
Known Issues and Limitations in 2013 Volume 2

Topic Overview


This summarizes the known issues and limitations of the Ignite UI for jQuery™ 2013 Volume 2 release. Information about previous releases can be found here.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Known Issues and Limitations Summary

The following table summarizes the known issues and limitations of the Ignite UI for jQuery 2013 Volume 2 release. Detailed explanations of known issues and the possible workarounds are provided in the known issues topics for each control.

Workaround available
No known workaround
Fix planned

Editors Common Known Issues

Issue Description Status
Placeholder behavior when element is <input> or <textarea> If the editor’s base element is an <input> or <textarea> element and buttons, theme, or renderInContainer options are enabled, then the editor’s base element is removed from its parent and wrapped in a <span> element.
Editor not rendering correctly in some browsers when in a <td> base element If the base element for the editor is a <td> element (or some other special container different from the <span> or <div> elements), then some browsers may not render the control. For example, rendering fails in the Safari® browser when using a <td> as the base element for the igCurrencyEditor™ control.
Change the default value of the display option from inline-block to block.
Changing theme after initialization not supported under certain conditions Changing the theme option is not supported after initialization when the base element is either <input> or <textarea>and if the button, renderInContainer, and theme options are disabled.
Multi-line text mode not supported in an <input> base element If the base element is <input>, setting the textMode option to multiline is not supported.
Forced multi-line text mode in a <textarea> base element If the base element is <textarea>, the textMode option is set to multiline and cannot be changed.
Base <select> element auto-replaced with <input> element If the base element is a <select> element, it is replaced with an <input> element. The drop-down button and list Items are created programmatically and the content is filled with the options of the original <select> element.
Width and height options can be set only absolutely (in pixels) under certain conditions If the editor’s base element is not an <input> or <textarea> element and buttons, theme, or renderInContainer options are enabled, then the width and height options can be set only absolutely (in pixels).
If the editor is rendered as an <input> or <textarea> element without a <span>element wrapper, then the width and height can be set to a string with percent and other HTML units.
Some options cannot change values after initialization Changing value after initialization for button, textMode, and renderInContainer options is not supported.
Limitations to filtering an entry by list Options related to filtering an entry by list, such as listMatchIgnoreCase, listMatchOnly, listMatchContainsand listAutoComplete, have effect only for an editor with type set to either text or igTextEditor.
Specifics about disabling all triggers for a drop-down To disable all triggers for a drop-down, the dropDownTriggers option should be set to either an empty string or null.
Erroneous behavior when user input exceeds the length of the input field If the user enters text longer than the width of the edit field:
  • Caret in some browsers may go out of view. (The editor control’s has logic designed to minimize this occurrence, but it does not cover 100% of the cases).
  • Some browsers may fail to instantly adjust the caret position while characters are entered. The caret may also briefly (for a split-second) jump to the end of the text and back. Although the actual entry point for the next key and the actual location of caret should be correct.
  • In some browsers, particularly Firefox®, text may jump/shake horizontally on every keypress.
Erroneous behavior when under certain conditions If the base element is <textarea> (textMode=”multiline”) and multiple lines are entered, that make the field scroll:
  • Vertical scroll may fail and the caret may go out of view after multiple keyboard entries, when Shift+Enter (new line) is entered. This may happen if the caret has been located in the middle of text.
  • In some browsers, particularly Firefox, text may jump vertically and horizontally on every keypress.
Specific referencing requirements for the date picker If an editor has a type set to either datepicker or igDatePicker™, then it is dependent on jquery-datepicker and requires reference to either jquery.ui.datepicker.js or to combined library such as jqueryui/1.8.7/jquery-ui.js.
Date picker not supporting multi-line mode If an editor has a type set to either datepicker or igDatePicker, it does not support multiline textMode option.
Date picker not supporting <textarea> base element If an editor has a type set to either datepicker or igDatePicker, it does not support <textarea> as a base element.
Numeric editors limitations in Edit mode Numeric editors do not support group, or thousand separators and symbols, in Edit mode.
Specific referencing requirements for the numeric and date editors Numeric and Date editors depend on $.ig._regional, therefore, that object should be available in a reference to ig.util.js or to a combined ig-js file.
Changing locale dynamically for an editor not possible with Infragistics Loader Regional settings of editors cannot be changed programmatically when using the Infragistics® Loader.
A post-back is necessary in order to change the regional option. Another workaround is to destroy the editor control, call the Loader to load with a different locale, and then re-create the control itself.
Change in styling The layout of HTML elements has modified and rounded corners are rendered around the whole editor, not only around buttons.
Applications can disable rounded corners by providing custom CSS or overriding default igEditor CSS classes.
Spin buttons issue Spin buttons are rendered horizontally.
Editors rendering failure Rendering may fail if the base element is <td>.
Applications should not restrict the width of a parent element if the base element is <td> or it should ensure that the actual width of the <td> element is no less than the width of the editor control. The parent element is not only the parent table but the whole upchain of parents in the DOM hierarchy.
igDateEditor and igDatePicker Knockout extensions have limitation in Immediate update mode igDateEditor™ and igDatePicker Knockout extensions have a limitation when the updateMode property is set to immediate. The Immediate mode is not supported when date format is different than en-US.
When non en-US format is used, Immediate mode, works correct only if the date is selected from the date picker, or a valid date is pasted inside the editor. If the value is typed, character by character, the wrong date is populated. The limitation is due to limitation of the JavaScript Date object constructor.
Either use the default update mode – On Change – or force the user to select the date from the igDatePicker component and not to enter it manually.

