
Populating Unbound Columns Remotely (igGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic demonstrates, with code samples how to set unbound column values on the server.

Required Background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Populating Unbound Columns with Data Remotely – Conceptual Overview

The igGrid supports unbound columns by default, but you will need to configure them. The following table summarizes the configuration options.

To set unbound column value … Do this…
In View using chaining Serializes unbound values on the client as part of the column definition Use the UnboundColumnWrapper.UnboundValues(List list) method, which is equivalent to the client side property unboundValues. It will serialize the object list in the unboundValues property on the client as part of column definition.
Sets unbound column values by primary key Use the Grid.SetUnboundValues(string key, Dictionary values) method in the View.
Sets unbound column values without using primary key Use the Grid.SetUnboundValues(string key, List values) method in the View.
In Controller using GridModel class Serializes unbound values on the client as part of the column definition Use the UnboundColumn.UnboundValues property.
Sets unbound column values by using the primary key Use the GridModel.SetUnboundValues(string key, Dictionary values) method.
Sets unbound column values without using the primary key Use the GridModel.SetUnboundValues(string key, List values) method.

Populating Unbound Columns with Data Remotely Scenarios

The following table summarizes the supported scenarios of the igGrid Remotely Populating Unbound Columns with Data.


Workaround available
No known workaround
Fix planned
Remote data (DataSourceUrl is set) MergeUnboundColumns option value Local Features Remote features
In View using SetUnboundValues( string columnKey, List unboundValues) No true Remote features are not applicable because DataSourceUrl is not set.
Yes Unbound columns are not populated with data, because the Grid configuration in View is not persisted. That is to say that the grid configuration is restored with the default values for all the settings and MergeUnboundColumns are false by default. true igGrid Disables Remote features for the unbound column as described in the Known Issues and Limitations topic.
In View using SetUnboundValues( string columnKey, Dictionary unboundValues) No true Remote features are not applicable because DataSourceUrl is not set.
Yes Unbound columns will not be populated with data, because Grid configuration in View is not persisted and MergeUnboundColumns will be false. true Remote features are disabled for the unbound column as described in the Known Issues and Limitations topic.
In Model using SetUnboundValues( string columnKey, List unboundValues) No true Remote features are not applicable because DataSourceUrl is not set.
Yes Populates unbound columns with data, but enabeling remote paging causes the data to be the same on each page as described in the Known Issues and Limitations topic. true Remote features are disabled for the unbound column as described in the Known Issues and Limitations topic.
In Model using SetUnboundValues( string columnKey, Dictionary unboundValues) No true Remote features are not applicable because DataSourceUrl is not set.
Yes true Remote features are disabled for the unbound column as described in the Known Issues and Limitations topic.

Code Examples

The following table lists the code examples included in this topic.

Populating unbound columns in the View with chaining using the primary key (Code Example)


This example uses the Grid<T>.SetUnboundValues(string key, Dictionary<object, object> values) method to set unbound column data.

This overload accepts two parameters: “Column key” and a Dictionary of <PrimaryKey, Unbound Value> pairs. The PrimaryKey in the dictionary points to a primary key of a row in the igGrid and the “Unbound Value” is the value that is set in the unbound column whose key is equal to “Column key.”

Note: Only use this overload after defining a primary key.

When using the SetUnboundValues and MergeUnboundColumns = TRUE, the unbound values are added to the bound data after performing any paging, sorting, filtering, etc. operations because there is a clearly defined correlation between a row identifier and unbound value meaning that there is no need to take additional actions when paging/sorting/filtering are remote.



In C#:

namespace UnboundColumns.Models
    public class Product
        public int ProductID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string ProductNumber { get; set; }
        public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }

This is a very simple Product model which contains four fields.


In C#:

@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@model IQueryable<UnboundColumns.Models.Product>
.Columns(col =>
    col.For(c => c.ProductID).HeaderText("Product ID");
        .HeaderText("In Stock")
.SetUnboundValues("InStock", (Dictionary<object, object>)ViewData["ProductsInStock"])

The View is very simple. It has a strongly typed model IQueryable<UnboundColumns.Models.Product>. This is the model used by the Ignite UI for MVC Grid to bind to data. Grid is configured with one unbound column with key InStock which is bound to data by a call to Grid<T>.SetUnboundValues(string columnKey, List<object> unboundValues). The code defines the primary key so that the Grid Wrapper matches the unbound values with the grid data by primary key.


