
Enabling Column Hiding (igGrid)

Topic Overview


This demonstrates how to programmatically hide columns in the igGrid™ control.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


The Column Hiding feature of the igGrid control is not enabled by default, so you need to enable it explicitly.

The example below configures a grid with the hiding feature enabled


Following is a preview of the final result (the red arrow points to the hidden column indicator for the hidden SafetyStockLevel column).


General requirements

  • jQuery-specific requirements

    • An HTML web page with a grid connected to a data source
    • A table tag in the body of the HTML page to serve as a container for the grid

    In HTML:

    <table id="grid">
  • MVC-specific requirements

    • An MVC 4 or above project in MS Visual Studio® with a grid connected to a data source
    • A reference to the Ignite UI for MVC dll - Infragistics.Web.Mvc.dll.

Script requirements

  • The required scripts for both jQuery and MVC sample are the same because both render jQuery widgets. You will need:
    1. The jQuery library script
    2. The jQuery UI library script
    3. The Ignite UI for jQuery library scripts

The following code sample demonstrates the scripts added to the header section of a HTML file.


<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.core.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.lob.js"></script>

Database requirements

For the purpose of this example only:

  • MVC – Adventure Works database

Enabling column hiding in JQuery

  1. Set up the data source.

    The data source used in the following code snipped is for the purpose of this example.

    In HTML:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    source = [
             { "ProductID": 1, "Name": "Adjustable Race", "SafetyStockLevel": 1000, "ReorderPoint": 750, "StandardCost": 0.0000 }, 
             { "ProductID": 2, "Name": "Bearing Ball", "SafetyStockLevel": 1000, "ReorderPoint": 750, "StandardCost": 0.0000 }, 
             { "ProductID": 3, "Name": "BB Ball Bearing", "SafetyStockLevel": 800, "ReorderPoint": 600, "StandardCost": 0.0000 },
             { "ProductID": 4, "Name": "Headset Ball Bearings", "SafetyStockLevel": 800, "ReorderPoint": 600, "StandardCost": 0.0000 }]
  2. Create an igGrid with hiding feature.

    Inside the $(document).ready() event handler, you create an igGrid with hiding feature configuration. In the example code below, the column (SafetyStockLevel) is hidden.

    In Javascript:

        autoGenerateColumns: true,
           dataSource: source,
           features: [
                name: 'Hiding',
                columnSettings: [
                    columnKey: 'SafetyStockLevel', 
                    allowHiding: true, 
                    hidden: true
  3. Save the file.

  4. (Optional) Verify the result.
    1. To verify the result, open the file. The result should look as shown in the Preview above.

Enabling column hiding in MVC

  1. Create an MVC Controller method.

    Create an MVC Controller method to get data from the Model and will call the View.

    In MVC:

    public ActionResult Default()
        var ds = this.DataRepository.GetDataContext().Products.Take(4);
        return View(ds);
  2. Instantiate the igGrid.

    Instantiate the igGrid with Hiding feature enabled.

    In ASPX:

    <%= Html.Infragistics().Grid(Model)
        .Features(feature =>{
            feature.Hiding().ColumnSettings(settings => settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("SafetyStockLevel").Hidden(true).AllowHiding(true));

    In Razor:

    @( Html.Infragistics().Grid(Model)
        .Features(feature =>{
            feature.Hiding().ColumnSettings(settings => settings.ColumnSetting().ColumnKey("SafetyStockLevel").Hidden(true).AllowHiding(true));
  3. Save file.

  4. (Optional) Verify the result.
    1. To verify the result, run the MVC project.
    2. To verify the result, open the file. The result should look as shown in the Preview above.

Keyboard Interactions

The following keyboard interactions are available.

When focus is on the grid:

  • TAB: Can move focus between the focusable elements of the hiding UI: column header hiding indicator.

When focus is on the header’s hiding indicator:

  • ENTER: The column will be hidden.

When focus is on the column chooser dialog:

  • TAB: Can move focus between the focusable elements of the dialog: Show/Hide buttons in the column chooser, the reset button and the Apply/Cancel buttons.

When focus is on one of those elements:

  • ENTER: Changes the state of the Show/Hide button. Also if the focus is on the “Apply” or “Cancel” button the changes are applied or discarded.

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