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Issue Description Status
Only one performance bar and one comparative marker supported The igBulletGraph™ control supports only one performance bar and one comparative marker.
No label collisions detection The igBulletGraph control does not provide means for detecting label collisions. As a result, when the space to visualize the labels is not sufficient, label collisions may occur.
Performance bar can be drawn only from the minimum scale position The starting position of the performance bar can only be at the minimum value of the scale, i.e. the performance bar cannot originate from an arbitrary position.

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Issue Description Status
Multiple selection and custom values cannot be used together AllowCustomValue = true is together with either with multiSelection = “on” or multiSelection = “onWithCheckBoxes” is not supported.
Using the key of the parent combo for cascading combos prevents filtering the child combo For the workaround, see the Binding Cascading igCombo Controls to a Cascading Data Sources topic.
Load-on-demand not supported for cascading igCombo child Configuring a cascading child igCombo™ to have load-on-demand enabled together with defining its parent combo key is not supported.

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Issue Description Status
First and last items appear half cut in financial series charts In a financial series, the first and the last data items do not appear entirely on the chart view but are plotted as if they are cut in half.
Chart animations are disabled when the axis range changes If you use the Motion Framework for charts and updated data causes the y-axis range to change, then all chart animation is disabled and new data appears immediately without any motion effect.
Monolith shadows do not allow for the blur effect to be applied to them When the useSingleShadow property of the series is set to “true”, the shadowBlur setting is disregarded and no blur is applied to the shadow. This is a deliberate limitation due to a Google® Chrome™ bug and extended to all major browsers thus ensuring consistent behavior across all of them. This behavior is subject to change once the aforementioned Chrome issue is resolved. Workaround:
If you need to apply blur to the shadow, use the Compound type of shadow (useSingleShadow = “true”).

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Issue Description Status
Controls sized incorrectly when inside an igDialog and their width/ height is relative Controls inside an igDialog™ do not have correct dimensions if their width/height is relative. This is because any embedded controls are instantiated before rendering igDialog so their dimensions cannot be calculated correctly.