In C#:

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        Dictionary<object, object> productsInStock =
        new Dictionary<object, object>();
        productsInStock.Add(1, true);
        productsInStock.Add(2, false);
        productsInStock.Add(3, false);
        ViewData["ProductsInStock"] = productsInStock;
        return View(this.GetProducts().AsQueryable());
    private List<Product> GetProducts()
        List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
            new Product() { ProductID = 1, Name = "Adjustable Race", ProductNumber = "AR-5381" },
            new Product() { ProductID = 2, Name = "Bearing Ball", ProductNumber = "BA-8327" },
            new Product() { ProductID = 3, Name = "BB Ball Bearing", ProductNumber = "BE-2349" }
        return products;

The Controller contains two methods. GetProducts is a private method which returns a sample list of products. Index action method constructs the unbound values dictionary instance called productsInStock and saves it in the ViewData variable with key ProductsInStock. Finally GetProducts result is passed to the View.

Populating unbound column in the View with chaining without using the primary key (Code Example)


This overload accepts a Column Key and List of values as parameters. The values from the list are set in the column’s cells with the specified “Column Key.” Will throw a custom exception if you failed to provide an unbound column with the specified key or the key is of bound column.

Use this method if a primary key is undefined.

If there is a defined primary key, we recommend you to use the overload GridModel.SetUnboundValues(string key, Dictionary<object, object> values). Using the list in this case negatively affects performance because the whole data source is traversed in order to create a correlation between the row identifier and the list items. Make the relationship according the order of the items in the unbound list of values.

It sets as many values as the list contains. If the number of the rows is greater than the list’s length, than the remaining rows are not filled.

Note: The use of Grid<T>.SetUnboundValues (<Column key>, <List of values>) overload without a defined primary key results in no mapping existing between the primary key, or some other row identifier, and the unbound values. Consider this when using remote filtering, sorting or paging.

When using SetUnboundValues and MergeUnboundColumns = “true”, adds the unbound values to the bound data after performing any paging, sorting, filtering, etc. operations.



In C#:

namespace UnboundColumns.Models
    public class Product
        public int ProductID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string ProductNumber { get; set; }
        public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }

This is a very simple Product model which contains four fields.


In C#:

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        List<object> productsInStock =
        new List<object>();
        ViewData["InStock"] = productsInStock;
        return View(this.GetProducts().AsQueryable());
    private List<Product> GetProducts()
        List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
            new Product() { ProductID = 1, Name = "Adjustable Race", ProductNumber = "AR-5381" },
            new Product() { ProductID = 2, Name = "Bearing Ball", ProductNumber = "BA-8327" },
            new Product() { ProductID = 3, Name = "BB Ball Bearing", ProductNumber = "BE-2349" }
        return products;

The Controller contains two methods. GetProducts is a private method that returns a sample list of products, while the public Index action method creates a list of objects used by the unbound column. This list is saved in the ViewData variable called InStock. Finally, the Index action method passes the product’s data to the view.


In C#:

@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@model IQueryable<UnboundColumns.Models.Product>
.Columns(col =>
        .HeaderText("In Stock")
.SetUnboundValues("InStock", (List<object>)ViewData["InStock"])

The strongly typed View is with model IQueryable<UnboundColumns.Models.Product>. The Ignite UI for MVC Grid uses this model to bind to data. The code configures the grid with one unbound column with key InStock bound to data by a call to UnboundColumnWrapper<T>.UnboundValues(List<object> list).

Populating unbound column in the Controller by using the primary key (Code Example)


This example uses the GridModel.SetUnboundValues(string key, Dictionary<object, object> values) method to set unbound column data.

This overload accepts two parameters: “Column key” and a Dictionary of <PrimaryKey, Unbound Value> pairs. The PrimaryKey in the dictionary points to a primary key of a row in the igGrid and the “Unbound Value” is the value which is set in the unbound column with key equal to “Column key.”

Note: Only Use this overload when a primary key is defined

When using the SetUnboundValues and MergeUnboundColumns = TRUE, it adds the unbound values to the bound data after performing any paging, sorting, filtering, etc. operations because there is a clearly defined correlation between a row identifier and unbound value meaning that there is no need to take additional actions when remotely paging/sorting/filtering.



In C#:

namespace UnboundColumns.Models
    public class Product
        public int ProductID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string ProductNumber { get; set; }
        public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }

This is a very simple Product model containing four fields.


In C#:

@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@model GridModel

The View is very simple with a strongly typed GridModel model used to configure the grid in the Controller.


