
Populating Unbound Columns Locally (igGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic demonstrates, with code examples how to set unbound column values on the client.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Populating Unbound Columns with Data Locally – Conceptual Overview

The igGrid supports unbound columns by default, but you have to configure it. This is done differently depending on the grid’s lifetime.

To set unbound column value … Do this…
In grid initialization code If the values are known Use unboundValues property.
If the values need to be calculated Use dataBound event. Use formula property of the column. For more information see the Rendering Calculated Values in Unbound Columns topic.
At runtime To set multiple values Use setUnboundValues method.
To set single value Use setCellValue method.

Code Examples

The following table lists the code examples included in this topic.

Populating unbound column through the unboundValues property (Code Example)

You can use the column’s unboundValues property to initialize it with values known at the time the grid is initialized. Typical scenario is when you need to merge the data coming from an external data source in igGrid.

Note: If the length of the array of values is less than the count of the data rows, the remaining cells are left blank.


The following code creates an igGrid instance bound to the sample userAccounts array, configures the unbound column with key AccountIsLocked and provides its values from the unboundValues property.

In JavaScript:

var userAccounts = [
    {UserAccountId: 1, UserId: 1, UserName: "nancyd"},
    {UserAccountId: 2, UserId: 2, UserName: "andrewf"},
    {UserAccountId: 3, UserId: 3, UserName: "janetl"}
    dataSource: userAccounts,
    autoGenerateColumns: false,
    columns: [
        {key: "UserAccountId", headerText: "UserAccountId"},
        {key: "UserName", headerText: "UserName"},
            headerText: "Account is Locked",
            key: "AccountIsLocked",
            dataType: "bool",
            unbound: true,
            unboundValues: [true, false, true]

Populating unbound column using the setUnboundValues method (Code Example)

You can use setUnboundValues method to set column values at runtime after initializing the grid and binding to data. Typical scenario is when you need to merge data coming from external data source in igGrid asynchronously.

Note: If the length of the array of values is less than the count of the data rows, the remaining cells remain unfilled. The grid re-renders its unbound column after values are set. This neither rebinds nor re-renders the grid.


The following code creates an igGrid instance bound to the sample userAccounts array, configures an unbound column with key AccountIsLocked and provides its values at runtime by the setUnboundValues method.

In JavaScript:

var userAccounts = [
    {UserAccountId: 1, UserId: 1, UserName: "nancyd"},
    {UserAccountId: 2, UserId: 2, UserName: "andrewf"},
    {UserAccountId: 3, UserId: 3, UserName: "janetl"}
    dataSource: userAccounts,
    autoGenerateColumns: false,
    columns: [
        {key: "UserAccountId", headerText: "UserAccountId"},
        {key: "UserName", headerText: "UserName"},
            headerText: "Account is Locked",
            key: "AccountIsLocked",
            dataType: "bool",
            unbound: true
var lockedUserAccounts = [true,false,true];
$("#grid").igGrid("setUnboundValues", "AccountIsLocked", lockedUserAccounts);

Populating unbound column using the dataBound event (Code Example)

You can use the grid’s dataBound event to set column values calculated from other column values.


The following code creates an igGrid instance bound to the sample employees array, configures an unbound column using key FullName and calculates its values in the grid’s dataBound event by concatenating the FirstName and LastName columns.

In JavaScript:

var employees = [
    {FirstName: "Nancy", LastName: "Davolio"},
    {FirstName: "Andrew", LastName: "Fuller"},
    {FirstName: "Janet", LastName: "Leverling"}
    dataSource: employees,
    autoGenerateColumns: false,
    localSchemaTransform: false,
    columns: [
            headerText: "Full Name",
            key: "FullName",
            dataType: "string",
            unbound: true
    dataBound: function (evt, ui) {
        var i, grid = ui.owner,
            data =;
        for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
          data[i]["FullName"] = 
            data[i]["FirstName"] + ' ' + data[i]["LastName"];

Populating unbound column using the setCellValue method (Code Example)

You can use setCellValue method to set single cell value at runtime. Typical scenario involves working with the updating feature enabled. When adding or updating row its unbound columns values need to be calculated.


The following code creates an igGrid instance bound to the sample products array, configures an unbound column using the TotalPrice key and calculates its value at runtime when adding or updating a new row.

In JavaScript:

var products = [
    {ProductID: 1, UnitPrice: 4.1, VAT: 0.2}, 
    {ProductID: 2, UnitPrice: 4.1, VAT: 0.2}, 
    {ProductID: 3, UnitPrice: 4.1, VAT: 0.2}
    dataSource: products,
    autoGenerateColumns: false,
    primaryKey: "ProductID",
    columns: [
        { key: "ProductID", dataType: "number" },
        { key: "VAT", dataType: "number" },
        { key: "UnitPrice" },
            headerText: "Total Price",
            key: "TotalPrice",
            dataType: "number",
            unbound: true
    features: [
            name: "Updating",
            mode: "row",
            editRowEnded: function (evt, ui) {
                var totalPrice = ui.values["UnitPrice"] * (1 + ui.values["VAT"]);
                ui.owner.setCellValue(ui.rowID, "TotalPrice", totalPrice);

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