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igGrid – General

Issue Description Status
Column captions not wrapping onto multiple lines Column captions (igGrid.headerText) do not wrap onto multiple lines. This is a breaking change from the previous versions’ functionality.
Inconsistent behavior when the touch point is sliding over certain UI elements The grid and its features may have inconsistent behavior when the touch point is sliding over particular UI elements.
Mixed/partial column width settings not supported The scenario in which some column widths are set in percentages while others are set in pixels (or not specified at all) is not supported.
Grid header and footer not rendering correctly in IE 7 When a grid width is not specified, the header and footer elements are rendered shorter than the grid in Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7.
Incorrect grid features API calls’ behavior with <div> elements If a grid is instantiated on a <div> element, the API calls to the grid's features do not work.
Dialogs/pop-ups appear behind the records on Android 4.0.2 When the igGrid is running on Android 4.0.2 and has vertical scrolling enabled, all the popups/dialogs appear behind the records.
igGrid re-initializes when the combined height of header, footer and content exceeds the height set in the options When the sum of the height of header, footer and content of the igGrid is more than the height set in the options, the igGrid widget re-initialize itself with new height enough to have visible header, footer and content.
The showHeader option not working correctly When the showHeader option is set to false on grid initialization, setting it to true run-time using the API will not show the header.
Horizontal scrollbar visibility issues on Mac OS The grid’s horizontal scrollbar is not visible on Mac OS® when its Show scrollbars only when scrolling option is set to true. This is because the grid’s horizontal scrollbar has an overflow set to hidden.
With auto-generated columns, the source must contain key/value pairs When the grid’s columns are auto-generated (i.e. autoGenerateColumns is enabled), the source should always contain key/value pairs, otherwise the grid might not render correctly.
Defining a feature more than once not possible In JavaScript:
In both igGrid and igHierarchicalGrid™, defining a feature more than once throws an error.
In both igGrid and igHierarchicalGrid, defining a feature more than once in the MVC Wrapper, causes only the last definition to be taken into account.
Checkbox rendering not compatible with templates (row and column) When using templating and the renderCheckboxes option is set to true, the Boolean columns do not render checkboxes because it is not possible to examine if the Boolean column has a template defined.
Setting attributes to table rows with a row template not possible In both igGrid and igHierarchicalGrid, setting attributes to table rows cannot be done possible using a row template.
Events not triggered By design, events only trigger on user interaction. Events do not trigger when the public API is used.
KnockoutJS observable array functions’ limitations The use of unshift, reverse and sort observable array functions results in incorrect visual appearance of the grid.
The id attribute is mandatory for the DOM control placeholder The id attribute should be set on the DOM element on which the grid is initialized. Grid use jQuery ID selector internally for faster selection.
Column keys which contain spaces are not supported Column keys are used for generating some DOM elements IDs. Having spaces in an HTML id attribute is not allowed according to the HTML 5 specification.

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igGrid – Data Binding

Issue Description Status
The LoadTransaction method must be overridden by the GridModel when binding to a DataTable/DataSet is used together with the Updating feature When binding igGrid to a DataTable or a DataSet and the Updating feature is used, the GridModel must override the LoadTransaction() method using a serializer which supports de-serializing Dictionary<string, string> to JSON.
Remote filtering, sorting, summaries, and grouping not supported with binding to a data table/set When binding grids to a DataTable or a DataSet, local configuration for the Sorting, Filtering, and Group By features is supposed be used, but a workaround for remote configuration is available, for Sorting and Filtering.

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igGrid – Unbound Columns

Issue Description Status
Remote filtering, sorting and grouping not supported for unbound columns The Sorting, Filtering, and Group By features do not work with unbound columns. These features are disabled for the unbound columns in the Columns collection.
The grid SetUnboundValues([Column key], [Dictionary of values]) method overload of the grid MVC helpers requires a primary key Using the SetUnboundValues([Column key], [Dictionary of values]) method overload requires setting a primary key.
Limitations to using the grid helper in the View Using the grid helper in an ASP.NET MVC View is not a valid scenario when the data source is remote and the MergeUnboundColumns property is set to true.
Unbound column values not updated when remote paging and unboundValues is used The grid displays same values for the unbound column when unboundValues is set on the client with remote paging enabled.
Limitations to using formulas in unbound columns Formulas cannot be used in the igGrid’s unbound columns when the MergeUnboundColumns option is set to true.
Unbound data values not persisted automatically in the grid’s controls If a row with unbound values is edited and committed, and the grid is rebound after that, the changes are not persisted.
Erroneous scrolling of the grid to top when virtualization is used A grid is scrolled to the top before any unbound column values are rendered when virtualization of any form of (fixed or continuous) is used and the setUnboundValues client API method is called.
Boolean unbound columns populated incorrectly when remote data is used When the MergeUnboundColumns property is set to false and remote data is used, then any Boolean unbound columns are populated with false.
igGrid’s getUnboundValues method of grids does not return unbound values in certain situations Using the getUnboundValues() client API method does not return unbound values if they are set through the dataBound client-side event.