In C#:

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        GridModel gridModel = GetGridModel();
        return View(gridModel);
    private GridModel GetGridModel()
        GridModel gridModel = new GridModel();
        gridModel.DataSource = this.GetProducts().AsQueryable();
        gridModel.PrimaryKey = "ProductID";
        gridModel.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
        gridModel.MergeUnboundColumns = true;
        gridModel.Columns.Add(new GridColumn()
            Key = "ProductID",
            HeaderText = "Product ID"
        gridModel.Columns.Add(new UnboundColumn()
            Key = "InStock",
            HeaderText = "In Stock"
        Dictionary<object, object> productsInStock =
        new Dictionary<object, object>();
        productsInStock.Add(1, true);
        productsInStock.Add(2, false);
        productsInStock.Add(3, false);
        gridModel.SetUnboundValues("InStock", productsInStock);
        return gridModel;
    private List<Product> GetProducts()
        List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
            new Product() { ProductID = 1, Name = "Adjustable Race", ProductNumber = "AR-5381" },
            new Product() { ProductID = 2, Name = "Bearing Ball", ProductNumber = "BA-8327" },
            new Product() { ProductID = 3, Name = "BB Ball Bearing", ProductNumber = "BE-2349" }
        return products;

The Controller contains three methods. GetProducts is a private method that returns a sample list of products. Index action method calls GetGridModel method and passes its result to the View. The GetGridModel method configures the grid using the GridModel class. Note that the PrimaryKey property is set. This is mandatory if you want to use this SetUnboundValues method overload. In the end of the method a new Dictionary<object, object> is created and populated and a call to GridModel.SetUnboundValues is made (Usually you will populate the values from another data source or calculate them on the fly).

Populating unbound column in the Controller without using the primary key (Code Example)


This overload accepts a Column Key and List of values as parameters. The values from the list are set in the cells of the column with the specified “Column Key”. A custom exception is thrown if there is not an unbound column with the specified key or the key is of bound column.

Use this method even if a primary key is undefined.

If there is a primary key defined, we recommend you to use the overload GridModel.SetUnboundValues(string key, Dictionary<object, object> values). Using the list in this case negatively affects performance because the whole data source is traversed in order to create a correlation between the row identifier and the list items. Make this relation according to the order of the items in the unbound list of values.

It sets as many values as the list contains. If the number of the rows is greater than the list’s length, than the remaining rows are not filled.

Note: If you do not assign a primary key and you are using the GridModel.SetUnboundValues (<Column key>, < List of values >) overload results in no mapping between the primary key (or some other row identifier) and unbound values. This should be taken into account when using remote Filtering, Sorting, Paging

When using SetUnboundValues and MergeUnboundColumns = “true”, the unbound values are added to the bound data after performing any paging, sorting, filtering, etc. operations.



In C#:

namespace UnboundColumns.Models
    public class Product
        public int ProductID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string ProductNumber { get; set; }
        public DateTime ReleaseDate { get; set; }

This is a very simple Product model which contains four fields.


In C#:

@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@model GridModel

The View is very simple consisting of a strongly typed model GridModel used to configure the grid in the Controller.


In C#:

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        GridModel gridModel = GetGridModel();
        return View(gridModel);
    private GridModel GetGridModel()
        GridModel gridModel = new GridModel();
        gridModel.DataSource = this.GetProducts().AsQueryable();
        gridModel.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
        gridModel.MergeUnboundColumns = true;
        gridModel.Columns.Add(new UnboundColumn()
            Key = "InStock",
            HeaderText = "In Stock"
        List<object> productsInStock =
        new List<object>();
        gridModel.SetUnboundValues("InStock", productsInStock);
        return gridModel;
    private List<Product> GetProducts()
        List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
            new Product() { ProductID = 1, Name = "Adjustable Race", ProductNumber = "AR-5381" },
            new Product() { ProductID = 2, Name = "Bearing Ball", ProductNumber = "BA-8327" },
            new Product() { ProductID = 3, Name = "BB Ball Bearing", ProductNumber = "BE-2349" }
        return products;

The Controller contains three methods. GetProducts is a private method which returns a sample list of Products. Public Index action method calls the GetGridModel method and passes its result to the View. The GetGridModel method configures the grid using the GridModel class. Note that the PrimaryKey property is not set. In the end the method creates and populates a new List<object> and makes a call to the GridModel.SetUnboundValues (Usually you will populate the values from another data source or calculate them on the fly).

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