
Configuring the Needle (igLinearGauge)

Topic Overview


This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure the needle of the igLinearGauge™ control. This includes the value indicated by the needle, its width, position, and formatting.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

  • igLinearGauge Overview: This topic provides conceptual information about the igLinearGauge control including its main features, minimum requirements, and user functionality.

  • Adding igLinearGauge: This is a group of topics explaining how to add the igLinearGauge control to an HTML page and an ASP.NET MVC application.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Configuring the Needle – Conceptual Overview

Needle configuration summary

Configuring the needle includes specifying the needle’s shape and size and its position across and along the scale. Further customizations can include configuring the look-and-feel of the needle (in terms of border thickness and color and fill color) and providing a tooltip.

The shape of the needle is specified by setting the needleShape property to one of the pre-defined needle shape types or to the custom needle type. The pre-defined needle shapes are

  • Needle
  • Rectangle
  • Trapezoid
  • Triangle

The default needle shape is Needle which defines a rectangular needle body with a triangular point, like this:

The custom needle shape type is specified by setting the needleShape property to “Custom”.

The pre-defined shapes are customizable. If you use any of the pre-defined needle shapes without customizing the shape, you are configuring a basic needle. Selecting either a custom shape or further customizing a pre-defined shape through its extent-type or width-based properties is considered configuring a custom needle.

Along the scale, the needle is always positioned at the value specified by the value property.

The needle’s position in the across-the-scale dimension is configurable relative to the edges of the Graph area through the needleInnerExtent and needleOuterExtent properties. The needle shape is configured through the needleShape property. There are multiple predefined shapes that can be used for the needle. Custom shapes are also supported.

The look-and-feel of the needle can be customized in terms of fill color, border color, and border thickness using the respective properties (needleBrush, needleOutline, and needleStrokeThickness).

Needle configuration summary chart

The following table explains briefly the configurable aspects of igLinearGauge control’s needle and maps them to properties that manage them.

Configurable aspects Details Property Default value
Shape type A value indicating the needle shape needleShape Needle
Name A name for the needle (for displaying in the tooltip) needleName Not set
Value to indicate The value indicated by the needle value Not set
Size and position across the scale The position of the inner edge of the needle needleInnerExtent Defined in the default theme
The position of the outer edge of the needle needleOuterExtent Defined in the default theme
Look-and-feel Fill color of the bar needleBrush Defined in the default theme
Thickness of the needle’s border Set in pixels needleStrokeThickness 1.0
Color of the needle’s border needleOutline Defined in the default theme
Tooltip Content of the needle’s tooltip needleToolTip Depends on whether needleName has been initialized

Note:For details in configuring the tooltip, see Configuring a Custom Tooltip for the Needle in the Configuring the Tooltips (igLinearGauge) topic.)

Property settings

The following table maps the desired behavior to its respective property settings.

In order to configure: Use this property: And set it to:
Shape type needleShape One of the predefined shapes or “Custom”
Name NeedleName A string expressing the name of the needle
Value to indicate value The desired value in the measures of the scale
Size and position across the scale needleInnerExtent Across-the-scale position of the inner edge of the needle defined as a relative part of the height/width of the Graph area (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2).
needleOuterExtent Across-the-scale position of the outer edge of the needle defined as a relative part of the height/width of the Graph area(depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2).
Look-and-feel Fill color needleBrush The desired color
Border thickness needleStrokeThickness The desired value in pixels
Border color needleOutline The desired color
Tooltip needleToolTip The desired template. (See Configuring the Tooltips (igLinearGauge).)

Configuring the Needle Shape

Needle shape configuration summary

Configuring the needle shape can be done for either the existing pre-defined shapes or to a custom shape. In the latter case, you can create an entirely new needle shape.

The needle shape is configured by setting the properties controlling the various widths and extents. These properties define the three basic parts which form the desired needle shape. The basic parts are (from top to bottom at vertical orientation):

  • Outer part – the part of the needle that is farthest from the scale
  • Middle part – the part between the Outer segment and the Inner segment. It shares its width-related properties with the other two segments.
  • Inner part – the part of the needle that is closest the scale

The following picture illustrates the properties related to the needle shape when horizontal orientation is used. For explanations of the properties, refer to Property reference.

Property categories

The properties configuring the needle fall into two general types based on whether they configure the breadth of the needle or its extent from the scale:

Configure the needle shape and position in the across-the-scale dimension, relative to the inner edge of the Graph area. Their values represent the relative part of the breadth of the Graph area in the across-the-scale dimension presented as a decimal fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2), with 0 denoting the inner edge of the graph area and 1 – its outer edge.

Property subsets

The full set of the properties applies when you are configuring a custom shape(the needleShape property is “Custom”). To pre-defined shape types, only a subset of these widths and extents apply because drawing these shapes do not require all three basic shapes.

Property subsets per part

Following are the properties you need to use to use to configure the basic parts of a custom needle:

Property subsets per needle shape type

The following table shows which shape configuration properties you need to set when customizing a particular needle shape type. For details on the meaning of the properties and their settings, see Property reference.

Needle shape type Properties
  • needleBreadth
  • needleInnerExtent
  • needleInnerPointExtent
  • needleInnerPointWidth
  • needleOuterBaseWidth
  • needleOuterExtent
  • needleOuterPointWidth
  • needleBreadth
  • needleInnerBaseWidth
  • needleInnerExtent
  • needleOuterBaseWidth
  • needleOuterExtent
  • needleBreadth
  • needleInnerBaseWidth
  • needleInnerExtent
  • needleOuterBaseWidth
  • needleOuterExtent
  • needleBreadth
  • needleInnerExtent
  • needleOuterBaseWidth
  • needleOuterExtent

Property reference

The following table explains briefly the properties that configure the needle shape and maps them to the shape types and parts to which they apply. The properties are listed alphabetically. (For a visual representation of the meaning of the properties, refer to the illustration in Needle shape configuration summary.)