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igGrid – Virtualization

Issue Description Status
Fixed headers always enabled (limitation) When virtualization is enabled, there is a limitation in the form of the fixedHeaders option being unchangeable and always set to true.
Grid height settings limitation The height of the igGrid must always be exactly divisible by the average row height. (The remainder of the division must be 0.)
Rows’ height settings limitation In an igGrid with only a few data rows, all igGrid rows receive expanded height. This is because the sum of the rows’ heights has to match the grid’s height.
Columns visible width settings limitation The columns visible width must be equal to the igGrid’s width (for horizontal virtualization)
Keyboard navigation not supported for horizontal virtualization (limitation) Keyboard navigation is not supported for horizontal virtualization.
Limitation to applying cell classes Applying a specific cell class to every cell that is in a sorted column is not supported, i.e. applySortedColumnCss is automatically set to false.
When virtualization is enabled the autofitLastColumn is not effective When virtualization is enabled the autofitLastColumn has no effect, which will result in columns expanding to take up the whole grid width when the sum of the columns widths is less than the width of the grid (it will act as autofitLastColumn = true).
Column virtualization will not work when grid width is defined in percentage units When grid width is defined in percentage units and column virtualization is enabled (columnVirtualization = true) horizontal scrollbar will not render.

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Issue Description Status
Column fixing not supported for some igGrid features The Column Fixing feature of igGrid does not work with the following features:
  • Column Moving
  • Grouping (aka. Group By)
  • Hiding
  • (Responsive Web Design (RWD) Mode (aka. Responsive)
  • Knockout library (KnockoutJS) integration
  • Virtualization
  • Unbound Columns
Integration of Column Fixing with these features will be implemented in a future volume release.
Misalignment between fixed and unfixed part of the rows in IE9+ (issue caused by IE9+ engine) In Internet Explorer 9 or higher, if you fix a column in an igGrid and scroll down to the middle of the grid, you will see misalignment between the fixed and unfixed parts of the rows.
Grid and its columns widths are mandatory and should be defined in pixels units Grid and its columns (either explicitly or using the defaultColumnWidth option) widths are mandatory and should be defined in pixels units.

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Issue Description Status
Column Moving not working in IE 9 Column Moving does not work in Internet Explorer 9. This is caused by a bug in the jQuery UI draggable introduced in version 1.7.2 and resolved in 1.8.6. For more information on the bug, see jQuery UI Bug 5370.
Erroneous Column Moving behavior of in Google Chrome When the Column Moving feature is used with a jQuery UI version lower than 1.8.6, it causes the grid to be selected in Google Chrome.

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igGrid - Multi-column headers

Issue Description Status
Multi-column headers feature is not supported with columnVirtualization When virtualization and multi-column headers features are enabled, only rowVirtualization is integrated. Column virtualization is not supported in this scenario.

