
Styling igFunnelChart

Topic Overview


This topic explains how to customize the look-and-feel of the igFunnelChart™ control.

Required background

The following table lists the concepts and topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

  • Concepts
    • Cascading Style Sheets
    • Applying themes by changing linked CSS files
  • Topics
    • Styling and Theming Ignite UI for jQuery: This topic provides general information and a procedure for updating styles and themes in Ignite UI for jQuery® library.
    • igFunnelChart Overview: This topic provides conceptual information about the igFunnelChart control including its main features, minimum requirements, and user functionality.
    • Adding igFunnelChart: This topic demonstrates how to add the igFunnelChart control to an HTML page and bind it to data.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


The igFunnelChart control allows developers to create easily funnel chart in applications or web sites. The igFunnelChart control uses the jQuery UI CSS Framework for the purposes of applying styles and themes. By default, the igFunnelChart uses the IG theme which is a jQuery UI theme provided by Infragistics® for use in your applications. In addition to that, the IG theme has some specific styles that support funnel charts. This is needed because, for the purpose of customizing the look and feel of funnel charts, a general jQuery UI theme would not be sufficient. You must provide additional styles classes for altering elements specific to funnel charts like tooltips, and slices.

Detailed information about using themes with Ignite UI for jQuery library is available in the Styling and Theming Ignite UI for jQuery topic.

Note: The base theme of Ignite UI for jQuery is unnecessary for charts and may be omitted on pages that contain only charts.

Themes Overview

Ignite UI for jQuery offers the following themes for use with the igFunnelChart control:

  • IG
  • Metro

Refer to the summary chart below for a detailed explanation.

Themes summary chart

The following table summarizes the themes available with the igFunnelChart.

Theme Description
IG Path: <IG CSS root>/themes/infragistics/
File: infragistics.theme.css
This theme defines general visual features for all Ignite UI for jQuery controls. Detailed information for using the IG theme is available in the Styling and Theming Ignite UI for jQuery topic.
Metro Path: <IG CSS root>/themes/metro/
File: infragistics.theme.css
This theme defines visual features with regard to the new Windows® 8 user interface and touch enabled devices. It features sharp corners and some different colors for slices.

Required Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

The following CSS resources are necessary to correctly render funnel charts:

  • infragistics.theme.css – contains the IG Theme

  • infragistics.ui.chart.css – contains the Chart Structure classes

The following code snippets assume that the CSS resources reside in the Content/ig folder below the web site/application root.

Note: The following blocks provide information on manually including required CSS files; however, we recommend using the Infragistics Loader control to load these files into your page.

Required CSS resources code: HTML


Required CSS resources code: HTML
<link href="Content/ig/themes/Infragistics/infragistics.theme.css" rel="Stylesheet" />
<link href="Content/ig/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.chart.css" rel="Stylesheet" />

Required CSS resources code: MVC


Required CSS resources code: MVC
<link href='@Url.Content("~/Content/ig/themes/Infragistics/infragistics.theme.css")'
      rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href='@Url.Content("~/Content/ig/structure/modules/infragistics.ui.chart.css")'
      rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Funnel Chart Styles Reference

The following table summarizes the purpose and functionality of the style classes used in the igFunnelChart control.

Property Description
.ui-chart-palette-1 to .ui-chart-palette-N Sets border and background color for slices from 1 to N. You can have as many ui-chart-palette classes as needed by your application.
.ui-funnel Sets basic settings for the entire funnel chart like font, font size and other.
.ui-funnel-tooltip Sets all styling options for chart tooltips.
.ui-funnel-slice Sets styling options for a slice. Used when there are either no selected slices or the useUnselectedStyle option is false.
.ui-funnel-slice-selected Sets styling options for a selected slice.
.ui-funnel-slice-unselected Set styling options for an unselected slice, used when there are other selected slices and the useUnselectedStyle option is true.

igFunnelChart Styling Options

Style reference summary

The igFunnelChart control is all about visual content and has a lot of properties and styling options for changing a charts layout and colors. Use CSS to define:

  • Colors of slices
  • Colors, shades, fonts and other CSS properties for tooltip formatting

With individual funnel chart control options you can define:

  • Colors and outline for slices
  • Style for slice labels text.

