
Abstract base class for the fill of a cell.


The current widget has no options.
The current widget has no events.
  • ig.excel.CellFill

    new $.ig.excel.CellFill( );

  • createLinearGradientFill

    .createLinearGradientFill( angle:number, stops:ig.excel.CellFillGradientStop[] );

    Creates a linear gradient that can be applied to a cell's fill.

    • angle
    • Type:number
    • The angle, in degrees, of the direction of the linear gradient, going clockwise from the left-to-right direction.
    • stops
    • Type:ig.excel.CellFillGradientStop[]
    • Two or more gradient stops which describe the color transitions and their positions within the gradient.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException stops contains less than two gradient stops. There must be at least two stops to define the gradient.
  • createLinearGradientFill

    .createLinearGradientFill( angle:number, colorInfo1:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo, colorInfo2:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo );

    Creates a linear gradient that can be applied to a cell's fill.

    • angle
    • Type:number
    • The angle, in degrees, of the direction of the linear gradient, going clockwise from the left-to-right direction.
    • colorInfo1
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • A WorkbookColorInfo which describes the color at the start of the gradient.
    • colorInfo2
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • A WorkbookColorInfo which describes the color at the end of the gradient.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException colorInfo1 or colorInfo2 is an automatic or a system color.
  • createLinearGradientFill

    .createLinearGradientFill( angle:number, color1:string, color2:string );

    Creates a linear gradient that can be applied to a cell's fill.

    • angle
    • Type:number
    • The angle, in degrees, of the direction of the linear gradient, going clockwise from the left-to-right direction.
    • color1
    • Type:string
    • The color at the start of the gradient.
    • color2
    • Type:string
    • The color at the end of the gradient.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException color1 or color2 are the empty or system colors or have a non-opaque alpha channel.
  • createPatternFill

    .createPatternFill( backgroundColorInfo:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo, patternColorInfo:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo, patternStyle:ig.excel.FillPatternStyle );

    Creates a solid color or pattern fill that can be applied to a cell.

    • backgroundColorInfo
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • A WorkbookColorInfo which describes the background color of the cell, which will only be seen if the patternStyle is not None.
    • patternColorInfo
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • A WorkbookColorInfo which describes the pattern color of the cell, which will only be seen if the patternStyle is not None or Solid.
    • patternStyle
    • Type:ig.excel.FillPatternStyle
    • The fill pattern for the cell.


    Exception Description
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException patternStyle is Default or not defined in the FillPatternStyle enumeration.


    backgroundColorInfo and patternColorInfo can be specified as null to use the default colors.

  • createPatternFill

    .createPatternFill( backgroundColor:string, patternColor:string, patternStyle:ig.excel.FillPatternStyle );

    Creates a solid color or pattern fill that can be applied to a cell.

    • backgroundColor
    • Type:string
    • The background color of the cell, which will only be seen if the patternStyle is not None.
    • patternColor
    • Type:string
    • The pattern color of the cell, which will only be seen if the patternStyle is not None or Solid.
    • patternStyle
    • Type:ig.excel.FillPatternStyle
    • The fill pattern for the cell.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException backgroundColor or patternColor are the empty color or have a non-opaque alpha channel.
    ig.excel.InvalidEnumArgumentException patternStyle is Default or not defined in the FillPatternStyle enumeration.
  • createRectangularGradientFill

    .createRectangularGradientFill( colorInfo1:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo, colorInfo2:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo );

    Creates a rectangular gradient that can be applied to a cell's fill.

    • colorInfo1
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • A WorkbookColorInfo which describes the color at the inner rectangle (cell center) of the gradient.
    • colorInfo2
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • A WorkbookColorInfo which describes the color at the outer rectangle (cell edges) of the gradient.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException colorInfo1 or colorInfo2 is an automatic or a system color.
  • createRectangularGradientFill

    .createRectangularGradientFill( left:number, top:number, right:number, bottom:number, stops:ig.excel.CellFillGradientStop[] );

    Creates a rectangular gradient that can be applied to a cell's fill.

    • left
    • Type:number
    • The left edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the left of the cell) to 1.0 (the right of the cell).
    • top
    • Type:number
    • The top edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the top of the cell) to 1.0 (the bottom of the cell).
    • right
    • Type:number
    • The right edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the left of the cell) to 1.0 (the right of the cell).
    • bottom
    • Type:number
    • The bottom edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the top of the cell) to 1.0 (the bottom of the cell).
    • stops
    • Type:ig.excel.CellFillGradientStop[]
    • Two or more gradient stops which describe the color transitions and their positions within the gradient.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentOutOfRangeException left, top, right, or bottom are less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0.
    ig.ArgumentException stops contains less than two gradient stops. There must be at least two stops to define the gradient.


