the function that will be used when calculating the summary. function
dataType Speficies to which type of column this summary is applicable. Setting it to 'any' will apply this summary to all column types. 'any' or array
active Sets if the summary should be applied. boolean true
order Speficies the order in which this summary will be placed when there are multiple summaries. order: 0 means that it will be displayed on top of all summaries. number
applyFormat Sets whether formatting will be applicable for the summary value. boolean

Advanced settings

The following list contains information on the main summaries related options.

Option Description Default values Valid Values
groupSummaries Controls the default summary methods that will be applied to each column.
When true - default summaries are enabled for all columns.
When false - default summaries are disabled for all columns.
When array - the specified in the array summaries are applied for all columns. See groupSummariesObject for summary object format.
false true, false, array
groupSummariesPosition Specifies where the summary row should be positioned.
When "top" - the summary row will be positioned above the group records.
When "bottom" - the summary row will be positioned at the bottom below the group records.
When "both" - two identical summary rows will be displayed for the group at the top and the bottom. This is useful when having large amount of data inside the group.
"bottom" "top", "bottom", "both"
columnSettings.groupSummaries Array of objects setting the summaries for the column the columnSettings responds to. Takes precedent over the main groupSummaries option.
When true - default summaries are enabled for specific column.
When false - default summaries are disabled for specific column.
When array - the specified in the array summaries are applied for specific column. See groupSummariesObject for summary object format.
null true, false, array, null

The groupSummaries option allows enabling/disabling the summaries by setting true/false or specifying an array of the default summary methods that will be applied for all columns that allow that summary type. The below example demonstrates specifying a single default summary of type "Sum":

   features: [
           name: "GroupBy",
        initialExpand: false,
        groupSummaries: [
                summaryFunction: "Sum",
                label: "Total = "
    dataSource: data

This summary will be applied for all columns whose data type allows applying it. In this example since the "Sum" summary is only applicable for numeric columns only the numeric columns in the grid will have a "Sum" summary displayed in the summary row.

The columnSettings.groupSummaries option allows specifying a summary per column, which takes higher priority than the groupSummaries main level option. When this option is set for a particular column any settings related to this column from the main groupSummaries option are disregarded.

The groupSummariesObject used for specifying the summary options has the following properties:

Name Description Type Default value
summaryFunction Name or custom function specifying the summary. string or function
label Sets the label that will be used when displaying the summary value. string
summaryTemplate Sets the template for each summary result. string "{label}{value}"
format Applies format for the summary value. string The grid’s column.format value.

They allow futher customization of the look of the summary when it gets displayed in the grid summary row.

Custom summaries

Custom summaries allow specifying a custom function for aggregating the data from the data islands. In order to set a custom summary you can set a function to the summaryFunction property of the group summaries object.

The group summaries object can be added to one of the following collections, which will determine which columns the custom summary will be applied to as follows:

When set in: Custom summary is applied to:
columnSettings.groupSummaries The particular column only.
groupSummaries All columns.
$.ig.util.defaultSummaryMethods All columns.

The function accepts the data from the data island and should return the summary result for it.

Custom Summary Example:

    features: [
            name: "GroupBy",
            initialExpand: false,
            columnSettings: [
                    columnKey: "ExisitingCustomer",
                    groupSummaries: [
                         summaryFunction: existingCount,
                         label: "Existing Count: "
    dataSource: data

function existingCount(data, dataType) {
    var i, count = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
        if(data[i] === "Y"){
    return count;

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