The following reference table catalogs all options for changing chart element colors and their purpose. When set, funnel chart options have precedence over style classes defined in CSS files. These options provide programmatic runtime changes to the rendering of charts.

Style reference summary chart

The following table summarizes the purpose and functionality of the igFunnelChart control’s styling properties.

Property Description
brushes Defines the palette for selecting automatically assigned slice colors.
outlines Defines the palette for automatically assigned slice outline colors.
outlineThickness Defines the thickness of slices’ outlines.

Code examples summary

The following table lists the code examples included in this topic.

Example Description
Configuring Inner and Outer Label Templates This code example shows how to configure templates for inner and outer labels in a funnel chart.
Configuring Slice Colors by CSS This code example shows how to customize slice colors by overriding CSS resources governing slice look and feel.
Configuring Slice Colors by Control Options This code example shows how to customize slice colors by changing funnel chart options controlling slice look and feel.

Code Example: Configuring Inner and Outer Label Templates


This code example shows how to configure funnel chart templates for inner and outer labels by defining and invoking callback functions for each slice on the chart. The callback functions pass with arguments enabling considerable flexibility in creating a suitable label. The functions must return a string which is drawn on the chart.


The following code snippet demonstrates how to configure callback functions for inner and outer labels in a funnel chart. The functions perform string manipulation on the input arguments and return a string that appears on the chart as a label for the corresponding slice.

In JavaScript:

    . . .
    formatInnerLabel: function (value, sliceNo, chart) {
        return "$" + value + " million";
    formatOuterLabel: function (value, sliceNo, chart) {
        return "Division: " + value;

Callback function arguments reference

Argument Description
value Contains the value bound to the current slice from the data source passed to the chart.
sliceNo Contains the index of the slice within the data source bound to the chart.
chart Contains a reference to the chart widget.

Code Example: Configuring Slice Colors by CSS


This code example shows how to customize slice colors by overriding CSS styles governing slice look and feel.


The following code snippet overrides multiple igFunnelChart styles. It redefines background and outline colors for the first six slices and sets both the selected and unselected slice styles.


<style type="text/css">
    /* Redefine the styles from infragistics.theme.css that define fill and border colors for slices */
    .ui-chart-palette-1 { border-color: #00AADE; background-color: #00AADE }
    .ui-chart-palette-2 { border-color: #4B4B4D; background-color: #4B4B4D }
    .ui-chart-palette-3 { border-color: #FCB025; background-color: #FCB025 }
    .ui-chart-palette-4 { border-color: #EC6C2B; background-color: #EC6C2B }
    .ui-chart-palette-5 { border-color: #36C0F3; background-color: #36C0F3 }
    .ui-chart-palette-6 { border-color: #5B17A8; background-color: #5B17A8 }
    /* Redefine slice selected and unselected styles */
    .ui-funnel-slice-selected { opacity: 1; }
    .ui-funnel-slice-unselected { opacity: 0.4; border: 1px solid black; }

Code Example: Configuring Slice Colors by Control Options


This code example shows how to customize slice colors by changing the funnel chart options controlling look and feel of the slice. When configuring the brushes, outlines and outlineThickness options this configuration takes precedence over CSS for the corresponding visual elements.


The code example below shows how to configure custom colors for slice backgrounds and outlines. The example only provides the essential code for brushes, outlines and outlineThickness omitting all other igFunnelChart configurations.

In JavaScript:

    . . .
    brushes: ["#7DC3D9", "#3e5354", "#9EB5B4", "#5DD1C6", "#AFD1CE", "#2B768E"],
    outlines: [ "#3189A6", "#212D2E", "#5C7877", "#2FA498", "#487D78", "#163F4B" ],
    outlineThickness: 3

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.


The following sample provides additional information related to this topic.

  • Slice Selection: This sample demonstrates enabling the slice selection functionality and handling the sliceClicked event.


The following material (available outside the Infragistics family of content) provides additional information related to this topic.

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