
Adding a Combo Box to a Custom Toolbar

Topic Overview


This topic describes how to add a combo box to a custom toolbar in the igHtmlEditor™.

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In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Introduction to the igHtmlEditor custom toolbars

The igHtmlEditor control supports adding custom-defined toolbars. Custom toolbars currently support two types of controls:

  • Button
  • Combo

The following screenshot shows the igHtmlEditor with a combo box defined in a custom toolbar.

Control Configuration Summary

The following table lists the configurable aspects of adding a custom combo to the igHtmlEditor control. Additional details are available after the table.

Configurable aspects Details Options
Add a combo to a custom toolbar In order to define a combo in a custom toolbar you add an object literal with the options on the right to the items array of customToolbars option.
  • name – this property defines the name of the combo.
  • type – this property must be set to “combo”
  • scope – this property should be set to this
  • handler – this property defines the selected handler. Set it to the name of the function which handles the event.
  • props – object literal with nested objects. Each nested object can have two properties: value and action

Walkthrough: Adding a combo to a custom toolbar in JavaScript


This procedure will guide you through the process of adding a combo to a custom toolbar in the igHtmlEditor.

In this example, the custom toolbar holds a combo which allows the user to switch between source view and design view of the editor.


The following screenshot is a preview of the final result.


Following is a conceptual overview of the process:

1. Referencing the required scripts

2. Initializing igHtmlEditor

3. Defining the custom toolbar

4. Defining the combo

5. Defining the combo selected handler


The following steps demonstrate how to add a combo to a custom toolbar.

  1. Reference the required scripts

    1. Include mandatory references

      jQuery, jQuery UI are mandatory. Also, reference the Infragistics Loader to easily reference the required resources:

      In HTML:

       <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
       <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
       <script type="text/javascript" src="infragistics.loader.js"></script>
    2. Use the Infragistics Loader to load igHtmlEditor files

      Define the loader to reference the required igHtmlEditor resources

      In JavaScript:

       <script type="text/javascript">
               scriptPath: "js",
               cssPath: "css",
               resources: "igHtmlEditor"
  2. Initialize igHtmlEditor

    The following code initializes the igHtmlEditor in the loader callback function:

    In JavaScript:

     <script type="text/javascript">
         $.ig.loader(function () {
                 width: "100%",
                 inputName: "htmlEditor"
  3. Define the custom toolbar

    Define the “codeView” custom toolbar which holds a combo box to switch between the design view and HTML view of the editor.

    In JavaScript:

     <script type="text/javascript">
         $.ig.loader(function () {
                 width: "100%",
                 inputName: "htmlEditor",
                 customToolbars: [
                     name: "codeView",
                     collapseButtonIcon: "ui-igbutton-collapse",
                     expandButtonIcon: "ui-igbutton-expand",
                     items: []
  4. Define the combo

    The following code defines a combo which switches between the design view and HTML view of the editor.

    Each custom combo must be defined in the items array of the custom toolbar.

    Here is the explanation of the options of the combo:

    • name – this option defines the name of the combo.
    • type – this option defines the kind of the toolbar item which we define. You should set it to “combo” in order to define the combo.
    • scope – this property defines the execution scope of the selected handler of the combo. Set it to this.
    • handler – this property defines the selected handler. Set it to the name of the function which handles the event.
    • props – this is a compound object property which defines most of the combo functionality. Here is the definition:

      <customDefinedIdentifier> : {            
          value: <valueToBePassedToTheActionHandler>,            
          action: "<predefinedActionHandler>"            


      • <customDefinedIdentifier> is a custom string literal which can be used for API manipulation.

      • <predefinedActionHandler> is the name of an internal function which sets anoption of the internal igCombo and can be one of these:

        • _comboDataSourceAction – accepts data source which can be a collection of objects with text/value properties. This function sets the igCombo.dataSource option.
        • _comboWidthAction – accepts a number for the width of the combo. This function sets the igCombo.width option.
        • _comboHeightAction – accepts a number for the height of the combo. This function sets the igCombo.height option.
        • _comboDropDownListWidth – accepts a number for the pixel width of the combo when it is in a drop-down state. This function sets the igCombo.dropDownWidth option.
        • _comboSelectedItem – accepts a value to be selected in the combo. This function sets the igCombo.selectedItems option.
      • <valueToBePassedToTheActionHandler> is the value (argument) passed to the action handler.

      In JavaScript:

      items: [{
          name: "toggleViewSource",
          type: "combo",
          handler: switchView,
          scope: this,
          props: {
          toggleViewSourceComboWidth: {
              value: 115,
              action: "_comboWidthAction"
          toggleViewSourceItemsListWidth: {
              value: 115,
              action: "_comboDropDownListWidth"
          toggleViewSourceDataSource: {
              value: [{text: "HTML View", value: "HTML View"}, {text: "Design View", value: "Design View"}],
              action: "_comboDataSourceAction"
          selectedToggleViewSourceItem: {
              value: "Design View",
              action: "_comboSelectedItem"

      In the example above, the toggleViewSourceComboWidth property sets the combo width to 115 pixels. The toggleViewSourceItemsListWidth property sets the combo drop-down list width to 115 pixels. The toggleViewSourceDataSource property sets the combo data source and selectedToggleViewSourceItem sets the combo’s selected item to “Design View”.

  5. Define the combo selected handler

    Define the selected handler of the combo. This function fires the click event of the button which toggles between design view and HTML view.

    In JavaScript:

     <script type="text/javascript">
         function switchView(el, obj) {
             //find the toggle viewsource button and simulate click
             //enable combo from the custom toolbar, because it's disabled when editor is in HTML view

Related Content


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The following samples provide additional information related to this topic.

  • Custom Toolbars and Buttons: This sample demonstrates how the HtmlEditor control works as an email client. This implementation features a custom toolbar where you can add a signature to the message.

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