Property Part Details Applies when NeedleShape is
needleBreadth All Base width (in pixels) used for defining the width-related properties. The allowed settings are all numeric values greater than 0. Note that values that are too big would make the needle disproportionally large.
  • “custom”
  • “needle”
  • “rectangle”
  • “trapezoid”
  • “triangle”
needleInnerBaseWidth Inner Width Breadth of the Inner base segment of the needle inner edge.
  • “custom’
  • “rectangle”
  • “trapezoid”
needleInnerExtent Inner Across-the-scale position of the inner edge of the inner base segment defined as a relative part of the height/width of the Graph area (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2). Together with the needleInnerPointExtent property specifies the extent and position across the scale of the Inner part.
  • “custom”
  • “needle”
  • “rectangle”
  • “trapezoid”
  • “triangle”
needleInnerPointExtent Inner / Middle Across-the-scale position of:
  • Inner part’s outer edge
  • Middle part’s inner edge
The position is defined as a relative part of the breadth of the Graph area presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2). Together with the needleInnerExtent property specifies the extent and position across the scale of the Inner part. Together with the needleOuterPointExtent property specifies the extent and position across the scale of the Middle part. Across-the-scale position of the inner point of the needle (the point …), defined as a relative part of the height/width of the Graph area (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2).
  • “custom”
  • “needle”
needleInnerPointWidth Inner / Middle Breadth Width of:
  • Inner part’s outer edge of the needle)
  • Middle part’s inner edge.
  • “custom”
  • “needle”
needleOuterBaseWidth Outer Breadth of the Outer part’s outer edge.
  • “custom”
  • “needle”
  • “rectangle”
  • “trapezoid”
  • “triangle”
needleOuterExtent Inner Across-the-scale position of the outer base segment defined as a relative part of the height/width of the Graph area (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2) Across-the-scale position of the outer edge of the Outer part defined as a relative part of the breadth of the Graph area presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2).Together with the needleOuterPointExtent property specifies the extent and position across the scale of the Inner part.
  • “custom”
  • “needle”
  • “rectangle”
  • “trapezoid”
  • “triangle
needleOuterPointExtent Outer / Middle Across-the-scale position of:
  • Middle part’s outer edge
  • Outer part’s inner edge
The position is defined as a relative part of the breadth of the Graph area presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2). Together with the needleInnerPointExtent property specifies the extent and position across the scale of the Middle part. Together with the needleOuterExtent property specifies the extent and position across the scale of the Outer part. Across-the-scale position of the outer edge of the Middle part defined as a relative part of the height/width of the Graph area (depending on the orientation) presented as a fraction of 1 (e.g. 0.2).
needleOuterPointWidth Outer / Middle Breadth of:
  • Middle part’s outer edge
  • Outer part’s inner edge
  • “custom”
  • “needle”
needleShape Depends on the shape type The shape of needle. (The default is “Needle” which defines a rectangular needle body with a triangle point.) The allowed settings are
  • “Custom”
  • “Needle” (default)
  • “Rectangle”
  • “Trapezoid”
  • “Triangle”
Not applicable to the needleShape property itself.

Code Examples Summary

The following table lists the code examples included in this topic.

Example Description
Configuring a Basic Needle This example demonstrates setting the default needle with customize the look-and-feel (brown border, 3 pixels thick, and orange fill).
Configuring a Custom Needle This example demonstrates defining a custom (butterfly-shaped) needle.

Code Example: Configuring a Basic Needle


This example demonstrates setting the default needle with customize the look-and-feel (brown border, 3 pixels thick, and orange fill).

The screenshot below demonstrates how the igLinearGauge looks as a result of the following settings:

Property Value
value “85”
needleBrush “orange”
needleOutline “brown”
needleStrokeThickness “3”


Following is the code that implements this example.

In JavaScript:

    value: 85,
    needleBrush: "orange",
    needleOutline: "brown",
    needleStrokeThickness: 3

Code Example: Configuring a Custom Needle


The screenshot below demonstrates defining a custom (butterfly-shaped) needle as a result of the following settings:


Following is the code that implements this example.

In JavaScript:

    value: 50,
    needleShape: "custom",
    needleInnerExtent: .4,
    needleOuterExtent: .6,
    needleInnerPointExtent: 0.1,
    needleOuterPointExtent: .9,
    needleInnerBaseWidth: 0,
    needleOuterBaseWidth: .1,
    needleInnerPointWidth: .3,
    needleOuterPointWidth: .35

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Configuring the Scale (igLinearGauge): This topic explains, with examples, how to configure the scale of the igLinearGauge control. This includes positioning the scale inside the control and configuring the scale tick marks and labels.

  • Configuring the Needle (igLinearGauge): This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure the needle of the igLinearGauge control. This includes the needle’s value, width, and formatting.

  • Configuring Comparative Ranges (igLinearGauge): This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure ranges in the igLinearGauge control. This includes the number of ranges and their positions, lengths, widths, and formatting.

  • Configuring the Background (igLinearGauge): This topic explains, with code examples, how to configure a background for the linear gauge. This includes setting the background’s size, position, color, and border.

  • Configuring the Tooltips (igLinearGauge): This topic explains, with code examples, how to enable the tooltips in the igLinearGauge control and configure the delay with which they are displayed.


The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Needle Settings: This sample demonstrates configuring the value needle, by using the predefined shapes, or creating a custom one.

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