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Issue Description Status
Simple Filtering does not work with column virtualization Filtering mode = "simple" does not work with column virtualization (columnVirtualization = true)

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Issue Description Status
Inconsistent date format in the group row and the rest of the rows When grouping by column that has data in date format, the format of the date at the top of the group (this format is automatically displayed when grouping), is different from the column format.
Grouping not working in IE 9 The Group By feature does not work in Internet Explorer 9. This is caused by a bug in the jQuery UI draggable introduced in version 1.7.2 and resolved in 1.8.6. For more information on the bug, see jQuery UI Bug 5370 .
Misaligned rows in IE 9 when grouping by column and collapsing all rows When grouping by column and collapsing all rows, the rows are misaligned in IE9 due to the specific way the browser handles collapsed elements.
Erroneous grouping when defining paging before grouping in MVC When using an MVC Solution and defining the Paging and Group By features together, the groups will be incorrect if Paging is defined before the Group By feature.
Incorrect filtering row area style in IE 8 The filtering row area gets the wrong style when Group By and Filtering are enabled together in Internet Explorer 8. This due to issues specific to the Internet Explorer 8 browser.
Row count for a group stays unchanged when the grid is filtered When Filtering is enabled together with the Group By feature, the group row count stays unchanged by design, even if the grid is filtered and the count of rows – reduced.
Incorrect row count for the second group when more than two groups are grouped together with remote paging enabled When more than two groups are grouped with the Group By feature together with remote Paging, enabled the second group gets the wrong row count.
Incorrect record count with remote paging and summaries When grid Paging and grid Summaries are remote and there are records with null values, the count of the records in the group is incorrect because the value is send as a null string from the server.
Exception thrown when the Group By feature defines column settings together with enabling inheritance If you enable the Group By feature and, in it, attempt to both define column settings and enable inheritance, a page exception will be thrown.
Grouping used together with auto generating columns prevent other columns from grouping If an igGrid control has some columns explicitly defined and autoGenerateColumns set to true, having columns grouped at initialization will prevent other columns from being grouped at runtime.
Values in a column grouped but not displayed correctly When autoGenerateColumns is set to true and a column is set to be grouped at initialization, the values in the column are grouped but not displayed correctly.
The groupedColumnsChanged event input argument ui.groupedColumns may be empty The ui.groupedColumns input argument of the groupedColumnsChanged event may be empty when a column has been grouped by dragging it into the Group By area.
Tapping the igTree inside the Group By modal dialog not working properly Tapping the drop-down inside the Group By modal dialog may lead to some layout problems on Android 4.0. The issue appears when the tree is shown partially, having a vertical or horizontal scroll.
Limitation when using GroupBy feature and continuous virtualization When igGrid’s continuous virtualization is in use and the Group By feature is enabled, scrolling vertically causes collapsed group(s) to expand.

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Issue Description Status
Grid hiding not working with row templates The igGridHiding™ feature cannot hide columns when row templates are used.

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Issue Description Status
Paging events not firing at run-time The igGrid Paging events only fire when the UI is triggers a paging operation. They do not fire when paging options are set at run-time.

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Issue Description Status
Resizing not working with some jQuery versions igGrid Resizing does not support jQuery versions 1.8.0 ? 1.8.5.
Resizing not working with virtualization The column resizing feature does not work when either virtualization or column virtualization is enabled.
Columns not resizing correctly, when column widths are not set (in Firefox) Due to a bug in Firefox, the igGrid columns cannot be resized correctly when the column widths are not set.
Columns not resizing correctly when column widths are set relatively (in Firefox) Due to a bug in Firefox, the igGrid columns cannot be resized correctly when the column widths are set relatively (in percentages).

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Issue Description Status
Row Selectors not working with column virtualization Row Selectors are not supported in the context of column virtualization. This will be implemented in future releases.
The igGridRowSelectors widget requires the Selection feature enabled The requireSelection option of the igGridRowSelectors widget is set to true by default and will throw an exception indicating that the Selection feature is required for using row selectors.
Selecting not working correctly in IE 9 In Internet Explorer 9, selecting using RowSelectors with or without checkboxes does not work correctly when the table is large enough to cause the page to have a vertical scrollbar and the user scrolls down. When the grid receives focus, Internet Explorer 9 scrolls the page back up and the selecting is either applied to the wrong row or not applied at all.
The Selection feature cannot be enabled automatically Automatically Enabling of the Selection feature does not work. The Selection widget is required for the RowSelectors to have full functionality.

