
Event Reference (Row Selectors, igHierarchicalGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic provides a reference for events the Row Selectors feature of the igHierarchicalGrid™ control and code examples about handling these events.

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In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Row Selector Events Reference


There are three events specific to the igGridRowSelectors widget:

  • checkBoxStateChanging
  • checkBoxStateChanged
  • rowSelectorClicked

The checkBoxStateChanging event may be canceled, and propagation can be terminated when the event handler returns false.

Row Selector events reference summary

The purpose and function of the igGridRowSelectors control’s events.

Property Description Can be Stopped
rowSelectorClicked Raised after clicking on a row selector. The handler function takes arguments evt and ui. The ui argument options and their usage follow.
Argument name Usage
ui.row Gets a reference to the row where the clicked row selector resides.
ui.rowIndex Gets the index of the row where the clicked row selector resides.
ui.rowKey Gets the key of the row where the clicked row selector resides.
ui.rowSelector Gets a reference to the row selector cell.
ui.owner Gets a reference to igRowSelectors.
ui.grid Gets a reference to the igGrid where the igRowSelectors control is initialized.

checkBoxStateChanging Raised when a row selector checkbox is changing. The handler function takes arguments evt and ui. The ui argument options and their usage follow.
Argument name Usage
ui.row Gets a reference to the row where the clicked row selector resides.
ui.rowIndex Gets the index of the row where the clicked row selector resides.
ui.rowKey Gets the key of the row where the clicked row selector resides.
ui.rowSelector Gets a reference to the row selector cell.
ui.owner Gets a reference to igRowSelectors.
ui.grid Gets a reference to the igGrid where the igRowSelectors control is initialized.
ui.currentState Gets the current state of the checkbox (on or off).
ui.newState Gets the new state of the checkbox (on or off).
ui.isHeader Checks to see if the header check box is the one being clicked. In this case no row related arguments are passed.

checkBoxStateChanged Raised after a row selector checkbox changes state. The handler function takes arguments evt and ui. The ui argument options and their usage follow.
Argument name Usage
ui.row Gets a reference to the row where the clicked row selector resides.
ui.rowIndex Gets the index of the row where the clicked row selector resides.
ui.rowKey Gets the key of the row where the clicked row selector resides.
ui.rowSelector Gets a reference to the row selector cell.
ui.owner Gets a reference to igRowSelectors.
ui.grid Gets a reference to the igGrid for which the igRowSelectors are initialized.
ui.state Gets the current state of the checkbox (on or off).
ui.isHeader Checks if the header check box is the one being clicked. In this case no row related arguments are passed.

Code Examples

Code Example: Attaching an Event Handler at Initialization in jQuery

Assigning an event handler functions as a common option to the igGridRowSelectors control’s rowSelectorClicked event at initialization. When the event occurs the handling function is called. However, the event handler is no longer called if the control is destroyed and recreated without the handler being reassigned.


An example of assigning event handling function to the rowSelectorClicked event at initialization.

In JavaScript:

    initialDataBindDepth: -1,
    dataSource: data,
    dataSourceType: "json",
    responseDataKey: "Records",
    autoGenerateColumns: true,
    autoGenerateLayouts: true,
    primaryKey: "ID",
    features: [
            name: 'RowSelectors',
            enableCheckBoxes: true,
            rowSelectorClicked: function(evt, ui) {
                // Handle event  
            name: 'Selection'

Code Example: Attaching an Event Handler in jQuery and MVC at Run-Time


When using Ignite UI for MVC, you can attach event handlers at runtime using the jQuery on() method.

In JavaScript:

$("#grid").on("iggridrowselectorsrowselectorclicked", function (e, args) {
        // Handle event  

This option is available when using Ignite UI for MVC as well, but Ignite UI for MVC also exposes another way with the AddClientEvent method. The first method argument accepts the string name of the event’s option and the second accepts the string name of the event handler function.

While this approach serves the majority of use cases, the second argument of the AddClientEvent method also accepts a string of JavaScript code to execute as well as a string representing the full JavaScript function as demonstrated in step 2 without the script element tags.


    <%= Html.Infragistics()
        .Features(features =>
                features.RowSelectors().Inherit(true).AddClientEvent("rowSelectorClicked", "selectorClicked")

Code Example: Canceling the Check-Box State Changing Event


This example demonstrates canceling the checkBoxStateChanging event. This resulted in a particular row, meeting the specific criteria, not being able to be selected or unselected.


In this example, code detects if the checkbox on the header row is checked. Handling the checkBoxStateChanging event, allows a checkbox selection to be canceled. In this way, you can prevent all of the rows being selected at once and force the user to select rows individually. Thus, preventing the user from selecting all the desired rows at once and force the user to select only specific rows one at a time.

In JavaScript:

    initialDataBindDepth: -1,
    dataSource: data,
    dataSourceType: "json",
    responseDataKey: "Records",
    autoGenerateColumns: true,
    autoGenerateLayouts: true,
    primaryKey: "ID",
    features: [
            name: 'RowSelectors',
            enableCheckBoxes: true,
            checkBoxStateChanging: function (evt, ui) {
                       if (ui.isHeader && ui.newState === "on")
                           return false;
            name: 'Selection'

Related Content


Refer to the following topics for additional information.

  • Enabling Row Selectors: Demonstrates, with code examples, how to enable the Row Selectors feature in jQuery and in ASP.NET MVC.
  • Configuring Row Selectors: Demonstrates, with code examples, how to configure the igHierarchicalGrid’s Row Selectors feature.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Row Selectors: Demonstrates the usage of RowSelectors in igHierarchicalGrid.

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