    The rectangular gradient is defined by specifying an inner rectangle and a set of gradient stops. The gradient goes from the edges of the inner rectangle to the edges of the cell. If the inner rectangle does not have a height or width of 0, the color of the first gradient stop will be filled in the center of the inner rectangle.

    The inner rectangle is defined by the left, top, right, and bottom parameters. They are relative values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 and they go from the top/left to the bottom/right. So, for example, to specify a gradient that goes out from the center, all values would be 0.5. Or to specify a gradient which goes out from the bottom-left corner of the cell, the following values would be used: left = 0.0, top = 1.0, right = 0.0, bottom = 1.0.

  • createRectangularGradientFill

    .createRectangularGradientFill( left:number, top:number, right:number, bottom:number, colorInfo1:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo, colorInfo2:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo );

    Creates a rectangular gradient that can be applied to a cell's fill.

    • left
    • Type:number
    • The left edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the left of the cell) to 1.0 (the right of the cell).
    • top
    • Type:number
    • The top edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the top of the cell) to 1.0 (the bottom of the cell).
    • right
    • Type:number
    • The right edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the left of the cell) to 1.0 (the right of the cell).
    • bottom
    • Type:number
    • The bottom edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the top of the cell) to 1.0 (the bottom of the cell).
    • colorInfo1
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • A WorkbookColorInfo which describes the color at the inner rectangle of the gradient.
    • colorInfo2
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • A WorkbookColorInfo which describes the color at the outer rectangle (cell edges) of the gradient.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException colorInfo1 or colorInfo2 is an automatic or a system color.
    ig.ArgumentOutOfRangeException left, top, right, or bottom are less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0.


    The rectangular gradient is defined by specifying an inner rectangle and a set of gradient stops. The gradient goes from the edges of the inner rectangle to the edges of the cell. If the inner rectangle does not have a height or width of 0, the color of the first gradient stop will be filled in the center of the inner rectangle.

    The inner rectangle is defined by the left, top, right, and bottom parameters. They are relative values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 and they go from the top/left to the bottom/right. So, for example, to specify a gradient that goes out from the center, all values would be 0.5. Or to specify a gradient which goes out from the bottom-left corner of the cell, the following values would be used: left = 0.0, top = 1.0, right = 0.0, bottom = 1.0.

  • createRectangularGradientFill

    .createRectangularGradientFill( left:number, top:number, right:number, bottom:number, color1:string, color2:string );

    Creates a rectangular gradient that can be applied to a cell's fill.

    • left
    • Type:number
    • The left edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the left of the cell) to 1.0 (the right of the cell).
    • top
    • Type:number
    • The top edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the top of the cell) to 1.0 (the bottom of the cell).
    • right
    • Type:number
    • The right edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the left of the cell) to 1.0 (the right of the cell).
    • bottom
    • Type:number
    • The bottom edge of the inner rectangle of the gradient, ranging from 0.0 (the top of the cell) to 1.0 (the bottom of the cell).
    • color1
    • Type:string
    • The color at the inner rectangle of the gradient.
    • color2
    • Type:string
    • The color at the outer rectangle (cell edges) of the gradient.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentOutOfRangeException left, top, right, or bottom are less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0.
    ig.ArgumentException color1 or color2 are empty or system colors or have a non-opaque alpha channel.


    The rectangular gradient is defined by specifying an inner rectangle and a set of gradient stops. The gradient goes from the edges of the inner rectangle to the edges of the cell. If the inner rectangle does not have a height or width of 0, the color of the first gradient stop will be filled in the center of the inner rectangle.

    The inner rectangle is defined by the left, top, right, and bottom parameters. They are relative values ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 and they go from the top/left to the bottom/right. So, for example, to specify a gradient that goes out from the center, all values would be 0.5. Or to specify a gradient which goes out from the bottom-left corner of the cell, the following values would be used: left = 0.0, top = 1.0, right = 0.0, bottom = 1.0.

  • createRectangularGradientFill

    .createRectangularGradientFill( color1:string, color2:string );

    Creates a rectangular gradient that can be applied to a cell's fill.

    • color1
    • Type:string
    • The color at the inner rectangle (cell center) of the gradient.
    • color2
    • Type:string
    • The color at the outer rectangle (cell edges) of the gradient.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException color1 or color2 are empty or system colors or have a non-opaque alpha channel.
  • createSolidFill

    .createSolidFill( solidColorInfo:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo );

    Creates a solid color fill that can be applied to a cell.

    • solidColorInfo
    • Type:ig.excel.WorkbookColorInfo
    • A WorkbookColorInfo which describes the solid color of the fill.
  • createSolidFill

    .createSolidFill( solidColor:string );

    Creates a solid color fill that can be applied to a cell.

    • solidColor
    • Type:string
    • The solid color of the fill.


    Exception Description
    ig.ArgumentException solidColor is the empty color or has a non-opaque alpha channel.
  • noColor

    .noColor( );

    Gets the default cell fill, which is no background color.

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