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Issue Description Status
Cell selection in iOS does not work properly In iOS, when wanting to scroll the igGrid, the user should first tap on a cell and then swipe in the desired direction. There is a difference when scrolling the igGrid under iOS and Android due to the way jQuery Mobile handles the events.
Selection works only with visible rows when virtualization is enabled This limitation is due to the fact that invisible rows/cells do not exist in the DOM tree when virtualization is enabled.
Incorrect selection when selecting row/cell with continuous virtualization enabled When selecting row/cell of the igGrid while continuous virtualization is enabled, the grid scrolls down and a different row/cell is selected due to a bug in jQuery version 1.6.4. This problem appears only in this version of the jQuery library.

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Issue Description Status
Limitation when using custom summary with remote data ASP.NET MVC helper wrapper doesn’t handle the custom summaries by default. Therefore, a custom summary should be created and calculated separately.
Limitation when setting custom methods When setting custom methods, it is highly recommended to set the order and summaryCalculator options of the summary operands.

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Issue Description Status
Tooltips display issues when moving pointer too fast over the cells If the user moves the mouse quickly through the control, the tooltip fade animation slows down the process of showing and hiding tooltips and can create display issues when the values are very small.

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Issue Description Status
Adding a new row with Updating and Virtualization enabled requires immediate committing Adding a new row is not supported when the Updating and Virtualization features are enabled while autoCommit is disabled. Virtualization is not aware of the newly added row when autoCommit is false.
ExcelNavigationMode works only with “cell” and "row" edit mode. When excelNavigationMode is enabled, navigating with the arrows is only possible with "cell" and "row" editMode . Also when editMode = "row", the navigation won't work in "Add new row". Other editModes (“rowedittemplate”, none, null ) are not supported with excelNavigationMode.
Adding and updating a virtual grid doesn’t work if it is grouped When using GroupBy and Updating in a virtual grid, updating or adding rows will not work when the grid is grouped. If you ungroup you will see the newly added record at the bottom of the grid records.
The name of the Updating property rowEditDialogMaxHeight has been changed to rowEditDialogContentHeight This property is related to the Row Edit Template, i.e when the editMode of the Updating is set to “rowedittemplate”. It is used to set the height of the row edit dialog content. This is a breaking change from the previous versions’ functionality.
Row Template including <td> tag attributes is ignored when updating rows When updating rows the igGrid correctly changes only the content of the TD-s so that styles and/or attributes applied internally to the TD elements are not lost. Therefore to get the templates re-executed with the new values, the templated elements should be limited to the contents of the TD-s. Calling dataBind is another workaround which will of course re-execute any kind of templating applied to the columns.

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Issue Description Status
Screen taps misinterpreted on Android 4.* devices On Android 4.*-powered touch devices tapping on the drop-down in the Group By modal dialog in a hierarchical grid will often act on the grid cell behind the modal dialog.
Rendering issues in the hierarchical grid when features are referenced in a particular order The igHierarchicalGrid’s child layouts may have rendering issues if the Row Selectors feature is added after the Group By feature to the feature list.
The <div> element of child layout cannot be selected with the jQuery ID selector igHierarchicalGrid uses primary key value of the parent layout to create child layout <div> element with unique id attribute. When the primary key values contain invalid characters the DIV element cannot be selected with the jQuery ID selector.
Self-reference not working in MVC If you want to bind an igHierarchicalGrid to self-referencing data, the MVC pattern will not allow you to do this because of limitation in serializing.
Load-on-Demand not working with chaining It is not possible to enable Load-on-Demand in the View page of your MVC project.
Load-on-Demand without primary keys for the layouts throws an exception If you enable the Load-on-Demand feature and do not define primary keys for all child layouts, an exception will be thrown.
Some child layout columns are hidden or cut out When an igHierarchicalGrid has no width defined and the child layout has width that exceeds the width grid, some of the child’s columns will be cut or hidden.
Setting attributes to table rows with a row template not possible In both igGrid™ and igHierarchicalGrid, setting attributes to table rows cannot be done possible using a row template.
Defining a feature more than once not possible In JavaScript:
In both igGrid and igHierarchicalGrid, defining a feature more than once throws an error.
In both igGrid and igHierarchicalGrid, defining a feature more than once in the MVC Wrapper, causes only the last definition to be taken into account.
The id attribute is mandatory for the DOM control placeholder The id attribute should be set on the DOM element on which the grid is initialized. Grid use jQuery ID selector internally for faster selection.
Column keys which contain spaces are not supported Column keys are used for generating some DOM elements IDs. Having spaces in an HTML id attribute is not allowed according to the HTML 5 specification.

