
Rendering Calculated Values (Unbound Columns, igGrid)

Topic Overview


This topic demonstrates, with code examples how to set up formula functions to calculate unbound column values.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

  • Unbound Columns Overview: This topic provides an overview of the Unbound Columns feature of the igGrid.

  • Setting a Column as Unbound: This topic demonstrates how to set up an Unbound Column for the igGrid on the client and on the server. It includes JavaScript and ASP.NET code snippets.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:

Rendering Calculated Values in Unbound Columns – Overview

The igGrid supports unbound columns by default, but you need to configure it. This is done differently in JavaScript and ASP.NET MVC.

To set a columns as unbound in… Do this…
JavaScript Define a new column in the grid’s columns array and set its unbound property to true. Also, define formula function that will calculate the value for each cell in the unbound column.
ASP.NET MVC Use GridColumnBuilder.Unbound(string key = null) method to define unbound column and call UnboundColumnWrapper.Formula(string formula) method to set the name of the JavaScript function called on the client to calculate the value of each cell in the unbound column.

Rendering Calculated Values in Unbound Columns – Code Examples

The following table lists the code examples included in this topic.

Rendering Calculated Values in Unbound Columns in JavaScript (Code Example)


Each column has a property formula that when set should point to a function with 2 parameters with the first parameter being a row object and the second parameter being the grid instance. The row object values depend on the localSchemaTransform property. When localSchemaTransform is set to true, row object contains only the values from the defined columns in the grid’s columns array. When the localSchemaTransform is set to false, then the row object contains all the defined fields in the original data source.

Note: Formula property is effective only when the column is unbound (unbound: true).


The following code creates an igGrid instance bound to the sample employees array. An unbound column configured using the key FullName and its values calculated by a formula function that concatenates the FirstName and LastName columns.

In JavaScript:

var employees = [
    {FirstName: "Nancy", LastName: "Davolio"},
    {FirstName: "Andrew", LastName: "Fuller"},
    {FirstName: "Janet", LastName: "Leverling"}
    dataSource: employees,
    autoGenerateColumns: false,
    localSchemaTransform: false,
    columns: [
            headerText: "Full Name",
            key: "FullName",
            dataType: "string",
            unbound: true,
            formula: function(row, grid) { 
                return row.FirstName + ' ' + row.LastName; 

Rendering Calculated Values in Unbound Columns in ASP.NET MVC (Code Example)


In order to set formula function you can use UnboundColumnWrapper<T>.Formula(string formula) method to configure it in the View or UnboundColumn.Formula property to configure it in the Controller using the GridModel class. The formula should contain a string that is the name of the JavaScript function executed on the client to calculate the unbound column data. This means that the formula function should use the data from the columns that are available on the client (the localSchemaTransform affects data serialization as described in the previous example).

The following example shows how to configure the formula function in the View.



In C#:

namespace GridDataBinding.Models
    public class Employee
        public string FirstName { get; set; }
        public string LastName { get; set; }

This is a very simple Employee model containing 2 fields.



@using Infragistics.Web.Mvc
@model IQueryable<UnboundColumns.Models.Employee>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function calcFullName(row, grid) {
        return row.FirstName + ' ' + row.LastName;
.Columns(col =>

The View is strongly typed with model IQueryable<UnboundColumns.Models.Employee> used by the Ignite UI for MVC Grid to bind to data. The code configures the grid with one unbound column with key FullName. A JavaScript function called calcFullName calculates its values on the client. This is the reason to define a script block in the View containing the definition of the calcFullName function.

The calcFullName function concatenates the FirstName and LastName fields from the data source.


In C#:

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View(this.GetEmployees().AsQueryable());
    private List<Employee> GetEmployees()
        List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>()
            new Employee() { FirstName = "Nancy", LastName = "Davolio" },
            new Employee() { FirstName = "Andrew", LastName = "Fuller" },
            new Employee() { FirstName = "Janet", LastName = "Leverling" }
        return employees;

The Controller contains two methods, the GetEmployees method returns a list of Employee objects, used as a data source for sample data, and the Index action method used to pass the data back to the View.

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