
Base class for all data validations rules which compare the cell value against one or more constraint when determining the validity of the cell value.


The current widget has no options.
The current widget has no events.
  • isEquivalentTo

    .isEquivalentTo( other:ig.excel.DataValidationRule );
    Return Type:
    Return Type Description:
    Returns true if the specified other has the same settings as this rule.

    Indicates if this rule is structurally equivalent to another.

    • other
    • Type:ig.excel.DataValidationRule
    • The rule to compare against
  • validationCriteria

    .validationCriteria( );

    Gets the criteria to use when validating the cell value against the constraint(s).


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException Occurs when the value is not a member of the DataValidationCriteria enumeration.


    Depending on the value specified, either then cell value or the length of its text equivalent will be compared against the constraint(s). In addition, certain ValidationCriteria values may disallow a cell value even if it is valid when compared to the constraint. For example, the ValidationCriteria.WholeNumber value will not allow any number with a fractional portion.

  • validationCriteria

    .validationCriteria( value:ig.excel.DataValidationCriteria );

    Sets the criteria to use when validating the cell value against the constraint(s).

    • value
    • Type:ig.excel.DataValidationCriteria


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException Occurs when the value is not a member of the DataValidationCriteria enumeration.


    Depending on the value specified, either then cell value or the length of its text equivalent will be compared against the constraint(s). In addition, certain ValidationCriteria values may disallow a cell value even if it is valid when compared to the constraint. For example, the ValidationCriteria.WholeNumber value will not allow any number with a fractional portion.

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