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igHierarchicalGrid GroupBy

Issue Description Status
Limitation of remote grouping in hierarchical grid Grouping columns from more than one layout (or from the root grid) does not work with remote grouping.
Erroneous remote grouping with Load-on-Demand If remote Group By is enabled with Load-on-Demand for the entire grid, the groups are incorrect unless you modify the action that returns the data that is being loaded on demand.
Exception thrown when the Group By feature defines column settings together with enabling inheritance If you enable the Group By feature and, in it, attempt to both define column settings and enable inheritance, a page exception will be thrown.

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igHierarchicalGrid RowSelectors

Issue Description Status
Row Selectors works on only one layout at a time The Row Selectors’ feature checkboxes selected in one layout become deselected when user checks the checkboxes in another layout.

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Issue Description Status
Only one needle supported The igLinearGauge™ control supports only one needle.
No label collisions detection The igLinearGauge control does not provide means for detecting label collisions. As a result, when the space to visualize the labels is not sufficient, label collisions may occur.

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Ignite UI for MVC

Issue Description Status
MVC helper-generated code in conjunction with the MVC Loader executes after any custom JavaScript code on a page When the MVC Loader and an MVC helper for any control is used in an ASP.NET MVC View, the JavaScript code they generate is executed after any custom page set-up code from the $(document).ready() or $(window).load() events.
Default value for AutoGenerateLayouts changed In the ASP.NET MVC Helper for grids, the default value of the AutoGenerateLayouts property has changed to false in order to avoid an additional remote data request for flat grids.
MVC Loader not functioning correctly in an MVC Razor Layout View The ASP.NET MVC Loader cannot initialize before the controls in an actual View when it is included in an ASP.NET MVC Razor Layout View.

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Ignite UI for MVC (mobile)

Issue Description Status
Mobile control helpers’ location changed In 2013.1, the mobile control helpers were part of the Infragistics.Web.MVC.dll assembly. In 2013.2, they reside in Infragistics.Web.MVC.Mobile dll.

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Issue Description Status
Tooltips are shown for the Geographic Contour Line series Currently tooltips are not supported for the Geographic Contour Line series.
Tooltips are rendered for the Geographic Symbol series on an iPad device No tooltips appear on an iPad device when Geographic Symbol series are rendered.

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Issue Description Status
igOlapXmlaDataSource not supported on Android-based browsers The igOlapXmlaDataSource™ component is not supported on browsers for the Android operating system.
Authenticated data access not working correctly with Mozilla Firefox for igOlapXmlaDataSource When using the Firefox browser with authenticated access, additional configuration of the Internet Information Services (IIS) is necessary.
Authenticated data access not working correctly with Internet Explorer 8.0 and 9.0 for non-trusted domains for igOlapXmlaDataSource The igOlapXmlaDataSource component cannot retrieve OLAP data on non-trusted domains with the Internet Explorer browser, versions 8 and 9.
Chrome does not display authentication popup for cross-domain requests when using igOlapXmlaDataSource In the Chrome browser, versions 13 or higher, the authentication popup dialog is not displayed for cross-domain requests.

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Issue Description Status
Drop label remains after drop between igPivotDataSelector areas using old jQuery UI versions This is caused by a bug in the jQuery UI draggable introduced in version 1.8.19. For more information, see jQuery UI Bug 8269.

