
Binding igHierarchicalGrid to REST Services

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to bind the igHierarchicalGrid™ to a REST Service.

Required Background

The following lists the topics, concepts and external articles required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic:

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


igHierarchicalGrid binding to REST Service summary

The igHierarchicalGrid REST Support has additional details to consider when compared to igGrid REST Support.

In order to enable REST support for the igHierarchicalGrid you need to set the rest option to true. For a load-on-demand scenario (initialDataBindDepth=-1) when root layout REST settings url is defined, then child layouts do not inherit the Url from the restSettings. Instead, the Url is generated from both the root restSettings and the child layout configuration.

Child layouts request URLs are constructed the following way:





Url = /api/customers/,    
RootPrimaryKeyID = ANATR,
Child1LayoutName = orders,
Child1PrimaryKeyID = 10308

For the child layouts, you can define batch and template options. If you want to use a template for the child layout then you should also define a template for the root restSettings because the child layout template is concatenated with the root template.

Note: The child layout Batch option is not copied from the root restSettings. If you want batch mode for the whole grid then you should define restSettings for each child layout and set its Batch option to true.

In order to support load-on-demand with remote binding, there is a dbdepth parameter which is sent in the GET request. Use it to decide how many levels of data to return to the grid. This parameter is equivalent to the igHierarchicalGrid.initialDataBindDepth option.

Note: The igHierarchicalGrid restSettings cannot be set dynamically. If you want to change the restSettings then you should recreate the grid.

In the following screenshot you can see the REST request made by the igHierarchicalGrid when the saveChanges method is executed.

Binding to REST Service in JavaScript – Example


This procedure explains how to configure the igHierarchicalGrid to bind to REST service. Server side implementation is not described, because the grid REST support is server agnostic.

The igHierarchicalGrid will be configured to use REST service which exposes data from the Customers and Orders tables of the Northwind database.

REST Service accepts the following URLs for the Customers data:

Http Method/Verb Request body URL parameter placeholder Example
GET Array /api/customers /api/customers
POST Single object /api/customers /api/customers
PUT Single object /api/customers/{customerId} /api/customers/ALFKI
DELETE Empty /api/customers/{customerId} /api/customers/ALFKI

REST Service accepts the following URLs for the Orders data:

Http Method/Verb Request body URL parameter placeholder Example
GET Array /api/customers/{customerId}/orders /api/customers/ALFKI/orders
POST Single object /api/customers/{customerId}/orders /api/customers/ALFKI/orders
PUT Single object /api/customers/{customerId}/orders/{orderId} /api/customers/ALFKI/orders/10643
DELETE Empty /api/customers/{customerId}/orders/{orderId} /api/customers/ALFKI/orders/10643


The following screenshot is a preview of the final result.


To complete the procedure, you need the following:

  • Ignite UI for jQuery JavaScript and Theme Files


The following steps demonstrate how to configure the igHierarchicalGrid to bind to REST service.

Step 1: Reference the required JavaScript files.

Include the required JavaScript references


<script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/infragistics.loader.js"></script>

Step ​2: Define the HTML placeholder for the igHierarchicalGrid.

Create TABLE element inside the BODY of your page. Assign to id attribute a value grid1.


<table id="grid1"></table>

Step ​3: Initialize the Infragistics Loader.

In JavaScript:

    scriptPath: 'js',
    cssPath: 'css',
    resources: 'igHierarchicalGrid.Updating'

Note: The Infragistics loader is a quick and efficient way to reference the required files. However, you can reference them manually. For more information, see the "Using JavaScript Resouces in Ignite UI for jQuery" topic in the Related Content section.

Step ​4. Initialize the igHierarchicalGrid.

​1. Define root layout and options

In JavaScript:

$.ig.loader(function () {
        dataSource: "/api/customers/",
        primaryKey: "CustomerID",
        initialDataBindDepth: 0,
        rest: true,
        autoGenerateColumns: false,
        width: "700px",
        height: "400px",
        defaultColumnWidth: "140px",
        columns: [
            { headerText: "Customer ID", key: "CustomerID", dataType: "string", width: "100px" },
            { headerText: "Company Name", key: "CompanyName", dataType: "string", width: "150px" },
            { headerText: "Contact Name", key: "ContactName", dataType: "string", width: "150px" },
            { headerText: "Address", key: "Address", dataType: "string", width: "150px" },
            { headerText: "City", key: "City", dataType: "string", width: "100px" }
        features: [
                name: "Updating",
                editMode: 'row',
                columnSettings: [{
                    columnKey: 'CustomerID',
                    readOnly: true

In the above code igHierarchicalGrid is configured with row updating. The grid GET request is configured by setting dataSource to /api/customers/. REST support is enabled by setting rest to true. The grid is configured in load-on-demand mode by setting initialDataBindDepth to 0.

Note: REST GET request is not defined in the restSettings option, but uses dataSource instead.

​2. Define root layout REST settings

  • Add the following code to the igHierarchicalGrid configuration:

In JavaScript:

restSettings: {
    create: {
        url: "/api/customers/"
    update: {
        url: "/api/customers/"
    remove: {
        url: "/api/customers/"

When url is defined in the REST settings then igHierarchicalGrid automatically constructs the request URL as described in the Introduction section.

If you want to define custom request URLs you should define template property on all layouts as described in step 3 and step 5.

​3. (Optional) Define root layout REST settings using templates

  • Add the following code to the igHierarchicalGrid configuration:

In JavaScript:

restSettings: {
    create: {
        template: "/api/customers/"
    update: {
        template: "/api/customers${id}"
    remove: {
        template: "/api/customers${id}"

In the above code the default request URLs is achieved by using template. Template can be used where REST service URL scheme doesn’t match the default URLs generated by igHierarchicalGrid.

Note: When you use template, then you should define template for each level of the igHierarchicalGrid.

​4. Define child layout and options

Add the following code to the igHierarchicalGrid configuration:

In JavaScript:

columnLayouts: [
        key: "Orders",
        foreignKey: "CustomerID",
        primaryKey: "OrderID",
        width: "100%",
        autoGenerateColumns: false,
        columns: [
            { headerText: "OrderID", key: "OrderID", width: "10%", dataType: "number" },
            { headerText: "ShipName", key: "ShipName", width: "10%", dataType: "string" },
            { headerText: "ShipAddress", key: "ShipAddress", width: "10%", dataType: "string" }
        features: [
                name: "Updating",
                editMode: 'row',
                columnSettings: [{
                    columnKey: 'OrderID',
                    readOnly: true

Orders child layout is defined with row updating feature also. The restSettings are not defined, because they are inherited from the root layout.

​5. (Optional) Define child layout REST settings using templates

  • Add the following code to the Orders layout configuration:

In JavaScript:

restSettings: {
    create: {
        template: "orders/"
    update: {
        template: "orders${id}"
    remove: {
        template: "orders${id}"

If root restSettings are defined with template then templates should be used in the child layouts also. This step is an addition to step 3. Child layout request URLs are constructed by concatenating the templates on each level with its parent level, that’s why the template for the orders restSettings contains only orders part of the Url.

Note: In the template you can use only ${id} placeholder. This placeholder is mapped to the respective layout primary key.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.


The following material (available outside the Infragistics family of content) provides additional information related to this topic.

  • Getting Started with ASP.NET Web API: ASP.NET Web API is a framework that makes it easy to build HTTP services that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. ASP.NET Web API is an ideal platform for building REST-ful applications on the .NET Framework.

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