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Issue Description Status
Captions-based sorting in igPivotGrid always alphabetical No custom captions sorting behaviors are currently supported by the igPivotGrid™ control. Only alphabetical sorting is available.
Expanding or collapsing a member in igPivotGrid re-renders the grid When a member in the rows or columns of the igPivotGrid is expanded or collapsed, the whole grid is re-rendered.
igPivotGrid not always rendered correctly in browsers for the Android operating system In browsers for the Android operating system, sometimes only the first column of the igPivotGrid is displayed.
Drop label remains after drag-and-drop between drop areas in jQuery UI 1.8.19 When drag-and-dropping an item between areas of the igPivotGrid and/or the igPivotDataSelector™, the drop label remains.
Horizontal scrollbar not visible on Mac OS under certain conditions Horizontal scrollbar not visible on Mac OS when its "Show scrollbars only when scrolling" option is set to true. The grid horizontal scrollbar has overflow set to hidden.

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Issue Description Status
Platform-specific characters not supported The current version of the igQRCodeBarcode™ control does not support encoding symbols with 4 bytes.
Micro QR Code format not supported The control currently does not support the Micro QR Code standard.
Structured Append mode not supported The igQRCodeBarcode control currently does not provide support for Structured Append mode.

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Issue Description Status
igDataChart Radial Series not supported igZoombar™ supports only horizontal zooming while Radial Series zooming makes sense only when done on both axes. Because of this, zooming Radial Series with igZoombar does not work properly.
igZoombar thumbnail not rendered when used with igDataChart igZoombar creates its thumbnail by using the options of the igDataChart control (which is referenced in igZoombar‘s target option). igZoombar trims off some of these options in an attempt to remove the clutter from the thumbnail. This can make the new option set invalid.
The clone and the target widget of igZoombar doesn’t synchronize automatically Changing the widget being zoomed by the igZoombar control does not update the clone automatically.

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Infragistics Document Engine

Issue Description Status
Namespace conflict Using the NetAdvantage® for ASP.NET and Ignite UI for jQuery documents’ assemblies together causes namespace conflict exceptions.

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Infragistics Templating Engine

Issue Description Status
Infragistics Templating limitations Nested {{each}} templates are not supported.
Characters different from A-Z, a-z, 0-9, "_" are not substituted/recognized. Substitution expressions cannot contain written signs different from alphanumeric characters, numeric characters and underscore. Workaround
If you need to use characters different from the allowed ones you can customize the following $.ig.regExp options $.ig.regExp.sub:/\$\{(([\w\$]+(\.|\s)?[\w\$]*)+)\}/which matches any substitution element in the template that is to be encoded before rendering or the $.ig.regExp.nonEncodeSub: /\{\{html\s+([\w\$]+(\.|\s)?[\w\$]*)+\}\}/ option, that matches any substitution element in the template that is to be rendered as it is. For example if you need to use a dash "-" change the expression like this: $.ig.regExp.sub:/\$\{(([\w\$-]+(\.|\s)?[\w\$-]*)+)\}/ and accordingly $.ig.regExp.nonEncodeSub: /\{\{html\s+([\w\$-]+(\.|\s)?[\w\$-]*)+\}\}/.

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Popup (mobile)

Issue Description Status
The MVC Popup mobile control requires jQuery Mobile version 1.2 The Popup widget was introduced in jQuery mobile 1.2.

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SelectMenu (mobile)

Issue Description Status
The CloseText property of mobile SelectMenu not applied when the menus are in custom dialog-based containers If you set a text for the close button tooltip using the CloseText property of the SelectMenu control in dialog-based containers, your custom tooltip will not appear and the default one will be shown instead.
This is due to jQuery Mobile not injecting the custom close text which cannot be accessed later.

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Slider (mobile)

Issue Description Status
Mobile Slider does not slide on Windows Phone 7 Because Windows® Phone 7 does not support standard touch events, the slider is read-only.

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